Mono新版本 2.10.3 8月4日發佈

Release Notes Mono 2.10.3

Mono is a portable and open source implementation of the .NET framework for Unix, Windows, MacOS and other operating systems.

Mono 2.10.3 is a minor update to Mono 2.10, Mono 2.10.1, Mono 2.10.2 based on the mono-2-10 branch of github. Mono 2.10.3 was released on August 4th, 2011.

For more information on changes since Mono 2.10, you can also read the release notes for Mono 2.10.1, Mono 2.10.2.
Major Highlights

Vastly improved Mono's WCF stack.

Major update to Mono's linker/tuner.

MacOS X Lion: We have fixed various bugs in Gtk+ that affected Lion users of MonoDevelop and other Gtk# applications.

This release is big and tasty service pack, with plenty of fixes all around, the diffstat shows:
370 files changed, 10606 insertions(+), 3452 deletions(-)
Changes Since Mono 2.10.2

If a thread abort is fatal, we now show the stack trace
Improve stacktraces when facing a runtime invoke wrapper.
Fixed #693996 UriTemplate doesn't support named wildcards
Fixed #650117 xsd.exe hangs on valid circular groups schema
Implemented #692987 PipeException
Fixed #690475 Unexpected XmlConvert.ToDateTime(string,XmlDateTimeSerializationMode) behaviour
Fixed #673019 XmlSerializer : Bad Custom serializer generated with "char" default value.
Fixed #641935 Select XmlNodeList from parent XmlNode returns emply list in mono but not .net.
Fixed #16 XNode.ReplaceWith() throws exception when provided null arguments.
Fixed #703910 System.Xml.Serialization crash at reading of file
Support action parameter in SOAP 1.2 content type.
Fixed #704813 InvalidOperationException: To be XML serializable, types which inherit from IEnumerable must have an implementation of Add() at all levels of their inheritance hierarchy.
Fixed #703027 handling of null in the non generic implementation of EqualityComparer.
Fixed a socket stack problem where Mono could swallow file descriptors on threadpool threads.
Fix queryable enumerable expression transformation
Fixed #701187 Don't emit null queryable constants when rewriting linq queries.
Removed hard coded timeout for SslStreamBase.
Fixed a security issue when default-initialized ArraySegment structs are passed in sockets.
Fixed #684613 Allow AssemblyRef flags to have at least ECMA's values.
Fix Prefix selection in HttpListener
Fixes #690887 Add FTP + RETR support to FtpWebRequest
Various Parallel FX fixes
Fix ICollection.CopyTo in the Stack class
Fix #688353 HttpListener fix for matching directories
Fixed #689670 Use WriteLien instead of Write for AllLines.

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