python3 Trie樹及其應用


from collections import defaultdict
class TrieNode:
    def __init__(self):
        self.children = defaultdict(TrieNode)
        self.is_word = False
class Trie:

    def __init__(self):
        Initialize your data structure here.
        self.root = TrieNode()

    def insert(self, word: str) -> None:
        Inserts a word into the trie.
        cur = self.root
        for w in word:
            cur = cur.children[w]
        cur.is_word = True

    def search(self, word: str) -> bool:
        Returns if the word is in the trie.
        cur = self.root
        for w in word:
            if w not in cur.children:
                return False
            cur = cur.children[w]
        return cur.is_word

    def startsWith(self, prefix: str) -> bool:
        Returns if there is any word in the trie that starts with the given prefix.

        cur = self.root
        for w in prefix:
            if w not in cur.children:
                return False
            cur = cur.children[w]
        return True



from collections import defaultdict
class TrieNode:
    def __init__(self):
        self.children = defaultdict(TrieNode)
        self.is_word = False

class Trie:
    def __init__(self,words):
        self.root = TrieNode()
        for word in words:
    def insert(self,word:str):
        cur = self.root
        for item in word:
            cur = cur.children[item]
        cur.is_word = True

class Solution:
    def findAllConcatenatedWordsInADict(self, words:list):
        Trie_ = Trie(words)
        ans = []
        def dfs(i,word,cur,is_cut):
            if i == len(word):
                return cur.is_word and is_cut
            if cur.is_word:
                if dfs(i,word,Trie_.root,True):
                    return True

            if word[i] not in cur.children:
                return False
                return dfs(i+1,word,cur.children[word[i]],is_cut)
        for word in words:
            if dfs(0,word,Trie_.root,False):
        return ans


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