原创 ethereum, P2P

P2P ServerStartComponentsMain LoopLaunch PeerTCP listeningDiscoveryKADDial SchedulerRLPXRLPXFrameRWSnappyreadMsg &

原创 ethereum, RPC API

RPC, APIInitStartServerCodecInProcIPCWSHTTPInvoke MethodAPI RPC supports 4 different transports: InProc IPC WS HTT

原创 ethereum, event, feed

A PubSub mechanism for notification. Internally it depends on go chan for message/event passing between different m

原创 ethereum, ProtocolManager

Protocol ManagerComponentsStarttxBroadcastLoopminedBroadcastLoopsyncertxFetcherblockFetcherpm.synchronise Protocol

原创 ethereum, Node Initialization

Node InitializationNodeAccountManagerInitializationFlowEthereum ObjectEthereum Start ServiceProtocol ManagerP2P ser

原创 ethereum, txpool & transaction

txpool & transactiontxpoolSendTransactionTransactionscheduleReorgLoopmain loop txpool SendTransaction From RPC, Pub

原创 ethereum, debug log

Log in ethereum is a fork of https://github.com/inconshreveable/log15, with some minor modifications required by th

原创 ethereum, DB

levelDB & memdb Two underlying DB are provided. level DB for persistent storage and memdb for volatile storage. The

原创 rust, async programming

rust, async programmingThis is a collection of rust async programming resources This is a collection of rust async

原创 rust, mem alloc/free

rust, mem alloc/freeStringVec<>vec!Box<>Rc<> String In rust, &str is a reference to a static string which can not b

原创 rust, smart pointer

rust, smart pointerBox<>Box::newRc<>Rc.newWeak<>Cell<>Cell.newCell get/setRefCell<>RefCell borrow/borrow_mutArc<>Ar

原创 CosmosSDK, first application with scaffold

CosmosSDK, first application with scaffoldscaffoldGenerated CodeAppData StructureInterfacesBaseAppAppd & AppcliInit

原创 CosmosSDK, BaseApp and Modules

CosmosSDK, BaseApp and ModulesBaseAppABCIbeginBlocker/endBlocker/initChainerrouterrunTxAppModuleManagerABCI Call St

原创 tendermint, PEX

tendermint, PEXReactorConfigChannels & MessagesStartcrawlPeersRoutine()ensurePeersRoutine()AddPeer & RemovePeerRece

原创 tendermint, MultiplexTransport

tendermint, MultiplexTransportInterfaceImplementationUpgradeSecretConnectionPeerDefinitionMConnection It is a TCP b