Yahoo! UI Library 的介紹

1,Yahoo! UI Library 的介紹

1.1 簡介

Yahoo! User Interface Library(簡稱yui) 是一個使用Javascrīpt編寫的工具和控件庫。它利用DOM腳本,DHTML和AJAX來構造具有豐富交互功能的Web程序。yui也包含幾個核心的CSS文件。yui中的所有組件已經以開源的形式發佈,它們遵循BSD協議並且可以免費使用。可以從Sourceforge站點下載完整的項目文件,同時包含相關文檔和示例。

yui項目開發人員的BLOG:YUI Blog,交流社區:ydn-javascrīpt on Yahoo! Groups。


1、 下載yui



2、 在你的網頁中加入你需要的類庫文件


3、 如果有必要,在頁面中加入CSS文件


4、 瀏覽相關文檔和示例


1.2 組件介紹


Yui 工具包

Yui 工具包利用DOM腳本來簡化瀏覽器內的開發(in-browser devolvement),使用DHTML和AJAX的特性開發所有的Web程序。

動畫(Animation):在你的頁面中通過指定位置,大小,透明度或者頁面元素的其他特性來創建一個"電影效果(cinematic effects)"。這些效果將在你的頁面發生變化的時候給用戶更好的體驗。

連接管理(Connection Manager):這個工具包幫助你管理XMLHttpRequest(一般被稱爲AJAX)事務,它提供對錶單提交(form posts),錯誤捕獲(error handling)和callbacks的全面支持。該工具包也支持文件的上傳管理。


拖放(Drag and Drop):創建可拖放的對象。爲了提供豐富的交互功能(比如拖動一個對象到目標位置)你可能需要編寫很多代碼。這個工具包可以在所有支持的瀏覽器中捕獲所有的操作事務並保證其穩定地運行。





自動完成(AutoComplete)控件:自動完成控件爲文本輸入提供一種漸進式的用戶體驗(streamline user interactions)。控件會提供相似項列表和基於多樣化的數據格式的提前鍵入功能(type-ahead functionality based on a variety of data-source formats),並且可以通過XMLHttpRequest訪問服務端的數據。


容器(Container)控件:一組模仿windows樣式的控件,他們包括Tooltip, Panel, Dialog 和 SimpleDialog。其中Module 和 Overlay控件提供一個可擴展的平臺,你可以控制自定義的模仿windows樣式的控件。

日誌(Logger)控件:提供一個快速和簡單的記錄日誌的方式,它直接將日誌信息輸出到屏幕控制檯(on-screen console)、Firefox的擴展組件FireBug,或者Safari的Javascrīpt控制檯。yui的Debug組件將完整的記錄輸出信息和調試信息。

菜單(Menu)控件:利用此控件只需要幾行簡單的代碼就可以設計一個動態樣式的菜單。可以完全使用javascrīpt構造一個菜單,can be layered on top of semantic unordered lists。



第三章 yui的CSS資源

爲了讓CSS能符合不同等級的瀏覽器(A-Grade browsers)的標準,我們想了很多。我們把這些作爲yui類庫的一部分共享出來,希望能在這裏得到促進,獲得一個簡潔的,可維護並在瀏覽器中表現優秀的設計。

頁面網格樣式(CSS Page Grids):7個基本的用css組織子組件的頁面框架,支持130種不通的頁面佈局。

標準的CSS字體(Standard CSS Fonts):標準的跨瀏覽器字體樣式和大小展現。

標準的CSS排列(Standard CSS Reset):使用這些CSS聲明來排除頁面的空白部分並且公共元素的樣式兼容各種瀏覽器的展現。

YUI version 0.12.0 更新,增加了 TabView控件,以及API的文檔以及所有例子也都做了調整

YUI version 0.12.0: TabView Control, Improved API Documentation, and More
November 13, 2006 at 6:35 pm by Eric Miraglia | In Development | 16 Comments
Today we released version 0.12 of the YUI Library. Here are the highlights:

The TabView Control: Written by YUI Animation and Dom author Matt Sweeney, this dynamic tab solution is the newest YUI addition and features robust support both for progressive enhancement and for high-gloss richness. Check out Matt's roster of TabView examples for an idea of what the new control can do; view source on the examples to see how they're implemented.
Improved Documentation: YUI developer Adam Moore (Event, Drag & Drop, Slider, TreeView) has created a new tool for generating API documentation, allowing us to generate unified, crosslinked API docs with an integral AutoComplete-powered search control. The new API documents provide developers with a clearer picture of class structures and provide separate categorization for properties and configuration options. You may never go back to Cheat Sheets again...
...But in Case You Still Like Cheat Sheets: Cheat Sheets are updated for version 0.12 and include new sheets for TabView and for Nate Koechley's CSS Reset, Fonts and Grids foundation. You can download all the YUI Cheat Sheets from the YUI Library website.
Speaking of CSS Grids: Nate has rev'd the Grids package with baked-in support for 750px, 950px, and full-viewport ("liquid") layouts. Grids 0.12 triples the number of supported layouts and still weights in under 3KB before gzipping. We've built the YUI website on the Reset/Fonts/Grids foundation now and we're making use use of the new full-viewport support.
Improvements Throughout the Library: There are enhancements to be found throughout the library, from Event's new onContentReady method to a significantly improved Calendar Control with a simplified interface for creating multi-month calendar displays (if you're upgrading from a previous version of Calendar, check out the step-by-step upgrade guide). For a full list of changes, see the release notes documentation that accompanies the distribution.
We'll follow up with more information on some of these topics later in the week. For now, please make your way to SourceForge to download the latest YUI distribution; see the release notes in the distribution for a full manifest of changes throughout the library. As always, the YUI site on the Yahoo! Developer Network has all the latest documentation.

posted on 2006-12-21 16:12 PeterChan 閱讀(391) 評論(0)  編輯  收藏 所屬分類: Ajax


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