視頻運動目標跟蹤,基於opencv , vc++

void CTrackandIDDlg::OnStartTrackandID()
 // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
    int argc=2;
 CString FilePathName;
 CFileDialog dlg(TRUE);
 if(dlg.DoModal()==IDOK)  //

    IplImage* pFrame = NULL;
    IplImage* pFrImg = NULL;
    IplImage* pBkImg = NULL;
 IplImage* pFrImg1 = NULL;

    CvMat* pFrameMat = NULL;
    CvMat* pFrMat = NULL;
    CvMat* pBkMat = NULL;
 CvMat* pFrMat1 = NULL;

 CvMemStorage * storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0);//輪廓邊緣提取時的參數
    CvSeq * contour = 0;//輪廓邊緣提取時的參數
    int mode = CV_RETR_EXTERNAL;//輪廓邊緣提取時的參數
 IplConvKernel* Element = cvCreateStructuringElementEx(13,13,1,1,CV_SHAPE_RECT,NULL);

 CvFont font1;//初始化字體格式
 int linetype=CV_AA;
 cvInitFont(&font1, CV_FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 1, 8);
 //用字符串時一定要把using namespace std;寫在前面,否則不能用,下面是用於顯示的字符串
 string msg[10]={"JGD01","JGD02","JGD03","JGD04","JGD05","JGD06","JGD07","JGD08","JGD09","JGD10"};
 int No=0;//用於記錄顯示車輛
 bool FindCar=false;
 CvPoint pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4,pt5;
 CvRect bndRect=cvRect(0,0,0,0);//用cvBoundingRect畫出外接矩形時需要的矩形
 int avgX = 0;//The midpoint X position of the rectangle surrounding the moving objects
 int avgY = 0;//The midpoint Y position of the rectangle surrounding the moving objects
 int avgX1=0;//用來合併相近的車輛
 int avgY1=0;            
 for(int i=0;i<10;i++)
  if((TrackBlock[i]=(struct AvTrackBlock *) malloc(sizeof(struct AvTrackBlock)))==NULL)

    CvCapture* pCapture = NULL; 
    int nFrmNum = 0;//表示圖像的幀數

    cvNamedWindow("video", 1);
    cvMoveWindow("video", 30, 0);
        //cvMoveWindow("background", 360, 0);
    cvMoveWindow("foreground", 690, 0);

    if( argc > 2 ){
        fprintf(stderr, "Usage: bkgrd [video_file_name]/n");
        //return -1;

    if (argc ==1)
        if( !(pCapture = cvCaptureFromCAM(-1))){
         fprintf(stderr, "Can not open camera./n");
         //return -2;

    if(argc == 2)
        if( !(pCapture = cvCaptureFromFile(FilePathName))){
   fprintf(stderr, "Can not open video file %s/n", FilePathName);
   //return -2;
    while(pFrame = cvQueryFrame(pCapture))
        if(nFrmNum == 1)
   pBkImg = cvCreateImage(cvSize(pFrame->width, pFrame->height),  IPL_DEPTH_8U,1);
   pFrImg = cvCreateImage(cvSize(pFrame->width, pFrame->height),  IPL_DEPTH_8U,1);

    pBkMat = cvCreateMat(pFrame->height, pFrame->width, CV_32FC1);
    pFrMat = cvCreateMat(pFrame->height, pFrame->width, CV_32FC1);
    pFrameMat = cvCreateMat(pFrame->height, pFrame->width, CV_32FC1);
   cvCvtColor(pFrame, pBkImg, CV_BGR2GRAY);
   cvCvtColor(pFrame, pFrImg, CV_BGR2GRAY);
   cvConvert(pFrImg, pFrameMat);
   cvConvert(pFrImg, pFrMat);
   cvConvert(pFrImg, pBkMat);

  else if(nFrmNum == 3)
   cvCvtColor(pFrame, pFrImg, CV_BGR2GRAY);
   cvConvert(pFrImg, pFrameMat);
   cvSmooth(pFrameMat, pFrameMat, CV_GAUSSIAN, 3, 0, 0);

   cvRectangle(pFrame,pt1,pt2,CV_RGB(255,0,0),2, 8, 0 );

   cvAbsDiff(pFrameMat, pBkMat, pFrMat);

   cvThreshold(pFrMat, pFrImg, 60, 255.0, CV_THRESH_BINARY);
   //cvCanny(pFrImg, pBkImg, 50, 150, 3);
   cvFindContours(pBkImg, storage, &contour, sizeof(CvContour),
   //process each moving contour in the current frame用函數cvBoundingRect
    //Get a bounding rectangle around the moving object.
    bndRect = cvBoundingRect(contour, 0);
    //Get an average X position of the moving contour.
    avgX = (bndRect.x + bndRect.x + bndRect.width) / 2;
    avgY = (bndRect.y + bndRect.y + bndRect.height) / 2;
    pt5.x = bndRect.x;//寫字的左下角點
    pt5.y = avgY;

