





①int main()->encode(),调了cTAppEncTop类里的encode()函数

②encode()->encode,调用了处理one frame 的函数m_cTEncTop.encode()

③encode->compressGOPencode里获取源图片,计算image characteristics,最后调用编码GOPm_cGOPEncoder.compressGOP()






⑦xCheckRDCostInter -> predInterSearch -> xEstimateMvPredAMVP->fillMvpCand,这个建立是AMVP模式下的候选列表





如果当前SliceB slice,还需要填充另一个mvlist1中。其他块的处理方式与左块无异,就是要注意一下:B1A1mv相同,B1不用;B1B0相同,B0不用。A0mv不同于A1时,A0才可用。B2mv不同于A1B1时,B2才可用。


Void TComDataCU::getInterMergeCandidates( UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiPUIdx, TComMvField* pcMvFieldNeighbours, UChar* puhInterDirNeighbours, Int& numValidMergeCand, Int mrgCandIdx )
  UInt uiAbsPartAddr = m_uiAbsIdxInLCU + uiAbsPartIdx;//当前PU地址
  Bool abCandIsInter[ MRG_MAX_NUM_CANDS ];//Merge最大候选数量为5
  for( UInt ui = 0; ui < getSlice()->getMaxNumMergeCand(); ++ui )//MaxNumMergeCand = 5
    abCandIsInter[ui] = false;
    pcMvFieldNeighbours[ ( ui << 1 )     ].setRefIdx(NOT_VALID);
    pcMvFieldNeighbours[ ( ui << 1 ) + 1 ].setRefIdx(NOT_VALID);
  numValidMergeCand = getSlice()->getMaxNumMergeCand();//可用候选数量
  //   compute the location of the current PU
  Int xP, yP, nPSW, nPSH;
  this->getPartPosition(uiPUIdx, xP, yP, nPSW, nPSH);//获得当前PU的位置和大小

  Int iCount = 0;//!< 统计merge candidate的个数

  UInt uiPartIdxLT, uiPartIdxRT, uiPartIdxLB;//!<分别标识左上、右上、左下
  PartSize cCurPS = getPartitionSize( uiAbsPartIdx );//!<CU的分割模式
  deriveLeftRightTopIdxGeneral( uiAbsPartIdx, uiPUIdx, uiPartIdxLT, uiPartIdxRT );
  deriveLeftBottomIdxGeneral  ( uiAbsPartIdx, uiPUIdx, uiPartIdxLB );
  UInt uiLeftPartIdx = 0;
  TComDataCU* pcCULeft = 0;
  pcCULeft = getPULeft( uiLeftPartIdx, uiPartIdxLB );//左
  Bool isAvailableA1 = pcCULeft &&//A1是否可用
  pcCULeft->isDiffMER(xP -1, yP+nPSH-1, xP, yP) &&//!<MER当前PU与其相邻PU不在同一个ME区域
  !( uiPUIdx == 1 && (cCurPS == SIZE_Nx2N || cCurPS == SIZE_nLx2N || cCurPS == SIZE_nRx2N) ) &&//划分方式不为左右划分时的第二块
  !pcCULeft->isIntra( uiLeftPartIdx ) ;//不是帧内预测
  if ( isAvailableA1 )//!<A1可用
    abCandIsInter[iCount] = true;//A1的标志位改为可用
    // get Inter Dir帧间方向
    puhInterDirNeighbours[iCount] = pcCULeft->getInterDir( uiLeftPartIdx );//!<inter dir分L0,L1,Bi
    // get Mv from Left,将pcCULeft的MV存放到pcMvFieldNeighbours中
    pcCULeft->getMvField( pcCULeft, uiLeftPartIdx, REF_PIC_LIST_0, pcMvFieldNeighbours[iCount<<1] );
    if ( getSlice()->isInterB() )//B slice 存在两个mv,再存一个
      pcCULeft->getMvField( pcCULeft, uiLeftPartIdx, REF_PIC_LIST_1, pcMvFieldNeighbours[(iCount<<1)+1] );
    if ( mrgCandIdx == iCount )//候选数量如果等于mrgCandIdx就返回
    iCount ++;
  // early termination
  if (iCount == getSlice()->getMaxNumMergeCand()) 
  // above与上面处理A1的方式类似
  UInt uiAbovePartIdx = 0;//同上一个,上方块的idx
  TComDataCU* pcCUAbove = 0;//
  pcCUAbove = getPUAbove( uiAbovePartIdx, uiPartIdxRT );//上方CU的地址
  Bool isAvailableB1 = pcCUAbove &&//上方CU存在
  pcCUAbove->isDiffMER(xP+nPSW-1, yP-1, xP, yP) &&//上放与当前在同一个ME块中
  !( uiPUIdx == 1 && (cCurPS == SIZE_2NxN || cCurPS == SIZE_2NxnU || cCurPS == SIZE_2NxnD) ) &&//当前PU不是上下分割模式的第二个
  !pcCUAbove->isIntra( uiAbovePartIdx );//不是帧内
  if ( isAvailableB1 && (!isAvailableA1 || !pcCULeft->hasEqualMotion( uiLeftPartIdx, pcCUAbove, uiAbovePartIdx ) ) )//B1可用且A1存在时mv不同于A1
    abCandIsInter[iCount] = true;
    // get Inter Dir
    puhInterDirNeighbours[iCount] = pcCUAbove->getInterDir( uiAbovePartIdx );
    // get Mv from Left
    pcCUAbove->getMvField( pcCUAbove, uiAbovePartIdx, REF_PIC_LIST_0, pcMvFieldNeighbours[iCount<<1] );
    if ( getSlice()->isInterB() )
      pcCUAbove->getMvField( pcCUAbove, uiAbovePartIdx, REF_PIC_LIST_1, pcMvFieldNeighbours[(iCount<<1)+1] );
    if ( mrgCandIdx == iCount )
    iCount ++;
  // early termination
  if (iCount == getSlice()->getMaxNumMergeCand()) 

