視聽說教程(第三版)4 quiz 8

視聽說教程(第三版)4 quiz 8

Section A
Passage One
Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.

Careers for women should not be any different from careers for men. Decisions about gainful and satisfying employment for women should be made on the basis of individual interest and abilities. A variety of factors can help women find better jobs. Women need better career planning and counseling. They should be encouraged to develop personal goals that will enable them to compete for good jobs in light of their abilities, desires and training. Career guidance should begin at the junior high school level, or even at the elementary school level, with the assistance of counselors, teachers and parents. Some women must change their career aspirations. Since openings in the usual women’s occupations will not be sufficient to supply jobs for all women seeking work, they must choose alternatives in other occupations. Many of these jobs may pay higher wages and offer greater o

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