BNCI Horizon 2020 腦機接口公開數據集

All data sets in this database are open access. This means that you can freely download and use the data according to their licenses. Additionally, if there is an associated publication, please make sure to cite it.



  1. Four class motor imagery (001-2014)

  2. Two class motor imagery (002-2014)

  3. Mental arithmetic (003-2014)

  4. Two class motor imagery (004-2014)

  5. Auditory oddball during hypnosis (005-2014)

  6. SCP training in stroke (006-2014)

  7. Two-finger gameplay with deliberately failing controller (007-2014)

  8. P300 speller with ALS patients (008-2014)

  9. Covert and overt ERP-based BCI (009-2014)

  10. Autocalibration and recurrent adaptation (001-2015)

  11. Neuroprosthetic control of an EEG/EOG BNCI (002-2015)

  12. Visual P300 speller (003-2015)

  13. Individual imagery (004-2015)

  14. Covert shifts of attention (005-2015)

  15. Music BCI (006-2015)

  16. Motion VEP Speller (007-2015)

  17. Center Speller (008-2015)

  18. AMUSE - an auditory speller based on spatial hearing (009-2015)

  19. RSVP speller (010-2015)

  20. ECoG-based BCI based on cognitive control (011-2015)

  21. PASS2D - auditory ERP Speller (012-2015)

  22. Monitoring error-related potentials (013-2015)

  23. ECoG-based 1-class motor imagery BCI (001-2016)

  24. Emergency braking during simulated driving (002-2016)

  25. Upper limb movement decoding from EEG (001-2017)

  26. Attempted arm and hand movements in persons with spinal cord injury (001-2019)

BCI Competition II (4 data sets,
BCI Competition III (5 data sets,
BCI Competition IV (4 data sets,
BCI2000 EEG motor movement/imagery (
List of various publicly available data sets (

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