

 WeakHashMap 繼承於AbstractMap,實現了Map接口。
    和HashMap一樣,WeakHashMap 也是一個散列表,它存儲的內容也是鍵值對(key-value)映射,而且鍵和值都可以是null
   不過WeakHashMap的鍵是“弱鍵”。在 WeakHashMap 中,當某個鍵不再正常使用時,會被從WeakHashMap中被自動移除。更精確地說,對於一個給定的鍵,其映射的存在並不阻止垃圾回收器對該鍵的丟棄,這就使該鍵成爲可終止的,被終止,然後被回收。某個鍵被終止時,它對應的鍵值對也就從映射中有效地移除了。
    這個“弱鍵”的原理呢?大致上就是,通過WeakReference和ReferenceQueue實現的。 WeakHashMap的key是“弱鍵”,即是WeakReference類型的;ReferenceQueue是一個隊列,它會保存被GC回收的“弱鍵”。


     * 默認初始容量是16,必須是2的冪
    private static final int DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY = 16;

     * 最大容量(必須是2的冪且小於2的30次方,傳入容量過大將被這個值替換
    private static final int MAXIMUM_CAPACITY = 1 << 30;

     * 默認加載因子
    private static final float DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR = 0.75f;

     * 存儲數據的Entry數組,長度是2的冪。
    Entry<K,V>[] table;

     * WeakHashMap的大小,它是WeakHashMap保存的鍵值對的數量
    private int size;

     * WeakHashMap的閾值,用於判斷是否需要調整WeakHashMap的容量(threshold = 容量*加載因子).
    private int threshold;

    private final float loadFactor;

     * queue保存的是“已被GC清除”的“弱引用的鍵”。
    private final ReferenceQueue<Object> queue = new ReferenceQueue<>();

     * WeakHashMap被改變的次數
    int modCount;


public WeakHashMap(int initialCapacity, float loadFactor) {
        if (initialCapacity < 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal Initial Capacity: "+
        if (initialCapacity > MAXIMUM_CAPACITY)
            initialCapacity = MAXIMUM_CAPACITY;

        if (loadFactor <= 0 || Float.isNaN(loadFactor))
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal Load factor: "+
        int capacity = 1;
        while (capacity < initialCapacity)
            capacity <<= 1;
        table = newTable(capacity);
        this.loadFactor = loadFactor;
        threshold = (int)(capacity * loadFactor);

    public WeakHashMap(int initialCapacity) {
        this(initialCapacity, DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR);

    public WeakHashMap() {

    public WeakHashMap(Map<? extends K, ? extends V> m) {
        this(Math.max((int) (m.size() / DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR) + 1,


public V get(Object key) {
        Object k = maskNull(key);
        int h = hash(k);
        Entry<K,V>[] tab = getTable();
        int index = indexFor(h, tab.length);
        Entry<K,V> e = tab[index];
        while (e != null) {
            if (e.hash == h && eq(k, e.get()))
                return e.value;
            e = e.next;
        return null;
public boolean containsKey(Object key) {
        return getEntry(key) != null;
 Entry<K,V> getEntry(Object key) {
        Object k = maskNull(key);
        int h = hash(k);
        Entry<K,V>[] tab = getTable();
        int index = indexFor(h, tab.length);
        Entry<K,V> e = tab[index];
        while (e != null && !(e.hash == h && eq(k, e.get())))
            e = e.next;
        return e;

public V put(K key, V value) {
        //判斷key是否爲null,如果爲null,new Object個對象
        Object k = maskNull(key);
        int h = hash(k);
        Entry<K,V>[] tab = getTable();
        int i = indexFor(h, tab.length);
        for (Entry<K,V> e = tab[i]; e != null; e = e.next) {
            if (h == e.hash && eq(k, e.get())) {
                V oldValue = e.value;
                if (value != oldValue)
                    e.value = value;
                return oldValue;
        Entry<K,V> e = tab[i];
        tab[i] = new Entry<>(k, value, queue, h, e);
        if (++size >= threshold)
            resize(tab.length * 2);
        return null;

private void expungeStaleEntries() {
        for (Object x; (x = queue.poll()) != null; ) {//存在對象被GC,那麼就需要移除map中對應的數據
            synchronized (queue) {//線程同步,鎖定隊列
                    Entry<K,V> e = (Entry<K,V>) x;
                int i = indexFor(e.hash, table.length);//定位到節點位置

                Entry<K,V> prev = table[i];
                Entry<K,V> p = prev;
                while (p != null) {//如果p節點存在
                    Entry<K,V> next = p.next;//定義next節點指向p的下個節點
                    if (p == e) {//如果p就是當前節點
                        if (prev == e)
                            table[i] = next;//桶中第一個數據就是移除的,直接把第二個節點放到節點的位置
                            prev.next = next;//把上一個節點的下個節點指向p後面的節點
                        // Must not null out e.next;
                        // stale entries may be in use by a HashIterator
                        e.value = null; // Help GC
                    prev = p;
                    p = next;
void resize(int newCapacity) {
        Entry<K,V>[] oldTable = getTable();
        int oldCapacity = oldTable.length;
        if (oldCapacity == MAXIMUM_CAPACITY) {
            threshold = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        Entry<K,V>[] newTable = newTable(newCapacity);
        transfer(oldTable, newTable);
        table = newTable;

