


R on Spark

SparkR is an R package that provides alight-weight frontend to use Apache Spark from R. SparkR exposes the Spark APIthrough the RDD class and allows users to interactively run jobs from the Rshell on a cluster.



RDDs as Distributed Lists

SparkR exposes the RDD API of Spark asdistributed lists in R. For example we can read an input file from HDFS andprocess every line using lapply on a RDD.


  sc<- sparkR.init("local")

 lines <- textFile(sc, "hdfs://data.txt")

 wordsPerLine <- lapply(lines, function(line) {length(unlist(strsplit(line, " "))) })

In addition to lapply, SparkR also allowsclosures to be applied on every partition using lapplyWithPartition. Othersupported RDD functions include operations like reduce, reduceByKey, groupByKeyand collect.


Serializing closures

SparkR automatically serializes thenecessary variables to execute a function on the cluster. For example if youuse some global variables in a function passed to lapply, SparkR will automaticallycapture these variables and copy them to the cluster. An example of using arandom weight vector to initialize a matrix is shown below


  lines <- textFile(sc, "hdfs://data.txt")

  initialWeights <- runif(n=D, min = -1, max = 1)

  createMatrix <- function(line) {

    as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(line, " "))) %*% t(initialWeights)


   #initialWeights is automatically serialized

  matrixRDD <- lapply(lines, createMatrix)

Using existing R packages

SparkR also allows easy use of existing Rpackages inside closures. The includePackage command can be used to indicatepackages that should be loaded before every closure is executed on the cluster.For example to use the Matrix in a closure applied on each partition of an RDD,you could run


 generateSparse <- function(x) {

    #Use sparseMatrix function from the Matrix package

   sparseMatrix(i=c(1, 2, 3), j=c(1, 2, 3), x=c(1, 2, 3))


 includePackage(sc, Matrix)

 sparseMat <- lapplyPartition(rdd, generateSparse)

Installing SparkR

SparkR requires Scala 2.10 and Sparkversion >= 0.9.0 and depends on R packages rJava and testthat (only requiredfor running unit tests).


If you wish to try out SparkR, you can useinstall_github from the devtools package to directly install the package.




If you wish to clone the repository andbuild from source, you can using the following script to build the packagelocally.



Running sparkR

If you have installed it directly fromgithub, you can include the SparkR package and then initialize a SparkContext.For example to run with a local Spark master you can launch R and then run



sc <-sparkR.init(master="local")

If you have cloned and built SparkR, youcan start using it by launching the SparkR shell with



SparkR also comes with several sampleprograms in the examples directory. To run one of them, use ./sparkR<filename> <args>. For example:


./sparkR examples/pi.R local[2] 

You can also run the unit-tests for SparkRby running



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