tendermint, MultiplexTransport

It is a TCP based multiplexed connection manager.


Abstract of making inbound/outbound connection with peer.

// Transport emits and connects to Peers. The implementation of Peer is left to
// the transport. Each transport is also responsible to filter establishing
// peers specific to its domain.
type Transport interface {
	// Listening address.
	NetAddress() NetAddress

	// Accept returns a newly connected Peer.
	Accept(peerConfig) (Peer, error)

	// Dial connects to the Peer for the address.
	Dial(NetAddress, peerConfig) (Peer, error)

	// Cleanup any resources associated with Peer.


// MultiplexTransport accepts and dials tcp connections and upgrades them to
// multiplexed peers.
type MultiplexTransport struct {
	netAddr  NetAddress
	listener net.Listener

	acceptc chan accept
	closec  chan struct{}

	// Lookup table for duplicate ip and id checks.
	conns       ConnSet
	connFilters []ConnFilterFunc

	dialTimeout      time.Duration
	filterTimeout    time.Duration
	handshakeTimeout time.Duration
	nodeInfo         NodeInfo
	nodeKey          NodeKey
	resolver         IPResolver

	// TODO(xla): This config is still needed as we parameterise peerConn and
	// peer currently. All relevant configuration should be refactored into options
	// with sane defaults.
	mConfig conn.MConnConfig

It is created by NewNode():

func createTransport(
	config *cfg.Config,
	nodeInfo p2p.NodeInfo,
	nodeKey *p2p.NodeKey,
	proxyApp proxy.AppConns,
) (
) {
	var (
		mConnConfig = p2p.MConnConfig(config.P2P)
		transport   = p2p.NewMultiplexTransport(nodeInfo, *nodeKey, mConnConfig)
		connFilters = []p2p.ConnFilterFunc{}
		peerFilters = []p2p.PeerFilterFunc{}

	if !config.P2P.AllowDuplicateIP {
		connFilters = append(connFilters, p2p.ConnDuplicateIPFilter())

	// Filter peers by addr or pubkey with an ABCI query.
	// If the query return code is OK, add peer.
	if config.FilterPeers {

	return transport, peerFilters

// NewMultiplexTransport returns a tcp connected multiplexed peer.
func NewMultiplexTransport(
	nodeInfo NodeInfo,
	nodeKey NodeKey,
	mConfig conn.MConnConfig,
) *MultiplexTransport {
	return &MultiplexTransport{
		acceptc:          make(chan accept),
		closec:           make(chan struct{}),
		dialTimeout:      defaultDialTimeout,
		filterTimeout:    defaultFilterTimeout,
		handshakeTimeout: defaultHandshakeTimeout,
		mConfig:          mConfig,
		nodeInfo:         nodeInfo,
		nodeKey:          nodeKey,
		conns:            NewConnSet(),
		resolver:         net.DefaultResolver,

Note: there is a mechanism of filtering peers in Transport, by querying APP for filter rules.

And then, Node will start transport.Listen for accepting incoming connections:

	if err := n.transport.Listen(*addr); err != nil {
		return err

So, transport is used to accpet any incoming and make outgoing connections.


Once upon a TCP connection is established, it has been upgraded to a secret connection.

It is about to handshake to exchange cihpering/hashing parameters, and setup a secure connection.

The idea is to use X25519 to comnpute DH secret and then derive send/recv secrets, which can be used to encrpt the messages by chacha20.

func (mt *MultiplexTransport) upgrade(
	c net.Conn,
	dialedAddr *NetAddress,
) (secretConn *conn.SecretConnection, nodeInfo NodeInfo, err error) {
	defer func() {
		if err != nil {
			_ = mt.cleanup(c)

	secretConn, err = upgradeSecretConn(c, mt.handshakeTimeout, mt.nodeKey.PrivKey)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, ErrRejected{
			conn:          c,
			err:           fmt.Errorf("secret conn failed: %v", err),
			isAuthFailure: true,

