我爲汕頭大學OJ出的題目-Reverse Points

Reverse Points

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We know Doctor Sun is very interested in geometry problems. Now he is fascinated by such a problem: On Cartesian plane, if two points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) have the property that x1<x2 and y1>y2, we call them a pair of “Reverse Points”. Now given N points on the plane, calculate how many pairs of “Reverse Points” are among them. In his opinion, it is an interesting problem but not a hard problem. So he wants to ask you to write a program and solve it. Can you?

In this problem, you can assume that no two points have the same x- coordinate or y-coordinate.


The input consists of a series of data sets. Each data set begins with a line containing an integer N (N<=50000), which indicates the number of points in the data set. N lines describing the coordinates of the points follow it. Each of the N lines has two integers X and Y, describing the x- and y-coordinates of a point, respectively. You must process to the end of file.


For each data set, you must output the number of pairs of “Reverse Points”. No other characters including leading and trailing spaces should be printed.

Sample Input

1 2
2 1

Sample Output


Author: Hong Sun, ACM/ICPC team member of SCUT
Conner: Jianquan Liu, Coach Assistant of STU




//by Sun Hong;  May 4th,2005
//Algorithm--Divide and Conquer,complexity--O(N*logN)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

const int maxn=50000;
typedef struct
 int x,y;
Tpoint p[maxn],tp[maxn];
int N,ans;

int cmp_x(const void *t1,const void *t2)
 Tpoint *a,*b;
 a=(Tpoint*)t1; b=(Tpoint*)t2;
 return a->x-b->x;
void swap(Tpoint &a,Tpoint &b)
 Tpoint temp;
 temp=a; a=b; b=temp;
void MergeSort(int left,int right)
 int mid,i,j,k;
 if (right-left<=1)
  if (p[left].y>p[right].y)
   ans++; swap(p[left],p[right]);
 MergeSort(left,mid); MergeSort(mid+1,right);
 i=mid; j=right; k=right-left;
 while (i>=left && j>mid)
  if (p[i].y>p[j].y){
   ans+=j-mid; tp[k--]=p[i--];
 while (i>=left) tp[k--]=p[i--];
 while (j>mid) tp[k--]=p[j--];
int main()
 int i;
 while (1==scanf("%d",&N))
  for (i=0;i<N;i++) scanf("%d%d",&p[i].x,&p[i].y);
 return 0;

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