[翻譯]High Performance JavaScript(005)

第二章  Data Access  數據訪問

    One of the classic computer science problems is determining where data should be stored for optimal reading and writing. Where data is stored is related to how quickly it can be retrieved during code execution. This problem in JavaScript is somewhat simplified because of the small number of options for data storage. Similar to other languages, though, where data is stored can greatly affect how quickly it can be accessed later. There are four basic places from which data can be accessed in JavaScript:


Literal values  直接量
Any value that represents just itself and isn't stored in a particular location. JavaScript can represent strings, numbers, Booleans, objects, arrays, functions, regular expressions, and the special values null and undefined as literals.

直接量僅僅代表自己,而不存儲於特定位置。 JavaScript的直接量包括:字符串,數字,布爾值,對象,數組,函數,正則表達式,具有特殊意義的空值,以及未定義。

Variables  變量
Any developer-defined location for storing data created by using the var keyword.


Array items  數組項
A numerically indexed location within a JavaScript Array object.


Object members  對象成員
A string-indexed location within a JavaScript object.


    Each of these data storage locations has a particular cost associated with reading and writing operations involving the data. In most cases, the performance difference between accessing information from a literal value versus a local variable is trivial. Accessing information from array items and object members is more expensive, though exactly which is more expensive depends heavily on the browser. Figure 2-1 shows the relative speed of accessing 200,000 values from each of these four locations in various browsers.


    Older browsers using more traditional JavaScript engines, such as Firefox 3, Internet Explorer, and Safari 3.2, show a much larger amount of time taken to access values versus browsers that use optimizing JavaScript engines. The general trends, however, remain the same across all browsers: literal value and local variable access tend to be faster than array item and object member access. The one exception, Firefox 3, optimized array item access to be much faster. Even so, the general advice is to use literal values and local variables whenever possible and limit use of array items and object members where speed of execution is a concern. To that end, there are several patterns to look for, avoid, and optimize in your code.

    老一些的瀏覽器使用傳統的JavaScript引擎,如Firefox 3,Internet Explorer和Safari 3.2,它們比優化後的JavaScript引擎耗費太多時間。總的來說,直接量和局部變量的訪問速度要快於數組項和對象成員的訪問速度。只有一個例外,Firefox 3,優化過數組項訪問所以非常快。即使如此,一般的建議是,如果關心運行速度,那麼儘量使用直接量和局部變量,限制數組項和對象成員的使用。爲此,有幾種模式來查看、避免並優化你的代碼。


Figure 2-1. Time per 200,000 reads from various data locations

圖2-1   對不同數據類型進行200'000次讀操作所用的時間


Managing Scope  管理作用域


    The concept of scope is key to understanding JavaScript not just from a performance perspective, but also from a functional perspective. Scope has many effects in JavaScript, from determining what variables a function can access to assigning the value of this. There are also performance considerations when dealing with JavaScript scopes, but to understand how speed relates to scope, it's necessary to understand exactly how scope works.



Scope Chains and Identifier Resolution  作用域鏈和標識符解析

    Every function in JavaScript is represented as an object—more specifically, as an instance of Function. Function objects have properties just like any other object, and these include both the properties that you can access programmatically and a series of internal properties that are used by the JavaScript engine but are not accessible through code. One of these properties is [[Scope]], as defined by ECMA-262, Third Edition.



    The internal [[Scope]] property contains a collection of objects representing the scope in which the function was created. This collection is called the function's scope chain and it determines the data that a function can access. Each object in the function's scope chain is called a variable object, and each of these contains entries for variables in the form of key-value pairs. When a function is created, its scope chain is populated with objects representing the data that is accessible in the scope in which the function was created. For example, consider the following global function:


function add(num1, num2){
  var sum = num1 + num2;
  return sum;

    When the add() function is created, its scope chain is populated with a single variable object: the global object representing all of the variables that are globally defined. This global object contains entries for window, navigator, and document, to name a few. Figure 2-2 shows this relationship (note the global object in this figure shows only a few of the global variables as an example; there are many others).



Figure 2-2. Scope chain for the add() function

圖2-2  add()函數的作用域鏈


    The add function's scope chain is later used when the function is executed. Suppose that the following code is executed:

var total = add(5, 10);
    Executing the add function triggers the creation of an internal object called an execution context. An execution context defines the environment in which a function is being executed. Each execution context is unique to one particular execution of the function, and so multiple calls to the same function result in multiple execution contexts being created. The execution context is destroyed once the function has been completely executed.



    An execution context has its own scope chain that is used for identifier resolution. When the execution context is created, its scope chain is initialized with the objects contained in the executing function's [[Scope]] property. These values are copied over into the execution context scope chain in the order in which they appear in the function. Once this is complete, a new object called the activation object is created for the execution context. The activation object acts as the variable object for this execution and contains entries for all local variables, named arguments, the arguments collection, and this. This object is then pushed to the front of the scope chain. When the execution context is destroyed, so is the activation object. Figure 2-3 shows the execution context and its scope chain for the previous example code.



Figure 2-3. Scope chain while executing add()

圖2-3  運行add()時的作用域鏈

    Each time a variable is encountered during the function's execution, the process of identifier resolution takes place to determine where to retrieve or store the data. During this process, the execution context's scope chain is searched for an identifier with the same name. The search begins at the front of the scope chain, in the execution function's activation object. If found, the variable with the specified identifier is used; if not, the search continues on to the next object in the scope chain. This process continues until either the identifier is found or there are no more variable objects to search, in which case the identifier is deemed to be undefined. The same approach is taken for each identifier found during the function execution, so in the previous example, this would happen for sum, num1, and num2. It is this search process that affects performance.


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