  // above right类似,一下不做说明
  UInt uiAboveRightPartIdx = 0;
  TComDataCU* pcCUAboveRight = 0;
  pcCUAboveRight = getPUAboveRight( uiAboveRightPartIdx, uiPartIdxRT );
  Bool isAvailableB0 = pcCUAboveRight &&
  pcCUAboveRight->isDiffMER(xP+nPSW, yP-1, xP, yP) &&
  !pcCUAboveRight->isIntra( uiAboveRightPartIdx );
  if ( isAvailableB0 && ( !isAvailableB1 || !pcCUAbove->hasEqualMotion( uiAbovePartIdx, pcCUAboveRight, uiAboveRightPartIdx ) ) )//B1可用且B1不同于B0
    abCandIsInter[iCount] = true;
    // get Inter Dir
    puhInterDirNeighbours[iCount] = pcCUAboveRight->getInterDir( uiAboveRightPartIdx );
    // get Mv from Left
    pcCUAboveRight->getMvField( pcCUAboveRight, uiAboveRightPartIdx, REF_PIC_LIST_0, pcMvFieldNeighbours[iCount<<1] );
    if ( getSlice()->isInterB() )
      pcCUAboveRight->getMvField( pcCUAboveRight, uiAboveRightPartIdx, REF_PIC_LIST_1, pcMvFieldNeighbours[(iCount<<1)+1] );
    if ( mrgCandIdx == iCount )
    iCount ++;
  // early termination
  if (iCount == getSlice()->getMaxNumMergeCand()) 