	// For outgoing conns, ensure connection key matches dialed key.
	connID := PubKeyToID(secretConn.RemotePubKey())
	if dialedAddr != nil {
		if dialedID := dialedAddr.ID; connID != dialedID {
			return nil, nil, ErrRejected{
				conn: c,
				id:   connID,
				err: fmt.Errorf(
					"conn.ID (%v) dialed ID (%v) mismatch",
				isAuthFailure: true,

	nodeInfo, err = handshake(secretConn, mt.handshakeTimeout, mt.nodeInfo)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, ErrRejected{
			conn:          c,
			err:           fmt.Errorf("handshake failed: %v", err),
			isAuthFailure: true,

	if err := nodeInfo.Validate(); err != nil {
		return nil, nil, ErrRejected{
			conn:              c,
			err:               err,
			isNodeInfoInvalid: true,

	// Ensure connection key matches self reported key.
	if connID != nodeInfo.ID() {
		return nil, nil, ErrRejected{
			conn: c,
			id:   connID,
			err: fmt.Errorf(
				"conn.ID (%v) NodeInfo.ID (%v) mismatch",
			isAuthFailure: true,

	// Reject self.
	if mt.nodeInfo.ID() == nodeInfo.ID() {
		return nil, nil, ErrRejected{
			addr:   *NewNetAddress(nodeInfo.ID(), c.RemoteAddr()),
			conn:   c,
			id:     nodeInfo.ID(),
			isSelf: true,

	if err := mt.nodeInfo.CompatibleWith(nodeInfo); err != nil {
		return nil, nil, ErrRejected{
			conn:           c,
			err:            err,
			id:             nodeInfo.ID(),
			isIncompatible: true,

	return secretConn, nodeInfo, nil


It is a secure, message oreinted connection on top of TCP conn.

// SecretConnection implements net.Conn.
// It is an implementation of the STS protocol.
// See https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/blob/0.1/docs/sts-final.pdf for
// details on the protocol.
// Consumers of the SecretConnection are responsible for authenticating
// the remote peer's pubkey against known information, like a nodeID.
// Otherwise they are vulnerable to MITM.
// (TODO(ismail): see also https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/issues/3010)
type SecretConnection struct {

	// immutable
	recvAead cipher.AEAD
	sendAead cipher.AEAD

	remPubKey crypto.PubKey
	conn      io.ReadWriteCloser

	// net.Conn must be thread safe:
	// https://golang.org/pkg/net/#Conn.
	// Since we have internal mutable state,
	// we need mtxs. But recv and send states
	// are independent, so we can use two mtxs.
	// All .Read are covered by recvMtx,
	// all .Write are covered by sendMtx.
	recvMtx    sync.Mutex
	recvBuffer []byte
	recvNonce  *[aeadNonceSize]byte

	sendMtx   sync.Mutex
	sendNonce *[aeadNonceSize]byte

Read & Write

// Writes encrypted frames of `totalFrameSize + aeadSizeOverhead`.
// CONTRACT: data smaller than dataMaxSize is written atomically.
func (sc *SecretConnection) Write(data []byte) (n int, err error) {
	defer sc.sendMtx.Unlock()

	for 0 < len(data) {
		if err := func() error {
			var sealedFrame = pool.Get(aeadSizeOverhead + totalFrameSize)
			var frame = pool.Get(totalFrameSize)
			defer func() {
			var chunk []byte
			if dataMaxSize < len(data) {
				chunk = data[:dataMaxSize]
				data = data[dataMaxSize:]
			} else {
				chunk = data
				data = nil
			chunkLength := len(chunk)
			binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(frame, uint32(chunkLength))
			copy(frame[dataLenSize:], chunk)

			// encrypt the frame
			sc.sendAead.Seal(sealedFrame[:0], sc.sendNonce[:], frame, nil)
			// end encryption

			_, err = sc.conn.Write(sealedFrame)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			n += len(chunk)
			return nil
		}(); err != nil {
			return n, err
	return n, err

