1-D 2nd order Convection-Diffusion equation

Introduction to the problem

1-D 2nd order Convection-Diffusion equation
ut+uux=υ2ux2 \frac{\partial u}{\partial t} + u \frac{\partial u}{\partial x} = \upsilon \frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial x^2}
Three parts namely: transient term, convection term and diffusion term.
Initial condition: uin=0=2vϕxϕ+4 u_{i}^{n = 0 } = -2 v \frac {\partial \phi \partial x}{\phi}+4
where ϕ=exp(x24v)+exp((x4t2π)24v) \phi = exp(\frac{-x^2}{4v})+ exp(\frac{-(x-4t-2\pi)^2}{4v})
(The IC is chosen for convenience to calculate the analytical solution)

Boundary condition: periodic BC
ui=0n=ui=maxn u_{i = 0}^{n} = u_{i = max}^{n}

Analytical solution


Click here to see the further illustration of Analytical solution

Design Algorithm to Solve Problem

Discrete equation:
Forward Difference in time
Backward Difference in convection
Central difference in diffusion
uin+1uinΔt+uinuinui1nΔx=vui+1n2uin+ui1nΔx2\frac{u_i^{n+1}-u_{i}^{n}} {\Delta t}+ u_i^{n} \frac{u_i^{n}-u_{i-1}^{n}} {\Delta x} = v \frac{u_{i+1}^{n}-2u_i^n+u_{i-1}^{n}} {\Delta x^2}
uin+1=uinuinΔtΔx(uinui1n)+vΔtΔx2(ui+1n2uin+ui1n) u_i^{n+1} = u_i^{n}- u_i^{n} \frac{\Delta t}{\Delta x}(u_i^{n}-u_{i-1}^{n})+v \frac{\Delta t}{\Delta x^2}(u_{i+1}^{n}-2u_i^n+u_{i-1}^{n})


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.cm as cm
from math import pi as PI
from math import exp as exp

def analytical_solution(NT, NX, TMAX, XMAX, NU):
    DT = TMAX/(NT-1)
    DX = XMAX/(NX-1)
    u_analytical = np.zeros((NX,NT))
    x = np.zeros(NX)
    t = np.zeros(NT)
    for i in range(0,NX):
        x[i] = i*DX
    for n in range(0,NT):
        t = n*DT
        for i in range(0,NX):
            phi = exp( -(x[i]-4*t)**2/(4*NU*(t+1)) ) + exp( -(x[i]-4*t-2*PI)**2/(4*NU*(t+1)) )
            dphi = ( -0.5*(x[i]-4*t)/(NU*(t+1))*exp( -(x[i]-4*t)**2/(4*NU*(t+1)) )
               -0.5*(x[i]-4*t-2*PI)/(NU*(t+1))*exp( -(x[i]-4*t-2*PI)**2/(4*NU*(t+1)) ) )
            u_analytical[i,n] = -2*NU*(dphi/phi) + 4
      return u_analytical, x

def convection_diffusion(NT, NX, TMAX, XMAX, NU):
    DT = TMAX/(NT-1)
    DX = XMAX/(NX-1)
    x = np.zeros(NX)
    t = np.zeros(NT)
    ipos = np.zeros(NX, dtype=int)
    ineg = np.zeros(NX, dtype=int)
    u = np.zeros((NX,NT))
     # BC:
    for i in range(0,NX):
        x[i] = i*DX
        ipos[i] = i+1
        ineg[i] = i-1
    ipos[NX-1] = 0
    ineg[0] = NX-1
    # IC
    for i in range(0,NX):
        phi = exp( -(x[i]**2)/(4*NU) ) + exp( -(x[i]-2*PI)**2 / (4*NU) )
        dphi = -(0.5*x[i]/NU)*exp( -(x[i]**2) / (4*NU) ) - (0.5*(x[i]-2*PI) / NU )*exp(-(x[i]-2*PI)**2 / (4*NU) )
        u[i,0] = -2*NU*(dphi/phi) + 4
    for n in range(0,NT-1):
        for i in range(0,NX):
            u[i,n+1] = (u[i,n]-u[i,n]*(DT/DX)*(u[i,n]-u[ineg[i],n]) + NU*(DT/DX**2)*(u[ipos[i],n]-2*u[i,n]+u[ineg[i],n]))
     return u, x
def plot_diffusion(u_analytical,u,x,NT,TITLE):
    for n in range(0,NT,20):
            ax.plot(x,u[:,n],'ko', markerfacecolor='none', alpha=0.5, label='i='+str(n)+' numerical')
            ax.plot(x,u_analytical[:,n],linestyle='-',c=c,label='i='+str(n)+' analytical')
    ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width*0.7,box.height])
    ax.legend( bbox_to_anchor=(1.02,1), loc=2)
    plt.xlabel('x (radians)')
    plt.ylabel('u (m/s)')



Why doesn’t the numerical simulation agree with the analytical solution exactly?

  • The numerical solution shows more dissipation through time and space than the analytical solution, despite the fact that the viscosity is the same in both cases (a lot in time, perhaps less in space)
  • It is likely that numerical dissipation is the cause of the difference between the analytic and numerical solutions
  • When physical viscosity is reduced, so reducing physical dissipation, the effect of numerical dissipation is seen more clearly (compare Figure 1 and Figure 2)
  • This is caused by the truncation error in the discretion of the governing equations
  • The first order approximations for the transient and convection terms contain numerical diffusion in time and space respectively - probably need to use a higher than first order method for the transient term at least.
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