
template <typename value_type>
class Stack { //the stack is a FILO container.
	static const int MAXSIZE = 1 << 10; //the max size of each stack.
	value_type data[MAXSIZE]; //data domain.
	int TopPointer; //pointer of the top of each stack.
		Stack() { //initialize the stack.
			TopPointer = -1; //Top pointer is pointing virtual area initially.
			fill(data, data + MAXSIZE, NULL); //There's nothing in the data domain initially.
		void push(const value_type &Val) { //push an element into the stack.
			data[++TopPointer] = Val;
		void pop() { //pop the top element out.
		value_type &top() { //return the reference of the top element.
			return data[TopPointer];
		const value_type &top() const { //return the const reference of the top element.
			return data[TopPointer];
		bool empty() const { //return the situation of the stack[empty or not].
			return TopPointer == -1 ? true : false;
		int size() const { //return the size of the stack.
			return TopPointer + 1;
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