// CONTRACT: data smaller than dataMaxSize is read atomically.
func (sc *SecretConnection) Read(data []byte) (n int, err error) {
	defer sc.recvMtx.Unlock()

	// read off and update the recvBuffer, if non-empty
	if 0 < len(sc.recvBuffer) {
		n = copy(data, sc.recvBuffer)
		sc.recvBuffer = sc.recvBuffer[n:]

	// read off the conn
	var sealedFrame = pool.Get(aeadSizeOverhead + totalFrameSize)
	defer pool.Put(sealedFrame)
	_, err = io.ReadFull(sc.conn, sealedFrame)
	if err != nil {

	// decrypt the frame.
	// reads and updates the sc.recvNonce
	var frame = pool.Get(totalFrameSize)
	defer pool.Put(frame)
	_, err = sc.recvAead.Open(frame[:0], sc.recvNonce[:], sealedFrame, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return n, errors.New("failed to decrypt SecretConnection")
	// end decryption

	// copy checkLength worth into data,
	// set recvBuffer to the rest.
	var chunkLength = binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(frame) // read the first four bytes
	if chunkLength > dataMaxSize {
		return 0, errors.New("chunkLength is greater than dataMaxSize")
	var chunk = frame[dataLenSize : dataLenSize+chunkLength]
	n = copy(data, chunk)
	if n < len(chunk) {
		sc.recvBuffer = make([]byte, len(chunk)-n)
		copy(sc.recvBuffer, chunk[n:])
	return n, err


After upgrading, transport will create/wrap the Peer:

func (mt *MultiplexTransport) wrapPeer(
	c net.Conn,
	ni NodeInfo,
	cfg peerConfig,
	socketAddr *NetAddress,
) Peer {

	persistent := false
	if cfg.isPersistent != nil {
		if cfg.outbound {
			persistent = cfg.isPersistent(socketAddr)
		} else {
			selfReportedAddr, err := ni.NetAddress()
			if err == nil {
				persistent = cfg.isPersistent(selfReportedAddr)

	peerConn := newPeerConn(

	p := newPeer(

	return p


Peer is used by Switch & its Reactors. More specific, new Peer will be returned to Switch for further handling.

// Peer is an interface representing a peer connected on a reactor.
type Peer interface {

	ID() ID               // peer's cryptographic ID
	RemoteIP() net.IP     // remote IP of the connection
	RemoteAddr() net.Addr // remote address of the connection

	IsOutbound() bool   // did we dial the peer
	IsPersistent() bool // do we redial this peer when we disconnect

	CloseConn() error // close original connection

	NodeInfo() NodeInfo // peer's info
	Status() tmconn.ConnectionStatus
	SocketAddr() *NetAddress // actual address of the socket

	Send(byte, []byte) bool
	TrySend(byte, []byte) bool

	Set(string, interface{})
	Get(string) interface{}

// peer implements Peer.
// Before using a peer, you will need to perform a handshake on connection.
type peer struct {

	// raw peerConn and the multiplex connection
	mconn *tmconn.MConnection

	// peer's node info and the channel it knows about
	// channels = nodeInfo.Channels
	// cached to avoid copying nodeInfo in hasChannel
	nodeInfo NodeInfo
	channels []byte

	// User data
	Data *cmap.CMap

	metrics       *Metrics
	metricsTicker *time.Ticker


A MConnection will be created for a Peer

func newPeer(
	pc peerConn,
	mConfig tmconn.MConnConfig,
	nodeInfo NodeInfo,
	reactorsByCh map[byte]Reactor,
	chDescs []*tmconn.ChannelDescriptor,
	onPeerError func(Peer, interface{}),
	options ...PeerOption,
) *peer {
	p := &peer{
		peerConn:      pc,
		nodeInfo:      nodeInfo,
		channels:      nodeInfo.(DefaultNodeInfo).Channels, // TODO
		Data:          cmap.NewCMap(),
		metricsTicker: time.NewTicker(metricsTickerDuration),
		metrics:       NopMetrics(),

	p.mconn = createMConnection(
	p.BaseService = *service.NewBaseService(nil, "Peer", p)
	for _, option := range options {

