[翻譯]High Performance JavaScript(013)

Conditionals  條件表達式


    Similar in nature to loops, conditionals determine how execution flows through JavaScript. The traditional argument of whether to use if-else statements or a switch statement applies to JavaScript just as it does to other languages. Since different browsers have implemented different flow control optimizations, it is not always clear which technique to use.



if-else Versus switch  if-else與switch比較


    The prevailing theory on using if-else versus switch is based on the number of conditions being tested: the larger the number of conditions, the more inclined you are to use a switch instead of if-else. This typically comes down to which code is easier to read. The argument is that if-else is easier to read when there are fewer conditions and switch is easier to read when the number of conditions is large. Consider the following:



if (found){
  //do something
} else {
  //do something else
  case true:
    //do something
    //do something else

    Though both pieces of code perform the same task, many would argue that the if-else statement is much easier to read than the switch. Increasing the number of conditions, however, usually reverses that opinion:



if (color == "red"){
  //do something
} else if (color == "blue"){
  //do something
} else if (color == "brown"){
  //do something
} else if (color == "black"){
  //do something
} else {
  //do something
switch (color){
  case "red":
    //do something
  case "blue":
    //do something
  case "brown":
    //do something
  case "black":
    //do something
    //do something


    Most would consider the switch statement in this code to be more readable than the if-else statement.



    As it turns out, the switch statement is faster in most cases when compared to if-else, but significantly faster only when the number of conditions is large. The primary difference in performance between the two is that the incremental cost of an additional condition is larger for if-else than it is for switch. Therefore, our natural inclination to use if-else for a small number of conditions and a switch statement for a larger number of conditions is exactly the right advice when considering performance.



    Generally speaking, if-else is best used when there are two discrete values or a few different ranges of values for which to test. When there are more than two discrete values for which to test, the switch statement is the most optimal choice.



Optimizing if-else  優化if-else


    When optimizing if-else, the goal is always to minimize the number of conditions to evaluate before taking the correct path. The easiest optimization is therefore to ensure that the most common conditions are first. Consider the following:



if (value < 5) {
  //do something
} else if (value > 5 && value < 10) {
  //do something
} else {
  //do something

    This code is optimal only if value is most frequently less than 5. If value is typically greater than or equal to 10, then two conditions must be evaluated each time before the correct path is taken, ultimately increasing the average amount of time spent in this statement. Conditions in an if-else should always be ordered from most likely to least likely to ensure the fastest possible execution time.



    Another approach to minimizing condition evaluations is to organize the if-else into a series of nested if-else statements. Using a single, large if-else typically leads to slower overall execution time as each additional condition is evaluated. For example:



if (value == 0){
  return result0;
} else if (value == 1){
  return result1;
} else if (value == 2){
  return result2;
} else if (value == 3){
  return result3;
} else if (value == 4){
  return result4;
} else if (value == 5){
  return result5;
} else if (value == 6){
  return result6;
} else if (value == 7){
  return result7;
} else if (value == 8){
  return result8;
} else if (value == 9){
  return result9;
} else {
  return result10;

    With this if-else statement, the maximum number of conditions to evaluate is 10. This slows down the average execution time if you assume that the possible values for value are evenly distributed between 0 and 10. To minimize the number of conditions to evaluate, the code can be rewritten into a series of nested if-else statements, such as:



if (value < 6){
  if (value < 3){
    if (value == 0){
      return result0;
    } else if (value == 1){
      return result1;
    } else {
      return result2;
  } else {
    if (value == 3){
      return result3;
    } else if (value == 4){
      return result4;
    } else {
      return result5;
} else {
  if (value < 8){
    if (value == 6){
      return result6;
    } else {
      return result7;
  } else {
    if (value == 8){
      return result8;
    } else if (value == 9){
      return result9;
    } else {
      return result10;

    The rewritten if-else statement has a maximum number of four condition evaluations each time through. This is achieved by applying a binary-search-like approach, splitting the possible values into a series of ranges to check and then drilling down further in that section. The average amount of time it takes to execute this code is roughly half of the time it takes to execute the previous if-else statement when the values are evenly distributed between 0 and 10. This approach is best when there are ranges of values for which to test (as opposed to discrete values, in which case a switch statement is typically more appropriate).



Lookup Tables  查表法


    Sometimes the best approach to conditionals is to avoid using if-else and switch altogether. When there are a large number of discrete values for which to test, both if-else and switch are significantly slower than using a lookup table. Lookup tables can be created using arrays or regular objects in JavaScript, and accessing data from a lookup table is much faster than using if-else or switch, especially when the number of conditions is large (see Figure 4-1).


