
Republican and Democratic Senators: Charlottesville Violence Is Domestic Terrorism

(2017-08-13 from TIME)
(BEDMINISTER, N.J.) — President Donald Trump is blaming “many sides” for the violent clashes between white supremacists and counter-protesters in Virginia. His remarks have brought reactions from Republicans as well as Democrats.
A Republican senator from Colorado, Cory Gardner, tweeted “Mr. President - we must call evil by its name. These were white supremacists and this was domestic terrorism.”
Senator Ron Wyden, a Democrat from Oregon, posted on Twitter: “What happened in Charlottesville is domestic terrorism. The President’s words only serve to offer cover for heinous acts.”
Another Republican, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, wrote: “Nothing patriotic about #Nazis,the #KKK or #WhiteSupremacists It’s the direct opposite of what #America seeks to be.”
The father of Trump’s press secretary, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, posted that white supremacy is the “worst kind of racism-it’s EVIL and perversion of God’s truth to ever think our Creator values some above others.”
Trump condemned “this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides.”


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