ethereum, event, feed

A PubSub mechanism for notification. Internally it depends on go chan for message/event passing between different modules.

Event Mux

Deprecated by Feed, but still being used in Downloader and Miner.

// TypeMuxEvent is a time-tagged notification pushed to subscribers.
type TypeMuxEvent struct {
	Time time.Time
	Data interface{}

// A TypeMux dispatches events to registered receivers. Receivers can be
// registered to handle events of certain type. Any operation
// called after mux is stopped will return ErrMuxClosed.
// The zero value is ready to use.
// Deprecated: use Feed
type TypeMux struct {
	mutex   sync.RWMutex
	subm    map[reflect.Type][]*TypeMuxSubscription
	stopped bool


  • Node: sub := stack.EventMux().Subscribe(downloader.DoneEvent{})
    Node spawns a goroutine to sync up with Downloader with Done event
  • ProtoclManager: pm.minedBlockSub = pm.eventMux.Subscribe(core.NewMinedBlockEvent{})
    Propogate a newly minded block to network
  • Miner: events := miner.mux.Subscribe(downloader.StartEvent{}, downloader.DoneEvent{}, downloader.FailedEvent{})
    Start/Stop Minder when receiving events from Downloader
  • Downloader API: events := miner.mux.Subscribe(downloader.StartEvent{}, downloader.DoneEvent{}, downloader.FailedEvent{})
    Broadcasts sync status updates to the RPC client: syncing or not, sync progress


One to Many messaging.

It uses a go chan for the subscription.

// Feed implements one-to-many subscriptions where the carrier of events is a channel.
// Values sent to a Feed are delivered to all subscribed channels simultaneously.
// Feeds can only be used with a single type. The type is determined by the first Send or
// Subscribe operation. Subsequent calls to these methods panic if the type does not
// match.
// The zero value is ready to use.
type Feed struct {
	once      sync.Once        // ensures that init only runs once
	sendLock  chan struct{}    // sendLock has a one-element buffer and is empty when held.It protects sendCases.
	removeSub chan interface{} // interrupts Send
	sendCases caseList         // the active set of select cases used by Send

	// The inbox holds newly subscribed channels until they are added to sendCases.
	mu    sync.Mutex
	inbox caseList
	etype reflect.Type

// Subscribe adds a channel to the feed. Future sends will be delivered on the channel
// until the subscription is canceled. All channels added must have the same element type.
// The channel should have ample buffer space to avoid blocking other subscribers.
// Slow subscribers are not dropped.
func (f *Feed) Subscribe(channel interface{}) Subscription {

	chanval := reflect.ValueOf(channel)
	chantyp := chanval.Type()
	if chantyp.Kind() != reflect.Chan || chantyp.ChanDir()&reflect.SendDir == 0 {
	sub := &feedSub{feed: f, channel: chanval, err: make(chan error, 1)}
	if !f.typecheck(chantyp.Elem()) {
		panic(feedTypeError{op: "Subscribe", got: chantyp, want: reflect.ChanOf(reflect.SendDir, f.etype)})
	// Add the select case to the inbox.
	// The next Send will add it to f.sendCases.
	cas := reflect.SelectCase{Dir: reflect.SelectSend, Chan: chanval}
	f.inbox = append(f.inbox, cas)
	return sub


AccountManager: subs[i] = backend.Subscribe(updates)

Subscribe to wallet notifications for all backends


Notify wallet additions/removals


NewPublicFilterAPI eventloop processes Blockchain events.

	rmLogsFeed    event.Feed
	chainFeed     event.Feed
	chainSideFeed event.Feed
	chainHeadFeed event.Feed
	logsFeed      event.Feed
	blockProcFeed event.Feed
	scope         event.SubscriptionScope



Notify subsystems for newly added transactions.


New Peer or Deap Peer notifications.

peerSub := s.d.peers.SubscribeNewPeers(newPeer)
peerSub := s.d.peers.SubscribePeerDrops(peerDrop)


It starts delivering logs from pending transactions to the API eventloop.


API Peer event

New Peer or Dropped Peer notification.


Used to track the lifecycle of many Feeds.

// SubscriptionScope provides a facility to unsubscribe multiple subscriptions at once.
// For code that handle more than one subscription, a scope can be used to conveniently
// unsubscribe all of them with a single call. The example demonstrates a typical use in a
// larger program.
// The zero value is ready to use.
type SubscriptionScope struct {
	mu     sync.Mutex
	subs   map[*scopeSub]struct{}
	closed bool

// Track starts tracking a subscription. If the scope is closed, Track returns nil. The
// returned subscription is a wrapper. Unsubscribing the wrapper removes it from the
// scope.
func (sc *SubscriptionScope) Track(s Subscription) Subscription {
	if sc.closed {
		return nil
	if sc.subs == nil {
		sc.subs = make(map[*scopeSub]struct{})
	ss := &scopeSub{sc, s}
	sc.subs[ss] = struct{}{}
	return ss

// SubscribeBlockProcessingEvent registers a subscription of bool where true means
// block processing has started while false means it has stopped.
func (bc *BlockChain) SubscribeBlockProcessingEvent(ch chan<- bool) event.Subscription {
	return bc.scope.Track(bc.blockProcFeed.Subscribe(ch))
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