調參之learning rate

The learning rate is perhaps the most important hyperparameter. If you have time to tune only one hyperparameter, tune the learning rate.\hspace{20em} – Page 429, Deep Learning, 2016

  • a large learning rate allows the model to learn faster, at the cost of arriving on a sub-optimal final set of weights
  • a smaller learning rate may allow the model to learn a more optimal or even globally optimal set of weights but may take significantly longer to train
  • a learning rate that is too large will result in weight updates that will be too large and the performance of the model will oscillate over training epochs. Oscillating performance is said to be caused by weights that diverge\textcolor{green}{\text{\small diverge}} (are divergent\textcolor{green}{\text{\small divergent}})
  • a learning rate that is too small may never converge or may get stuck on a suboptimal solution
  • in the worst case, as large weights induce large gradients which then induce a large update to the weights, these updates consistently increase the size of the weights. In other words, weight updates that are too large may cause the weights to explode, i.e. resulting in a numerical overflow\textcolor{green}{\text{\small numerical overflow}}

Learning Rate三部曲

  1. Diagnose if the current training method encounters the issue of poor learning rate
  2. Run a sensitivity analysis to build intuition on how and how much the learning rate interacts with the current model and data
  3. Adjust the learning rate for better performance: fixed learning rate → learning rate decay → momentum → adaptive learning rate

Step 1: Diagnostic plots

An example of diagnostic plot is to create a line plot of loss over training epochs during training. It can be used to investigate how the learning rate impacts the rate of learning and learning dynamics of the model. Properties that can be identified from the line plot includes:

  • the rate of learning over training epochs, such as fast or slow
  • whether model has learned too quickly (sharp rise and plateau) or is learning too slowly (little or no change)
  • whether the learning rate might be too large, which can be identified via oscillations in loss

Detailed plots and discussions are shown in the sequel of the article.

Step 2: Sensitivity analysis

Sensitivity analysis of the learning rate, also called a grid search, helps to both highlight an order of magnitude where good learning rates may reside and describe the relationship between learning rate and performance

  • a typical grid search involves picking values approximately on a logarithmic scale, e.g. within the set {0.1,0.01,,105}\{0.1, 0.01, \ldots, 10^{−5}\}
  • when plotted, the results of a sensitivity analysis often show a “U” shape

Step 3: Learning rate configuration

fixed learning rate:

  • grid search the optimal learning rate
  • typical values for a neural network with standardized inputs (or inputs mapped to the (0,1) interval) are less than 1 and greater than 10610^{−6}.
  • a traditional default value for the learning rate is 0.1 or 0.01
  • smaller batch sizes give more noisy estimate of the gradient and thus are better suited to smaller learning rates

learning rate decay / learning rate schedule

Effect: help to converge the optimization process

Reason for its use: the SGD gradient estimator embeds a source of noise from batch sampling that does not vanish even when we arrive at a minimum

  • decay linearly until reaching a fixed minimum learning rate
  • decay exponentially
  • decrease the learning rate by a factor of two or an order of magnitude (2-10) each time validation error plateaus
  • initial_lrate * (1 / (1 + decay * iteration)) (often known as time-based learning schedule\textcolor{green}{\text{\small time-based learning schedule}})
  • the learning rate can be increased again if performance does not improve for a fixed number of training epochs


Effect: accelerate training


  • momentum does not make it easier to configure the learning rate, as the step size is independent of the momentum. Instead, momentum can speed up the optimization process in concert with the step size, improving the likelihood that a better set of weights is discovered in fewer training epochs
  • the method of momentum is designed to accelerate learning, especially in the face of steep curvature, small but consistent gradients (flat regions), or noisy gradients
  • common values of the momentum factor used in practice include 0.5, 0.9, and 0.99

adaptive learning rate

Effect: accelerate training, alleviate some of the pressure of choosing a learning rate and learning rate schedule


  • AdaGrad, RMSProp, and Adam are three adaptive learning rate methods that have proven to be robust over many types of neural network architectures and problem types. Perhaps the most popular is Adam, as it builds upon RMSProp and adds momentum.
  • a robust strategy may be to first evaluate the performance of a model with a modern version of stochastic gradient descent with adaptive learning rates, such as Adam, and use the result as a baseline. Then, if time permits, explore whether improvements can be achieved with a carefully selected learning rate or simpler learning rate schedule.

Dynamics of learning rate on model behaviour [5]

In the following plots, x-axis denotes the epoch number and y-axis denotes accuracy. Training accuracy is plotted in blue and test accuracy is plotted in orange.

fixed learning rate

Look out for α=0.001\alpha=0.001. Although its behaviour looks very similar to α=0.01,0.1\alpha=0.01,0.1, it may be subject to local optimum.


Using momemtum not only speeds up but also stablise training.
Caution:\textcolor{red}{\text{\small Caution:}} momentum may create its own oscillations [6]

time-based decay
decrease learning rate on plateau

The training accuracy converges at the end, which does not appear when using time-based decay or adaptive learning rate.

adaptive learning rate


  • The discovering of a sub-optimal solution or local optima is referred to as premature convergence\textcolor{green}{\text{\small premature convergence}}.

Practical issues

  • Internally, Keras applies the following learning rate schedule to adjust the learning rate after every batch update – it is a misconception that Keras updates the standard decay after every epoch. Keep this in mind when using the default learning rate scheduler supplied with Keras [4].
  • As a result of above, when using time-based learning schedule, the change to the learning rate is dependent on the batch size. For example, a default batch size of 32 across 500 examples results in 16 updates per epoch and a batch size of 64 results in 8 updates per epoch.

Acknowledgements: This article heavily builds on references [1,5].


  1. How to Configure the Learning Rate When Training Deep Learning Neural Networks
  2. Deep Learning, 2016
  3. Practical recommendations for gradient-based training of deep architectures, 2012
  4. Keras learning rate schedules and decay
  5. Understand the Impact of Learning Rate on Neural Network Performance
  6. Why Momentum Really Works
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