09-3. Hashing - Hard Version


Given a hash table of size N, we can define a hash function H(x) = x%N. Suppose that the linear probing is used to solve collisions, we can easily obtain the status of the hash table with a given sequence of input numbers.

However, now you are asked to solve the reversed problem: reconstruct the input sequence from the given status of the hash table. Whenever there are multiple choices, the smallest number is always taken.

Input Specification:

Each input file contains one test case. For each test case, the first line contains a positive integer N (<=1000), which is the size of the hash table. The next line contains N integers, separated by a space. A negative integer represents an empty cell in the hash table. It is guaranteed that all the non-negative integers are distinct in the table.

Output Specification:

For each test case, print a line that contains the input sequence, with the numbers separated by a space. Notice that there must be no extra space at the end of each line.

Sample Input:
33 1 13 12 34 38 27 22 32 -1 21
Sample Output:
1 13 12 21 33 34 38 27 22 32

题目的意思很简单,仔细阅读后(虽然也花了蛮久的,英语太差,怪我咯),还是能明白题意的,就是hash表的逆过程,也就是给出hash表序列和hash函数,需要你求出原始的序列,需要注意的是当有多个时,小的在前面(the smallest number is always taken.)。
2.计算入度,即冲突次数,并建立有向图,把下标当顶点。从Key%N 到 当前下标 - 1的顶点都指向当前下标,因为这些点都影响当前顶点。
4.找出度为0且值最小的顶点,扫描与该点相连的顶点,入度 - 1,如果入度变0,则加入最小堆或者优先队列。



using namespace std;

int main()
	int N;
	cin >> N;		//输入哈希表的大小
	int *Hash = new int[N];			//Hash数组
	int *Degree = new int[N];		//入度数组
	vector<vector<int>> G(N);		//无向图  二维vector容器
	vector<int> Ans;				//输出序列

	for (int i = 0; i < N; i++){
		cin >> Hash[i];
		if (Hash[i] > 0)
			Degree[i] = 0;
			Degree[i] = -1;			//如果小于0,入度记为-1,表示没有元素

	for (int i = 0; i < N; i++){
		if (Hash[i] < 0)
		int curPos = i;				//当前座标
		int hashPos = Hash[i] % N;	//Hash后的座标
		Degree[i] = (curPos - hashPos + N) % N;	//计算入度,也就是冲突的次数
		for (int j = 0; j < Degree[i]; j++)
			G[(hashPos + j + N) % N].push_back(i);

	typedef pair<int, int> PAIR;
	priority_queue<PAIR, vector< PAIR >, greater< PAIR >> q;		//优先队列
	for (int i = 0; i < N; i++){
		if (Degree[i] == 0){
			q.push(PAIR(Hash[i], i));
	while (!q.empty())
		PAIR p = q.top();                       //每次取出当前入度为0的顶点中Key最小的
		int V = p.second;                       //second为顶点
		Ans.push_back(p.first);                 //first为该顶点的Key
		for (int i = 0; i < G[V].size(); i++)    //扫描关联顶点,入度处理
			if (--Degree[G[V][i]] == 0)
				q.push(PAIR(Hash[G[V][i]], G[V][i]));
	cout << Ans[0];
	for (int i = 1; i < Ans.size(); i++)
		cout << ' ' << Ans[i];

	return 0;


总结:最后一道题也结束了,通过这门课,pat的这些题,真的学到了很多东西,也发现了自己真的好菜呀,不过所有人一开始都是不懂得嘛,慢慢学。当然,同时发现,自己需要学的东西还有很多,真的好难呀,前面的这些题,真正自己做出来的真的没几个,很多都是通过查阅,google,百度呀出来的,所以还要好好修行,但也正是查阅过程中,感觉还是学会很多的知识的,比如STL,这真的是一个强大的工具,当然这个也不是万能的哈,有些时候还是要自己写最基础的算法的。 ^_^

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