




手機尺寸:這個大家也不陌生,就是手機斜對角線的長度。Nexus 5的尺寸爲4.95英寸,其實指的就是斜對角之間的距離。

dpi:dots per inch 每英寸上像素的點數,它的計算方式爲(手機斜對角線上的像素數/手機尺寸)。比如谷歌的親兒子Nexus 5的分辨率爲1920x1080,手機尺寸爲4.95英寸。那麼此款手機的DPI就是(1920*1920+ 1080*1080)½/4.95≈445dpi。

dip或者簡寫爲dp:device independent pixels 設備獨立像素(也有人將d理解爲density,將dip翻譯成密度無關像素,不過個人認爲還是翻譯成設備獨立像素比較好,畢竟TypedValue類中聲明COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP這個變量時就是將d翻譯爲device),谷歌推薦佈局使用的單位。

sp:scaled pixels 可縮放的像素,谷歌推薦字體使用的單位。






     * Standard quantized DPI for low-density screens.
    public static final int DENSITY_LOW = 120;

     * Standard quantized DPI for medium-density screens.
    public static final int DENSITY_MEDIUM = 160;

     * This is a secondary density, added for some common screen configurations.
     * It is recommended that applications not generally target this as a first
     * class density -- that is, don't supply specific graphics for this
     * density, instead allow the platform to scale from other densities
     * (typically {@link #DENSITY_HIGH}) as
     * appropriate.  In most cases (such as using bitmaps in
     * {@link}) the platform
     * can perform this scaling at load time, so the only cost is some slight
     * startup runtime overhead.
     * <p>This density was original introduced to correspond with a
     * 720p TV screen: the density for 1080p televisions is
     * {@link #DENSITY_XHIGH}, and the value here provides the same UI
     * size for a TV running at 720p.  It has also found use in 7" tablets,
     * when these devices have 1280x720 displays.
    public static final int DENSITY_TV = 213;

     * Standard quantized DPI for high-density screens.
    public static final int DENSITY_HIGH = 240;

     * Standard quantized DPI for extra-high-density screens.
    public static final int DENSITY_XHIGH = 320;

     * Intermediate density for screens that sit somewhere between
     * {@link #DENSITY_XHIGH} (320 dpi) and {@link #DENSITY_XXHIGH} (480 dpi).
     * This is not a density that applications should target, instead relying
     * on the system to scale their {@link #DENSITY_XXHIGH} assets for them.
    public static final int DENSITY_400 = 400;

     * Standard quantized DPI for extra-extra-high-density screens.
    public static final int DENSITY_XXHIGH = 480;

     * Intermediate density for screens that sit somewhere between
     * {@link #DENSITY_XXHIGH} (480 dpi) and {@link #DENSITY_XXXHIGH} (640 dpi).
     * This is not a density that applications should target, instead relying
     * on the system to scale their {@link #DENSITY_XXXHIGH} assets for them.
    public static final int DENSITY_560 = 560;

     * Standard quantized DPI for extra-extra-extra-high-density screens.  Applications
     * should not generally worry about this density; relying on XHIGH graphics
     * being scaled up to it should be sufficient for almost all cases.  A typical
     * use of this density would be 4K television screens -- 3840x2160, which
     * is 2x a traditional HD 1920x1080 screen which runs at DENSITY_XHIGH.
    public static final int DENSITY_XXXHIGH = 640;

     * The reference density used throughout the system.
    public static final int DENSITY_DEFAULT = DENSITY_MEDIUM;

     * Scaling factor to convert a density in DPI units to the density scale.
     * @hide
    public static final float DENSITY_DEFAULT_SCALE = 1.0f / DENSITY_DEFAULT;

     * The device's density.
     * @hide because eventually this should be able to change while
     * running, so shouldn't be a constant.
     * @deprecated There is no longer a static density; you can find the
     * density for a display in {@link #densityDpi}.
    public static int DENSITY_DEVICE = getDeviceDensity();