Figure 4-1. Array item lookup versus using if-else or switch in Internet Explorer 7

圖4-1  Internet Explorer 7中數組查詢與if-else或switch的比較


    Lookup tables are not only very fast in comparison to if-else and switch, but they also help to make code more readable when there are a large number of discrete values for which to test. For example, switch statements start to get unwieldy when large, such as:



  case 0:
    return result0;
  case 1:
    return result1;
  case 2:
    return result2;
  case 3:
    return result3;
  case 4:
    return result4;
  case 5:
    return result5;
  case 6:
    return result6;
  case 7:
    return result7;
  case 8:
    return result8;
  case 9:
    return result9;
    return result10;

    The amount of space that this switch statement occupies in code is probably not proportional to its importance. The entire structure can be replaced by using an array as a lookup table:



//define the array of results
var results = [result0, result1, result2, result3, result4, result5, result6, result7, result8, result9, result10]
//return the correct result
return results[value];

    When using a lookup table, you have completely eliminated all condition evaluations. The operation becomes either an array item lookup or an object member lookup. This is a major advantage for lookup tables: since there are no conditions to evaluate, there is little or no additional overhead as the number of possible values increases.



    Lookup tables are most useful when there is logical mapping between a single key and a single value (as in the previous example). A switch statement is more appropriate when each key requires a unique action or set of actions to take place.



Recursion  遞歸


    Complex algorithms are typically made easier by using recursion. In fact, there are some traditional algorithms that presume recursion as the implementation, such as a function to return factorials:



function factorial(n){
  if (n == 0){
    return 1;
  } else {
    return n * factorial(n-1);

    The problem with recursive functions is that an ill-defined or missing terminal condition can lead to long execution times that freeze the user interface. Further, recursive functions are more likely to run into browser call stack size limits.



Call Stack Limits  調用棧限制


    The amount of recursion supported by JavaScript engines varies and is directly related to the size of the JavaScript call stack. With the exception of Internet Explorer, for which the call stack is related to available system memory, all other browsers have static call stack limits. The call stack size for the most recent browser versions is relatively high compared to older browsers (Safari 2, for instance, had a call stack size of 100). Figure 4-2 shows call stack sizes over the major browsers.

    JavaScript引擎所支持的遞歸數量與JavaScript調用棧大小直接相關。只有Internet Explorer例外,它的調用棧與可用系統內存相關,其他瀏覽器有固定的調用棧限制。大多數現代瀏覽器的調用棧尺寸比老式瀏覽器要大(例如Safari 2調用棧尺寸是100)。圖4-2顯示出主流瀏覽器的調用棧大小。

Figure 4-2. JavaScript call stack size in browsers

圖4-2  瀏覽器的JavaScript調用棧尺寸


    When you exceed the maximum call stack size by introducing too much recursion, the browser will error out with one of the following messages:



• Internet Explorer: “Stack overflow at line x”

• Firefox: “Too much recursion”

• Safari: “Maximum call stack size exceeded”

• Opera: “Abort (control stack overflow)”


    Chrome is the only browser that doesn't display a message to the user when the call stack size has been exceeded.



    Perhaps the most interesting part of stack overflow errors is that they are actual JavaScript errors in some browsers, and can therefore be trapped using a try-catch statement. The exception type varies based on the browser being used. In Firefox, it's an InternalError; in Safari and Chrome, it's a RangeError; and Internet Explorer throws a generic Error type. (Opera doesn't throw an error; it just stops the JavaScript engine.) This makes it possible to handle such errors right from JavaScript:

    關於調用棧溢出錯誤,最令人感興趣的部分大概是:在某些瀏覽器中,他們的確是JavaScript錯誤,可以用一個try-catch表達式捕獲。異常類型因瀏覽器而不同。在Firefox中,它是一個InternalError;在Safari和Chrome中,它是一個RangeError;在Internet Explorer中拋出一個一般性的Error類型。(Opera不拋出錯誤;它終止JavaScript引擎)。這使得我們能夠在JavaScript中正確處理這些錯誤:


try {
} catch (ex){
  alert("Too much recursion!");

    If left unhandled, these errors bubble up as any other error would (in Firefox, it ends up in the Firebug and error consoles; in Safari/Chrome it shows up in the JavaScript console), except in Internet Explorer. IE will not only display a JavaScript error, but will also display a dialog box that looks just like an alert with the stack overflow message.

    如果不管它,那麼這些錯誤將像其他錯誤一樣冒泡上傳(在Firefox中,它結束於Firebug和錯誤終端;在Safari/Chrome中它顯示在JavaScript終端上),只有Internet Explorer例外。IE不會顯示一個JavaScript錯誤,但是會彈出一個提示堆棧溢出信息的對話框。

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