生成式對抗網絡GAN研究進展(四)——Laplacian Pyramid of Adversarial Networks,LAPGAN

    本文首先介紹生成式模型,然後着重梳理生成式模型(Generative Models)中生成對抗網絡(Generative Adversarial Network)的研究與發展。作者按照GAN主幹論文、GAN應用性論文、GAN相關論文分類整理了45篇近兩年的論文,着重梳理了主幹論文之間的聯繫與區別,揭示生成式對抗網絡的研究脈絡。

  • Goodfellow Ian, Pouget-Abadie J, Mirza M, et al. Generative adversarial nets[C]//Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. 2014: 2672-2680.
  • Mirza M, Osindero S. Conditional Generative Adversarial Nets[J]. Computer Science, 2014:2672-2680.
  • Denton E L, Chintala S, Fergus R. Deep Generative Image Models using a Laplacian Pyramid of Adversarial Networks[C]//Advances in neural information processing systems. 2015: 1486-1494.

4. 拉普拉斯金字塔生成式對抗網絡,Laplacian Pyramid of Adversarial Networks

4.1 LAPGAN的思想

     生成式對抗網絡GAN研究進展(二)——原始GAN 提出,與其他生成式模型相比,GAN這種競爭的方式不再要求一個假設的數據分佈,即不需要formulate p(x),而是使用一種分佈直接進行採樣sampling,從而真正達到理論上可以完全逼近真實數據,這也是GAN最大的優勢。然而,這種不需要預先建模的方法缺點是太過自由了,對於較大的圖片,較多的 pixel的情形,基於簡單 GAN 的方式就不太可控了。爲了解決GAN太過自由這個問題,一個很自然的想法是給GAN加一些約束,於是便有了Conditional Generative Adversarial Nets(CGAN)【Mirza M, Osindero S. Conditional】。通過引入條件變量y(conditional variable y),使用額外信息y對模型增加條件,可以指導數據生成過程。如果條件變量y是類別標籤,可以看做CGAN 是把純無監督的 GAN 變成有監督的模型的一種改進。這個簡單直接的改進被證明非常有效,並廣泛用於後續的相關工作中[3,4]。[Mehdi Mirza et al.]
     另一方面,爲了改進 GAN 太自由的問題,還有一個想法就是不要讓 GAN 一次完成全部任務,而是一次生成一部分,分多次生成一張完整的圖片。Sounds familiar?對啊,就是去年 DeepMind大火的一個工作 DRAW [1]的思想。DRAW 中指出,我們人類在完成一幅圖畫時,都不一定是一筆完成的,我們又爲何要求機器能做到呢?所以 DRAW 用了一種 sequential VAE 的模型,讓機器一點點“寫”出了一個個數字。於是 Facebook 等人提出的 LAPGAN[2] 則是採用了這樣的思想,在 GAN 基礎上做出了改進。LAPGAN[2] 這個工作既有 project page,也有開源代碼,是非常值得重視的工作。在實現 sequential version 的方式上,LAPGAN[2] 這個工作採用的是一種幾十年前的 Laplacian Pyramid 的方式,也因此起名做 LAPGAN。
     這個方式主要的操作便是 downsample 和 upsample,而優勢是每次只考慮樣本和生成圖像之間的殘差的學習效果,某種程度上和 Residual Network 的思想是一樣的。針對殘差的逼近和學習,相對更加容易。於是,在這個思想上,便有了如下 LAPGAN 的學習過程:
    這個圖中,當圖像是較大 pixel 時,便需要進行 Laplacian Pyramid 過程,並且在每一個process step 時(每一個 Pyramid level),傳給 D 的只是針對殘差的 compare。另一方面,當pixel 足夠小的時候,也就是最右邊的 step,則不再需要進行 upsample 和 downsample 的過程,這時給 D 的 傳送則是未經處理的樣本和生成的圖像了。Facebook 指出,這樣的 sequential方式減少了每一次 GAN 需要學習的內容,也就從而增大了 GAN 的學習能力。值得注意的是,LAPGAN 其實也是 LAPCGAN,都是 conditional 的。另外,每一步的 GAN 都是independently trained 的。與此同時,這篇論文還總結出了許多工程上的經驗,都在他們的project page中。