         * If ignoring null elements and processing ref queue caused massive
         * shrinkage, then restore old table.  This should be rare, but avoids
         * unbounded expansion of garbage-filled tables.
        if (size >= threshold / 2) {
            threshold = (int)(newCapacity * loadFactor);
        } else {
            transfer(newTable, oldTable);
            table = oldTable;
private void transfer(Entry<K,V>[] src, Entry<K,V>[] dest) {
        for (int j = 0; j < src.length; ++j) {
            Entry<K,V> e = src[j];
            src[j] = null;
            while (e != null) {
                Entry<K,V> next = e.next;
                Object key = e.get();
                if (key == null) {
                    e.next = null;  // Help GC
                    e.value = null; //  "   "
                } else {
                    int i = indexFor(e.hash, dest.length);
                    e.next = dest[i];
                    dest[i] = e;
                e = next;
public void putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V> m) {
        int numKeysToBeAdded = m.size();
        if (numKeysToBeAdded == 0)

         * Expand the map if the map if the number of mappings to be added
         * is greater than or equal to threshold.  This is conservative; the
         * obvious condition is (m.size() + size) >= threshold, but this
         * condition could result in a map with twice the appropriate capacity,
         * if the keys to be added overlap with the keys already in this map.
         * By using the conservative calculation, we subject ourself
         * to at most one extra resize.
        //如果要添加映射的數量大於或等於閾值,這是保守的;明顯的條件是(m.size() + size) >= 閾值,
        if (numKeysToBeAdded > threshold) {
            int targetCapacity = (int)(numKeysToBeAdded / loadFactor + 1);
            if (targetCapacity > MAXIMUM_CAPACITY)
                targetCapacity = MAXIMUM_CAPACITY;
            int newCapacity = table.length;
            while (newCapacity < targetCapacity)
                newCapacity <<= 1;
            if (newCapacity > table.length)
        for (Map.Entry<? extends K, ? extends V> e : m.entrySet())
            put(e.getKey(), e.getValue());

public V remove(Object key) {
        Object k = maskNull(key);
        int h = hash(k);
        Entry<K,V>[] tab = getTable();
        int i = indexFor(h, tab.length);
        Entry<K,V> prev = tab[i];
        Entry<K,V> e = prev;
        while (e != null) {
            Entry<K,V> next = e.next;
            if (h == e.hash && eq(k, e.get())) {
                if (prev == e)
                    tab[i] = next;
                    prev.next = next;
                return e.value;
            prev = e;
            e = next;

        return null;

boolean removeMapping(Object o) {
        if (!(o instanceof Map.Entry))
            return false;
        Entry<K,V>[] tab = getTable();
        Map.Entry<?,?> entry = (Map.Entry<?,?>)o;
        Object k = maskNull(entry.getKey());
        int h = hash(k);
        int i = indexFor(h, tab.length);
        Entry<K,V> prev = tab[i];
        Entry<K,V> e = prev;

        while (e != null) {
            Entry<K,V> next = e.next;
            if (h == e.hash && e.equals(entry)) {
                if (prev == e)
                    tab[i] = next;
                    prev.next = next;
                return true;
            prev = e;
            e = next;

        return false;
 public void clear() {
        // clear out ref queue. We don't need to expunge entries
        // since table is getting cleared.
        while (queue.poll() != null)

        Arrays.fill(table, null);
        size = 0;

        // Allocation of array may have caused GC, which may have caused
        // additional entries to go stale.  Removing these entries from the
        // reference queue will make them eligible for reclamation.
        while (queue.poll() != null)

 public boolean containsValue(Object value) {
        if (value==null)
            return containsNullValue();
        Entry<K,V>[] tab = getTable();
        for (int i = tab.length; i-- > 0;)
            for (Entry<K,V> e = tab[i]; e != null; e = e.next)
                if (value.equals(e.value))
                    return true;
        return false;
 private boolean containsNullValue() {
        Entry<K,V>[] tab = getTable();
        for (int i = tab.length; i-- > 0;)
            for (Entry<K,V> e = tab[i]; e != null; e = e.next)
                if (e.value==null)
                    return true;
        return false;
 public Set<K> keySet() {
        Set<K> ks = keySet;
        if (ks == null) {
            ks = new KeySet();
            keySet = ks;
        return ks;
public Collection<V> values() {
        Collection<V> vs = values;
        if (vs == null) {
            vs = new Values();
            values = vs;
        return vs;
public Set<Map.Entry<K,V>> entrySet() {
        Set<Map.Entry<K,V>> es = entrySet;
        return es != null ? es : (entrySet = new EntrySet());

①:循環遍歷引用隊列(queue), 如果發現某個對象被GC了,那麼就開始處理。




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