  //left bottom左下
  UInt uiLeftBottomPartIdx = 0;
  TComDataCU* pcCULeftBottom = 0;
  pcCULeftBottom = this->getPUBelowLeft( uiLeftBottomPartIdx, uiPartIdxLB );
  Bool isAvailableA0 = pcCULeftBottom &&
  pcCULeftBottom->isDiffMER(xP-1, yP+nPSH, xP, yP) &&
  !pcCULeftBottom->isIntra( uiLeftBottomPartIdx ) ;
  if ( isAvailableA0 && ( !isAvailableA1 || !pcCULeft->hasEqualMotion( uiLeftPartIdx, pcCULeftBottom, uiLeftBottomPartIdx ) ) )//!<A0可用且MV不同于A1
    abCandIsInter[iCount] = true;
    // get Inter Dir
    puhInterDirNeighbours[iCount] = pcCULeftBottom->getInterDir( uiLeftBottomPartIdx );
    // get Mv from Left
    pcCULeftBottom->getMvField( pcCULeftBottom, uiLeftBottomPartIdx, REF_PIC_LIST_0, pcMvFieldNeighbours[iCount<<1] );
    if ( getSlice()->isInterB() )
      pcCULeftBottom->getMvField( pcCULeftBottom, uiLeftBottomPartIdx, REF_PIC_LIST_1, pcMvFieldNeighbours[(iCount<<1)+1] );
    if ( mrgCandIdx == iCount )
    iCount ++;
  // early termination
  if (iCount == getSlice()->getMaxNumMergeCand()) 
  // above left 
  if( iCount < 4 )
    UInt uiAboveLeftPartIdx = 0;
    TComDataCU* pcCUAboveLeft = 0;
    pcCUAboveLeft = getPUAboveLeft( uiAboveLeftPartIdx, uiAbsPartAddr );
    Bool isAvailableB2 = pcCUAboveLeft &&
    pcCUAboveLeft->isDiffMER(xP-1, yP-1, xP, yP) &&
    !pcCUAboveLeft->isIntra( uiAboveLeftPartIdx );
    if ( isAvailableB2 && ( !isAvailableA1 || !pcCULeft->hasEqualMotion( uiLeftPartIdx, pcCUAboveLeft, uiAboveLeftPartIdx ) )//B2与B1、A1的mv做比较
        && ( !isAvailableB1 || !pcCUAbove->hasEqualMotion( uiAbovePartIdx, pcCUAboveLeft, uiAboveLeftPartIdx ) ) )
      abCandIsInter[iCount] = true;
      // get Inter Dir
      puhInterDirNeighbours[iCount] = pcCUAboveLeft->getInterDir( uiAboveLeftPartIdx );
      // get Mv from Left
      pcCUAboveLeft->getMvField( pcCUAboveLeft, uiAboveLeftPartIdx, REF_PIC_LIST_0, pcMvFieldNeighbours[iCount<<1] );
      if ( getSlice()->isInterB() )
        pcCUAboveLeft->getMvField( pcCUAboveLeft, uiAboveLeftPartIdx, REF_PIC_LIST_1, pcMvFieldNeighbours[(iCount<<1)+1] );
      if ( mrgCandIdx == iCount )
      iCount ++;
  // early termination
  if (iCount == getSlice()->getMaxNumMergeCand()) //可用的merge candidates达到最大值,返回
  if ( getSlice()->getEnableTMVPFlag())//default is 1
    //>> MTK colocated-RightBottom
    UInt uiPartIdxRB;
    Int uiLCUIdx = getAddr();

    deriveRightBottomIdx( uiPUIdx, uiPartIdxRB );  //获取

    UInt uiAbsPartIdxTmp = g_auiZscanToRaster[uiPartIdxRB];//转换扫描顺序
    UInt uiNumPartInCUWidth = m_pcPic->getNumPartInWidth();//CU的宽度

    TComMv cColMv;
    Int iRefIdx;