4.2 Deep Generative Image Models using a Laplacian Pyramid of Adversarial Networks

4.2.1 Abstract

    A generative parametric model capable of producing high quality samples of natural images.
    使用一個帶有Laplacian pyramid框架的級聯卷積網絡由粗糙到精細的迭代地去生成圖像。
    At each level of the pyramid, a separate generative convent model is trained using the Generative Adversarial Nets (GAN) approach
    Samples are drawn in a coarse-to-fine fashion, commencing with a low-frequency residual image.
    第二步,在下一層採樣帶通結構(band-pass structure),以採樣的殘差作爲條件。
    Thus drawing samples is an efficient and straightforward procedure: taking random vectors as input and running forward through a cascade of deep convolutional networks (convnets) to produce an image.

4.2.2 Introduction

     Generative models falls into two main approaches:
Non-parametric :
Copy patches from training images to perform, for example, texture synthesis [3] or super-resolution,entire portions of an image can be in-painted, given a sufficiently large training dataset
Early parametric models addressed the easier problem of texture synthesis making use of a steerable pyramid wavelet representation, similar to our use of a Laplacian pyramid.

4.2.3 拉普拉斯金字塔,Laplacian Pyramid

     We introduce our LAPGAN model which integrates a conditional form of GAN model into the framework of a Laplacian pyramid.
     The conditional generative adversarial net (CGAN) is an extension of the GAN where both networks G and D receive an additional vector of information l as input. This might contain, say, information about the class of the training example h. The loss function thus becomes.
where pl(l) is, for example, the prior distribution over classes. This model allows the output of the generative model to be controlled by the conditioning variable l.
Laplacian Pyramid
     The Laplacian pyramid [1] is a linear invertible image representation consisting of a set of band-pass images, spaced an octave apart, plus a low-frequency residual.
     拉普拉斯金字塔是一個線性可逆圖像表徵,它由一個帶通圖像集合構成,構成了一個octave apart空間,加上一個低頻殘差。
     We first build a Gaussian pyramid G(I) = [I0; I1; : : : ; IK], where I0 = I and Ik is k repeated applications of d(:) to I

4.2.4 Laplacian Generative Adversarial Networks (LAPGAN)

     Recurrence從IK+1開始(K是金字塔的層數,令Ik+1 = 0),然後給最後一層的生成模型GK輸入噪聲向量Zk,去生成一個殘差圖像Ik這裏寫圖片描述 ,注意條件變量是k+1層圖像的upsampling
     We start with a noise sample z3 (right side) and use a generative model G3 to generate ~I3. This is upsampled (green arrow) and then used as the conditioning variable (orange arrow) l2 for the generative model at the next level, G2.


  1. 原始圖像I 64 * 64,令I0 = I,下采樣生成I1;
  2. 對I1上採樣,得到I0的一個低通版本 l0
  3. 等概率地爲判別模型D0選擇一個真實樣本或是生成樣本,爲真實樣例計算高通 h0 = I0 – l0;低通圖像l0(條件信息)和噪聲z輸入生成模型G,輸出高通圖像(殘差)h~ = G(z0,l0)。
    判別模型的輸入是低通圖像l0(下、上採樣)條件信息是:h 或 h~, 驅使生成模型學習realistic高頻結構(與低通圖像l0相一致)

4.3 實驗

    We evaluate our approach using 3 different methods:

  • (i) computation of log-likelihood on a held out image set;
    This new approach uses a Gaussian Parzen window estimate to compute a probability at each scale of the Laplacian pyramid.
  • (ii) **drawing sample image**s from the model and
  • (iii) a human subject experiment that compares (a) our samples, (b) those of baseline methods and (c) real images.


[1] K. Gregor, I. Danihelka, A. Graves, and D. Wierstra. DRAW: A recurrent neural network for image
generation. CoRR, abs/1502.04623, 2015.
[2] Denton E L, Chintala S, Fergus R. Deep Generative Image Models using a Laplacian Pyramid of Adversarial Networks[C]//Advances in neural information processing systems. 2015: 1486-1494.
[3] A. A. Efros and T. K. Leung. Texture synthesis by non-parametric sampling. In ICCV, volume 2, pages
1033–1038. IEEE, 1999.

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