How to deal with Windows Schedule&Task by PowerShell in Win7


It only will work on Vista/2008 & up, please don't run it on  XP/2003.

If you have to deal with the Schedule&Task on the XP/2003, please refer to the

The following resolution will running on Vista/2008 & up.

1.New a COM object with "Schedule.Service"

2.Connect to local computer. You also can type remote computer name.

3.Get the folder by the specified path.If you want to get the root folder in the Scheduler&Task, the $workingDirectory will be "\".

4.Get the task by the task name from the folder specified in the Step 3.
$targetTask=$rootFolder.GetTasks(0)|Where-Object {$$name}

5.Get the xml property from task object.

6.Get the logon account.


7.Get the frequency array.



$actualFrequency= @()





8.Get the commands array.



$actualCommands= @()





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