	return p

func createMConnection(
	conn net.Conn,
	p *peer,
	reactorsByCh map[byte]Reactor,
	chDescs []*tmconn.ChannelDescriptor,
	onPeerError func(Peer, interface{}),
	config tmconn.MConnConfig,
) *tmconn.MConnection {

	onReceive := func(chID byte, msgBytes []byte) {
		reactor := reactorsByCh[chID]
		if reactor == nil {
			// Note that its ok to panic here as it's caught in the conn._recover,
			// which does onPeerError.
			panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown channel %X", chID))
		labels := []string{
			"peer_id", string(p.ID()),
			"chID", fmt.Sprintf("%#x", chID),
		reactor.Receive(chID, p, msgBytes)

	onError := func(r interface{}) {
		onPeerError(p, r)

	return tmconn.NewMConnectionWithConfig(

Each peer has one MConnection (multiplex connection) instance.

multiplex noun a system or signal involving simultaneous transmission of
several messages along a single channel of communication.

Each MConnection handles message transmission on multiple abstract communication
Channels. Each channel has a globally unique byte id.
The byte id and the relative priorities of each Channel are configured upon
initialization of the connection.

There are two methods for sending messages:
func (m MConnection) Send(chID byte, msgBytes []byte) bool {}
func (m MConnection) TrySend(chID byte, msgBytes []byte}) bool {}

Send(chID, msgBytes) is a blocking call that waits until msg is
successfully queued for the channel with the given id byte chID, or until the
request times out. The message msg is serialized using Go-Amino.

TrySend(chID, msgBytes) is a nonblocking call that returns false if the
channel’s queue is full.

Inbound message bytes are handled with an onReceive callback function.

The channel is used to multiplex the MConnection.

Switch knows all registered Reactors, thus all channels and chDesc, which will be passed to Peer.MConnection for multiplexing.

// NewMConnectionWithConfig wraps net.Conn and creates multiplex connection with a config
func NewMConnectionWithConfig(
	conn net.Conn,
	chDescs []*ChannelDescriptor,
	onReceive receiveCbFunc,
	onError errorCbFunc,
	config MConnConfig,
) *MConnection {
	if config.PongTimeout >= config.PingInterval {
		panic("pongTimeout must be less than pingInterval (otherwise, next ping will reset pong timer)")

	mconn := &MConnection{
		conn:          conn,
		bufConnReader: bufio.NewReaderSize(conn, minReadBufferSize),
		bufConnWriter: bufio.NewWriterSize(conn, minWriteBufferSize),
		sendMonitor:   flow.New(0, 0),
		recvMonitor:   flow.New(0, 0),
		send:          make(chan struct{}, 1),
		pong:          make(chan struct{}, 1),
		onReceive:     onReceive,
		onError:       onError,
		config:        config,
		created:       time.Now(),

	// Create channels
	var channelsIdx = map[byte]*Channel{}
	var channels = []*Channel{}

	for _, desc := range chDescs {
		channel := newChannel(mconn, *desc)
		channelsIdx[channel.desc.ID] = channel
		channels = append(channels, channel)
	mconn.channels = channels
	mconn.channelsIdx = channelsIdx

	mconn.BaseService = *service.NewBaseService(nil, "MConnection", mconn)

	// maxPacketMsgSize() is a bit heavy, so call just once
	mconn._maxPacketMsgSize = mconn.maxPacketMsgSize()

	return mconn

Also, a Reader/Writer pair will created to send/recv messages:

	bufConnReader: bufio.NewReaderSize(conn, minReadBufferSize),
	bufConnWriter: bufio.NewWriterSize(conn, minWriteBufferSize),

Here the conn is a SecretConnection…

onReceive is callback invoked when MConnection get a message. This makes sure the message will be redirected to the correct Reactor holding the channel ID.

Each MConnection will start a send/recv go routine pair for handling message from the underlying net.conn. In addition, they also handle the PING/PONG mechanism of MConnection.

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