    if      ( ( m_pcPic->getCU(m_uiCUAddr)->getCUPelX() + g_auiRasterToPelX[uiAbsPartIdxTmp] + m_pcPic->getMinCUWidth() ) >= m_pcSlice->getSPS()->getPicWidthInLumaSamples() )  // image boundary check
      uiLCUIdx = -1;
    else if ( ( m_pcPic->getCU(m_uiCUAddr)->getCUPelY() + g_auiRasterToPelY[uiAbsPartIdxTmp] + m_pcPic->getMinCUHeight() ) >= m_pcSlice->getSPS()->getPicHeightInLumaSamples() )
      uiLCUIdx = -1;
      if ( ( uiAbsPartIdxTmp % uiNumPartInCUWidth < uiNumPartInCUWidth - 1 ) &&           // is not at the last column of LCU 
        ( uiAbsPartIdxTmp / uiNumPartInCUWidth < m_pcPic->getNumPartInHeight() - 1 ) ) // is not at the last row    of LCU
        uiAbsPartAddr = g_auiRasterToZscan[ uiAbsPartIdxTmp + uiNumPartInCUWidth + 1 ];
        uiLCUIdx = getAddr();//与当前pu属于相同cu
      else if ( uiAbsPartIdxTmp % uiNumPartInCUWidth < uiNumPartInCUWidth - 1 )           // is not at the last column of LCU But is last row of LCU
        uiAbsPartAddr = g_auiRasterToZscan[ (uiAbsPartIdxTmp + uiNumPartInCUWidth + 1) % m_pcPic->getNumPartInCU() ];
        uiLCUIdx = -1 ; 
      else if ( uiAbsPartIdxTmp / uiNumPartInCUWidth < m_pcPic->getNumPartInHeight() - 1 ) // is not at the last row of LCU But is last column of LCU
        uiAbsPartAddr = g_auiRasterToZscan[ uiAbsPartIdxTmp + 1 ];
        uiLCUIdx = getAddr() + 1;
      else //is the right bottom corner of LCU                       
        uiAbsPartAddr = 0;
        uiLCUIdx = -1 ; 
    iRefIdx = 0;
    Bool bExistMV = false;
    UInt uiPartIdxCenter;
    UInt uiCurLCUIdx = getAddr();
    Int dir = 0;
    UInt uiArrayAddr = iCount;
    xDeriveCenterIdx( uiPUIdx, uiPartIdxCenter );//!<根据uiPUIdx计算PU的中心地址uiPartIdxCenter
    bExistMV = uiLCUIdx >= 0 && xGetColMVP( REF_PIC_LIST_0, uiLCUIdx, uiAbsPartAddr, cColMv, iRefIdx );
    if( bExistMV == false )//右下角MV不存在
      bExistMV = xGetColMVP( REF_PIC_LIST_0, uiCurLCUIdx, uiPartIdxCenter, cColMv, iRefIdx );
    if( bExistMV )
      dir |= 1;
      pcMvFieldNeighbours[ 2 * uiArrayAddr ].setMvField( cColMv, iRefIdx );
    //B slice有两个mv,还得再填一个
    if ( getSlice()->isInterB() )
      bExistMV = uiLCUIdx >= 0 && xGetColMVP( REF_PIC_LIST_1, uiLCUIdx, uiAbsPartAddr, cColMv, iRefIdx);
      if( bExistMV == false )
        bExistMV = xGetColMVP( REF_PIC_LIST_1, uiCurLCUIdx, uiPartIdxCenter, cColMv, iRefIdx );
      if( bExistMV )
        dir |= 2;
        pcMvFieldNeighbours[ 2 * uiArrayAddr + 1 ].setMvField( cColMv, iRefIdx );
    if (dir != 0)
      puhInterDirNeighbours[uiArrayAddr] = dir;
      abCandIsInter[uiArrayAddr] = true;

      if ( mrgCandIdx == iCount )
  // early termination
  if (iCount == getSlice()->getMaxNumMergeCand()) 
  UInt uiArrayAddr = iCount;
  UInt uiCutoff = uiArrayAddr;
  //B slice 要建立组合列表
  if ( getSlice()->isInterB())
    UInt uiPriorityList0[12] = {0 , 1, 0, 2, 1, 2, 0, 3, 1, 3, 2, 3};
    UInt uiPriorityList1[12] = {1 , 0, 2, 0, 2, 1, 3, 0, 3, 1, 3, 2};

    for (Int idx=0; idx<uiCutoff*(uiCutoff-1) && uiArrayAddr!= getSlice()->getMaxNumMergeCand(); idx++)
      Int i = uiPriorityList0[idx]; Int j = uiPriorityList1[idx];
      if (abCandIsInter[i] && abCandIsInter[j]&& (puhInterDirNeighbours[i]&0x1)&&(puhInterDirNeighbours[j]&0x2))
        abCandIsInter[uiArrayAddr] = true;
        puhInterDirNeighbours[uiArrayAddr] = 3;

        // get Mv from cand[i] and cand[j]
        pcMvFieldNeighbours[uiArrayAddr << 1].setMvField(pcMvFieldNeighbours[i<<1].getMv(), pcMvFieldNeighbours[i<<1].getRefIdx());
        pcMvFieldNeighbours[( uiArrayAddr << 1 ) + 1].setMvField(pcMvFieldNeighbours[(j<<1)+1].getMv(), pcMvFieldNeighbours[(j<<1)+1].getRefIdx());