     * Converts an unpacked complex data value holding a dimension to its final floating 
     * point value. The two parameters <var>unit</var> and <var>value</var>
     * are as in {@link #TYPE_DIMENSION}.
     * @param unit The unit to convert from.
     * @param value The value to apply the unit to.
     * @param metrics Current display metrics to use in the conversion -- 
     *                supplies display density and scaling information.
     * @return The complex floating point value multiplied by the appropriate 
     * metrics depending on its unit. 
    public static float applyDimension(int unit, float value,
                                       DisplayMetrics metrics)
        switch (unit) {
        case COMPLEX_UNIT_PX:
            return value;
        case COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP:
            return value * metrics.density;
        case COMPLEX_UNIT_SP:
            return value * metrics.scaledDensity;
        case COMPLEX_UNIT_PT:
            return value * metrics.xdpi * (1.0f/72);
        case COMPLEX_UNIT_IN:
            return value * metrics.xdpi;
        case COMPLEX_UNIT_MM:
            return value * metrics.xdpi * (1.0f/25.4f);
        return 0;







public void setToDefaults() {
        widthPixels = 0;
        heightPixels = 0;
        density =  DENSITY_DEVICE / (float) DENSITY_DEFAULT;
        densityDpi =  DENSITY_DEVICE;
        scaledDensity = density;
        xdpi = DENSITY_DEVICE;
        ydpi = DENSITY_DEVICE;
        noncompatWidthPixels = widthPixels;
        noncompatHeightPixels = heightPixels;
        noncompatDensity = density;
        noncompatDensityDpi = densityDpi;
        noncompatScaledDensity = scaledDensity;
        noncompatXdpi = xdpi;
        noncompatYdpi = ydpi;

從名字上判斷出,這是一個賦值方法。在這個方法中的第4行咱們可以看到給density賦值爲DENSITY_DEVICE / (float) DENSITY_DEFAULT。我靠,又是這麼巧,我記得剛剛咱們看DisplayMetrics類中定義常量的代碼中是有這兩個值的!事不宜遲,咱們回過頭來再看一下DisplayMetrics類中定義常量的代碼。第89行定義了DENSITY_DEVICE 的值爲getDeviceDensity(),其實就是拿到的就是咱們手機本身的dpi。第73行定義了DENSITY_DEFAULT的值爲DENSITY_MEDIUM也就是160。


到現在,咱們終於能夠總結出dp和px的換算公式了:px = (手機本身的dpi / 160)  * dp。比如某款手機的dpi爲320,那麼5dp所對應的的px= (320/160) * 5 = 10px。

接下來咱們再來看一下sp與px的換算。還是TypedValue類中的applyDimension()方法,直接來到第22行,可以看到類型爲sp時px的值爲values*metrics.scaledDensity。接下來再找到DisplayMetrics類的setToDefaults()方法,來到第6行,scaledDensity=density ,接下來咱們來看一下density是什麼。恩?等等,density?這個名字怎麼那麼熟悉啊?剛剛dp與px是怎麼換算的來着?趕緊回過頭來看一下TypedValue類中的applyDimension()方法,直接來到第21行。Oh My God!咱們看到了什麼!當單位是dp時px = value*metrics.density,當單位是sp時px = values*metrics.scaledDensity,而且scaledDensity=density !好了不用我多說了,我想大家都明白了,搞了半天原來dp和sp是一回事啊。

但是,它們真的一樣嗎?如果真的一模一樣的話谷歌爲什麼自找麻煩搞出來sp這個單位,直接用一個dp不是更省事嗎?而且sp爲什麼叫做scaled pixels?

其實默認情況下咱們認爲sp和dp一致是沒有問題的,不過不知道大家記不記得在手機的“系統設置”的“顯示”中可以修改字體的大小。沒錯,默認情況下,字體大小爲“普通”,這時候dp和sp兩個單位保持一致。但當修改了字體大小之後,所有以sp爲單位的字體都會進行相應的縮放(具體的縮放比例參見我的另一篇博客Android系統設置大號字體後佈局錯亂的問題),所以谷歌推薦的字體單位的名字才叫做sp(scaled pixels)。



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