    //If the center of contour is within ROI than show it
    if(avgX>300 && avgX<400 && avgY<300 && avgY>80)
     pt3.x = bndRect.x;
     pt3.y = bndRect.y;
     pt4.x = bndRect.x + bndRect.width;
     pt4.y = bndRect.y + bndRect.height;
     if(bndRect.height>35) //把長度小於某個閥值的干擾矩形去掉
      cvRectangle(pFrame,pt3,pt4,CV_RGB(255,0,0),1, 8, 0 );
      cvPutText( pFrame, msg[No].c_str(), pt5, &font1, cvScalar(0,255,0));
   }/////查找邊界的for 循環結束  
   cvRunningAvg(pFrameMat, pBkMat, 0.005, 0);
   cvConvert(pBkMat, pBkImg);

   cvShowImage("video", pFrame);
   //cvShowImage("background", pBkImg);
   //cvShowImage("foreground", pFrImg);

   if( cvWaitKey(2) >= 0 )

        else if(nFrmNum > 3)//從第三幀開始,根據完全目標檔案來新增或刪除運動車輛檔案。
    cvCvtColor(pFrame, pFrImg, CV_BGR2GRAY);
    cvConvert(pFrImg, pFrameMat);
    cvSmooth(pFrameMat, pFrameMat, CV_GAUSSIAN, 3, 0, 0);

   cvRectangle(pFrame,pt1,pt2,CV_RGB(255,0,0),2, 8, 0 );

   cvAbsDiff(pFrameMat, pBkMat, pFrMat);

   //二值化前景圖,void cvThreshold( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst, double threshold,
            //double max_value, int threshold_type );
   cvThreshold(pFrMat, pFrImg, 60, 255.0, CV_THRESH_BINARY);

   //cvCanny(pFrImg, pBkImg, 50, 150, 3);
   cvFindContours( pBkImg, storage, &contour, sizeof(CvContour),
   //process each moving contour in the current frame用函數cvBoundingRect
    //Get a bounding rectangle around the moving object.
    bndRect = cvBoundingRect(contour, 0);
    //Get an average X position of the moving contour.
    avgX = (bndRect.x + bndRect.x + bndRect.width) / 2;
    avgY = (bndRect.y + bndRect.y + bndRect.height) / 2;

    //If the center of contour is within ROI than show it
    if(avgX > 300 && avgX < 400 && avgY < 280 && avgY > 100)
     pt3.x = bndRect.x;
     pt3.y = bndRect.y;
     pt4.x = bndRect.x + bndRect.width;
     pt4.y = bndRect.y + bndRect.height;
     if(bndRect.height>35) //把長度小於某個閥值的干擾矩形去掉
      cvRectangle(pFrame,pt3,pt4,CV_RGB(255,0,0),1, 8, 0 );
      //cvPutText(pFrame,msg[No].c_str(), pt5, &font1, cvScalar(0,255,0));
      for(int i=0;i<10;i++)
       if(TrackBlock[i]->avgX !=0 && abs(avgX-TrackBlock[i]->avgX)<20 &&
           cvPutText(pFrame,msg[i].c_str(), pt5, &font1, cvScalar(0,255,0));
      if(FindCar!=true && avgY<120)//表示沒有找到車輛

   for(int j=0;j<10;j++)
    if(TrackBlock[j]->FramesTracked != nFrmNum)

   cvRunningAvg(pFrameMat, pBkMat, 0.005, 0);
   cvConvert(pBkMat, pBkImg);

   cvShowImage("video", pFrame);
   cvShowImage("background", pBkImg);
   cvShowImage("foreground", pFrImg);

   /*if(nFrmNum/2 ==0)
   if( cvWaitKey(2) >= 0 )




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