        Int iRefPOCL0 = m_pcSlice->getRefPOC( REF_PIC_LIST_0, pcMvFieldNeighbours[(uiArrayAddr<<1)].getRefIdx() );
        Int iRefPOCL1 = m_pcSlice->getRefPOC( REF_PIC_LIST_1, pcMvFieldNeighbours[(uiArrayAddr<<1)+1].getRefIdx() );
        if (iRefPOCL0 == iRefPOCL1 && pcMvFieldNeighbours[(uiArrayAddr<<1)].getMv() == pcMvFieldNeighbours[(uiArrayAddr<<1)+1].getMv())
          abCandIsInter[uiArrayAddr] = false;
  // early termination
  if (uiArrayAddr == getSlice()->getMaxNumMergeCand()) 
  Int iNumRefIdx = (getSlice()->isInterB()) ?min(m_pcSlice->getNumRefIdx(REF_PIC_LIST_0), m_pcSlice->getNumRefIdx(REF_PIC_LIST_1)) : m_pcSlice->getNumRefIdx(REF_PIC_LIST_0);
  Int r = 0;
  Int refcnt = 0;
  while (uiArrayAddr < getSlice()->getMaxNumMergeCand())
    abCandIsInter[uiArrayAddr] = true;
    puhInterDirNeighbours[uiArrayAddr] = 1;
    pcMvFieldNeighbours[uiArrayAddr << 1].setMvField( TComMv(0, 0), r);

    if ( getSlice()->isInterB() )
      puhInterDirNeighbours[uiArrayAddr] = 3;
      pcMvFieldNeighbours[(uiArrayAddr << 1) + 1].setMvField(TComMv(0, 0), r);//!<设置为零运动矢量
    if ( refcnt == iNumRefIdx - 1 )//!<达到参考帧列表的参考帧数
      r = 0;

  numValidMergeCand = uiArrayAddr;



Void TComDataCU::fillMvpCand ( UInt uiPartIdx, UInt uiPartAddr, RefPicList eRefPicList, Int iRefIdx, AMVPInfo* pInfo )
  TComMv cMvPred;
  Bool bAddedSmvp = false;

  pInfo->iN = 0;  
  if (iRefIdx < 0)
  //-- Get Spatial MV
  UInt uiPartIdxLT, uiPartIdxRT, uiPartIdxLB;
  UInt uiNumPartInCUWidth = m_pcPic->getNumPartInWidth();
  Bool bAdded = false;
  deriveLeftRightTopIdx( uiPartIdx, uiPartIdxLT, uiPartIdxRT );
  deriveLeftBottomIdx( uiPartIdx, uiPartIdxLB );
  TComDataCU* tmpCU = NULL;
  UInt idx;
  tmpCU = getPUBelowLeft(idx, uiPartIdxLB);
  bAddedSmvp = (tmpCU != NULL) && (tmpCU->getPredictionMode(idx) != MODE_INTRA);

  if (!bAddedSmvp)
    tmpCU = getPULeft(idx, uiPartIdxLB);
    bAddedSmvp = (tmpCU != NULL) && (tmpCU->getPredictionMode(idx) != MODE_INTRA);

  // Left predictor search
  bAdded = xAddMVPCand( pInfo, eRefPicList, iRefIdx, uiPartIdxLB, MD_BELOW_LEFT);
  if (!bAdded)//左下不行就换左 
    bAdded = xAddMVPCand( pInfo, eRefPicList, iRefIdx, uiPartIdxLB, MD_LEFT );
    bAdded = xAddMVPCandOrder( pInfo, eRefPicList, iRefIdx, uiPartIdxLB, MD_BELOW_LEFT);
    if (!bAdded) 
      bAdded = xAddMVPCandOrder( pInfo, eRefPicList, iRefIdx, uiPartIdxLB, MD_LEFT );
  // Above predictor search
  bAdded = xAddMVPCand( pInfo, eRefPicList, iRefIdx, uiPartIdxRT, MD_ABOVE_RIGHT);

  if (!bAdded)//同样,右上不行就换右 
    bAdded = xAddMVPCand( pInfo, eRefPicList, iRefIdx, uiPartIdxRT, MD_ABOVE);

    bAdded = xAddMVPCand( pInfo, eRefPicList, iRefIdx, uiPartIdxLT, MD_ABOVE_LEFT);
  bAdded = bAddedSmvp;
  if (pInfo->iN==2) bAdded = true;

