

// A placement algorithm that assigns the nodes of the given Graph to
// devices the given DeviceSet, respecting the following constraints:
// 1. Existing device assignments remain unchanged.
// 2. Requested (partial or complete) device specifications given by device name
//    for each node are granted.
// 3. Nodes connected by edges of a reference type are colocated on
//    the same device.
// 4. Given nodes "A" and "B", if node "B" has a colocation group
//    "@loc:A", nodes "A" and "B" will be colocated on the same device.
// The implementation builds a constraint graph with the same set of
// nodes, and edges that represent colocation constraints between
// nodes.  Each connected component in the resulting constraint graph
// is then assigned to a set of valid devices.
// Run() will finally assign the device to each node given the list of
// possible devices.
// TODO(mrry): "Soft" constraints, such as "place node 'x' as close as
// possible to node 'y' while respecting the other constraints"?
// TODO(mrry): Create a common interface for this and the other
// placement algorithms so that they may be injected into the graph
// builder.
class Placer {
  // Creates an instance of the Placer algorithm for the given
  // Graph "graph" (nodes in which may or may not be assigned) on the
  // given DeviceSet "devices".
  // "function_name" should be set to the name of the function whose body is
  // represented by "graph". If "graph" is not representing a function body,
  // "function_name" should be empty.
  // If non-null, default_device is used where possible as a placement for nodes
  // which do not have a device specified, ahead of other devices which would
  // otherwise be higher priority.
  // The "graph", "devices", and "default_device" pointer arguments are borrowed
  // by this Placer, and must outlive it.
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