show table status

  • MySQL 5.6 


    [LIKE 'pattern' | WHERE expr]

SHOW TABLE STATUS 的工作机制像 SHOW TABLES, 但是对于非 TEMPORARY table提供了更多的信息. 你也可以使用下面的命令来得到想要的内容: mysqlshow --status db_name .LIKE 这个关键字可以匹配你要想指定那个表, if present, indicates which table names to match. The WHERE clause can be given to select rows using more general conditions, as discussed inSection 20.32, “Extensions to SHOW Statements”.

This statement also displays information about views.


  • Name

    The name of the table.


  • Engine

    The storage engine for the table. See Chapter 14, Storage Engines.


  • Version

    The version number of the table's .frm file.

    .frm 文件的version版本号

  • Row_format

    The row-storage format (FixedDynamicCompressedRedundant,Compact). For MyISAM tables, (Dynamic corresponds to what myisamchk -dvv reports as Packed. The format of InnoDB tables is reported as Redundant or Compact. For the Barracuda file format of theInnoDB Plugin, the format may be Compressed or Dynamic.

    row-storage 格式有这样.(FixedDynamicCompressedRedundant,Compact)对于MyISAM这样的表(Dynamic 对应着((what myisamchk -dvv reports as Packed.Innodb)) 的表是Redundant 或者 Compact。对于InnoDB Plugin Barracuda 文件的,一般为Compressed 或者 Dynamic. 

  • Rows

    The number of rows. Some storage engines, such as MyISAM, store the exact count. For other storage engines, such as InnoDB, this value is an approximation, and may vary from the actual value by as much as 40 to 50%. In such cases, use SELECT COUNT(*) to obtain an accurate count.

    行数。一些存储引擎,例如MyISAM,会存储额外的个数。对于其他的存储引擎,例如InnoDB,这个值会是估算只,对于实际的数字会有40%-50%的范围估算。在这样的case中,通常使用SELECT COUNT(*)来增加准确度。

    The Rows value is NULL for tables in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA database.

    INFORMATION_SCHEMA 这样的数据库中,Rows 都为 NULL  

  • Avg_row_length


  • Data_length


  • Max_data_length

    数据文件最大值. 这个是是用bytes来统计表中数据的

  • Index_length


  • Data_free

    The number of allocated but unused bytes.


    This information is also shown for InnoDB tables (previously, it was in theComment value). InnoDB tables report the free space of the tablespace to which the table belongs. For a table located in the shared tablespace, this is the free space of the shared tablespace. If you are using multiple tablespaces and the table has its own tablespace, the free space is for only that table. Free space means the number of completely free 1MB extents minus a safety margin. Even if free space displays as 0, it may be possible to insert rows as long as new extents need not be allocated.

    For partitioned tables, this value is only an estimate and may not be absolutely correct. A more accurate method of obtaining this information in such cases is to query the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PARTITIONS table, as shown in this example:

        WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = 'mydb'
        AND   TABLE_NAME   = 'mytable';

    For more information, see Section 20.14, “The INFORMATION_SCHEMA PARTITIONS Table”.

  • Auto_increment

    The next AUTO_INCREMENT value.

  • Create_time

    When the table was created.

  • Update_time

    When the data file was last updated. For some storage engines, this value is NULL. For example, InnoDB stores multiple tables in its system tablespace and the data file timestamp does not apply. Even with file-per-table mode with each InnoDB table in a separate .ibd file, change buffering can delay the write to the data file, so the file modification time is different from the time of the last insert, update, or delete. For MyISAM, the data file timestamp is used; however, on Windows the timestamp is not updated by updates so the value is inaccurate.

  • Check_time

    When the table was last checked. Not all storage engines update this time, in which case the value is alwaysNULL.

  • Collation

    The table's character set and collation.

  • Checksum

    The live checksum value (if any).

  • Create_options

    Extra options used with CREATE TABLE. The original options supplied when CREATE TABLE is called are retained and the options reported here may differ from the active table settings and options.

  • Comment

    The comment used when creating the table (or information as to why MySQL could not access the table information).

For MEMORY tables, the Data_lengthMax_data_length, and Index_length values approximate the actual amount of allocated memory. The allocation algorithm reserves memory in large amounts to reduce the number of allocation operations.

For NDB tables, the output of this statement shows appropriate values for the Avg_row_length andData_length columns, with the exception that BLOB columns are not taken into account

For views, all the fields displayed by SHOW TABLE STATUS are NULL except that Name indicates the view name and Comment says view.

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