    bAdded = xAddMVPCandOrder( pInfo, eRefPicList, iRefIdx, uiPartIdxRT, MD_ABOVE_RIGHT);
    if (!bAdded) 
      bAdded = xAddMVPCandOrder( pInfo, eRefPicList, iRefIdx, uiPartIdxRT, MD_ABOVE);

      bAdded = xAddMVPCandOrder( pInfo, eRefPicList, iRefIdx, uiPartIdxLT, MD_ABOVE_LEFT);
  if ( pInfo->iN == 2 )
    if ( pInfo->m_acMvCand[ 0 ] == pInfo->m_acMvCand[ 1 ] )
      pInfo->iN = 1;
  if ( getSlice()->getEnableTMVPFlag() )
    // Get Temporal Motion Predictor
    Int iRefIdx_Col = iRefIdx;
    TComMv cColMv;
    UInt uiPartIdxRB;
    UInt uiAbsPartIdx;  
    UInt uiAbsPartAddr;
    Int uiLCUIdx = getAddr();

    deriveRightBottomIdx( uiPartIdx, uiPartIdxRB );
    uiAbsPartAddr = m_uiAbsIdxInLCU + uiPartAddr;

    //----  co-located RightBottom Temporal Predictor (H) ---//
    uiAbsPartIdx = g_auiZscanToRaster[uiPartIdxRB];
    if ( ( m_pcPic->getCU(m_uiCUAddr)->getCUPelX() + g_auiRasterToPelX[uiAbsPartIdx] + m_pcPic->getMinCUWidth() ) >= m_pcSlice->getSPS()->getPicWidthInLumaSamples() )  // image boundary check
      uiLCUIdx = -1;
    else if ( ( m_pcPic->getCU(m_uiCUAddr)->getCUPelY() + g_auiRasterToPelY[uiAbsPartIdx] + m_pcPic->getMinCUHeight() ) >= m_pcSlice->getSPS()->getPicHeightInLumaSamples() )
      uiLCUIdx = -1;
      if ( ( uiAbsPartIdx % uiNumPartInCUWidth < uiNumPartInCUWidth - 1 ) &&           // is not at the last column of LCU 
        ( uiAbsPartIdx / uiNumPartInCUWidth < m_pcPic->getNumPartInHeight() - 1 ) ) // is not at the last row    of LCU
        uiAbsPartAddr = g_auiRasterToZscan[ uiAbsPartIdx + uiNumPartInCUWidth + 1 ];
        uiLCUIdx = getAddr();
      else if ( uiAbsPartIdx % uiNumPartInCUWidth < uiNumPartInCUWidth - 1 )           // is not at the last column of LCU But is last row of LCU
        uiAbsPartAddr = g_auiRasterToZscan[ (uiAbsPartIdx + uiNumPartInCUWidth + 1) % m_pcPic->getNumPartInCU() ];
        uiLCUIdx      = -1 ; 
      else if ( uiAbsPartIdx / uiNumPartInCUWidth < m_pcPic->getNumPartInHeight() - 1 ) // is not at the last row of LCU But is last column of LCU
        uiAbsPartAddr = g_auiRasterToZscan[ uiAbsPartIdx + 1 ];
        uiLCUIdx = getAddr() + 1;
      else //is the right bottom corner of LCU                       
        uiAbsPartAddr = 0;
        uiLCUIdx      = -1 ; 
    if ( uiLCUIdx >= 0 && xGetColMVP( eRefPicList, uiLCUIdx, uiAbsPartAddr, cColMv, iRefIdx_Col ) )
      pInfo->m_acMvCand[pInfo->iN++] = cColMv;
      UInt uiPartIdxCenter;
      UInt uiCurLCUIdx = getAddr();
      xDeriveCenterIdx( uiPartIdx, uiPartIdxCenter );
      if (xGetColMVP( eRefPicList, uiCurLCUIdx, uiPartIdxCenter,  cColMv, iRefIdx_Col ))
        pInfo->m_acMvCand[pInfo->iN++] = cColMv;
    //----  co-located RightBottom Temporal Predictor  ---//

  if (pInfo->iN > AMVP_MAX_NUM_CANDS)
    pInfo->iN = AMVP_MAX_NUM_CANDS;
  while (pInfo->iN < AMVP_MAX_NUM_CANDS)
  return ;

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