Managing Employees--developing skills for success(2019/11/6)

Managing employees

Developing skills for success

  • What do you think effetive manager do to help employees peform well?
  • How can a manager do a better job of working with individuals and groups?


  1. Inevitably-can not be avoided
  2. Expectation-what one thinks or hopes will happen
  3. Team player-somebody who works cooperatively(adv. 合作地) with others
  4. Manager-somebody who is responsible for directing and controlling the work and staff of a business
  5. Staff-people that work at a certain place
  6. FeedBack-comments and reactions that are given with the intention to(打算,爲了) provide useful information for improvement
  7. praise-appreciation through words(通過文字) of approval  for achievements,inprovements,or for good qualities
  8. Pinpoint-identify
  9. Recognition-public respect and thanks for soemone's work or achievements

Managers inevitably face many issues and problems.because they have to work with a range of people(一羣人).the talented,the team players,those who handle stress well and those who don't.

Also,there will be expectations from colleagues about your abilities to manage others up and down the corporate(企業) ladder.

The interesting this is that most people like being managed if they are being managede well.People feel more secure and better supported when they know someone has their eye on them,is monitoring their progress and is available to help with problems or diffculties.

Mostly ,managing(管理) is about feeling secure and confident in your own capabilities.combined with(並能) an ability to really hear what people want need and to try to give it to them,It is about being(它是關於存在的) clear and communicating in ways that people undestand,managing people well can be the best skill you acquire to get the success you want.

Have Open Communication

Your employees would appreciate(感激) knowing that you listen.You don't always have to agree with them,but you must give them opportunities to be heard.

How can you accomplish this?

Keep Your Employees Informed(adj. 消息靈通的;見多識廣的)

By keeping employees informed they will be more vested in the company's success.Communication with them about what's going to going on will also indicate that you value their contributions(貢獻) and suggestions


Just because they are doing what is expected  of them does not mean that you ignore them,Don't be the kind of manager who only comes around when there are problms.

Everyone needs recognition(認可).some more than others.

As you take the time to correct them when they make a also have to take the time to acknowledge(感謝) them when they do something right.This will encourage your employees to do better.

Do you praise your staff often?

Provide Frequent Feedback

Provide  frequnet feedback so that people know how they are doing.

Sometimes,the purporse of(含義,目的) feedback is reward and recognition.People deserve(應該) your constructive feedback ,too,so they can continue to develop their knowledge and skills.

Identify the Problem,Not the People

When solving problems,do it without publbicly pinpointing the people who caused them.

When a problem occurs,ask what is wrong with the work system that caused the people to fail,not what is wrong with the people.

Treat Your Employees as You Would Want to be Treated 

Trust them and they will trust you,Respect them and they will respect you


  • How do you praise your staff in your company?
  • Would you apply these tips to your own staff,why?

Final Thoughts..

  • Do you have the skills to successfully manage employees?
  • In what areas do you think you need to improve?



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