

多字節數據在內存、顯存(N卡)和寄存器(N卡)存放是按照 “高字節->低字節(bit 31 --------> bit 0)”存放的,稱爲小端或小尾。



char4 dog;
dog.x ...     第1個字節

dog.y ....    第2個字節
dog.z .....   第3個字節
doz.w ...... 第4個字節



char dog[4];                     
dog[0] = 0x11;
dog[1] = 0x22;
dog[2] = 0x33;
dog[4] = 0x44;

int cat = *(int *)dog;      
cat的值是0x44332211,而不是0x11223344。如果使用分量訪問char4中的每個字節,則 可以不管它的存放方式。



uint32_t a = *p; 

 a & 0xff                    第1個字節
(a >> 8) & 0xff          第2個
(a >> 16) & 0xff        第3個
(a >> 24) & 0xff        第4個。


#include "cuda_runtime.h"
#include "device_launch_parameters.h"

#include <stdio.h>

cudaError_t addWithCuda(int *c,char *b, unsigned int size);

__global__ void addKernel(int *c, char *b)
    //int i = threadIdx.x;
    //c[i] = a[i] + b[i];
    char dog[4];
 int *temp = (int *)dog;
 c[0] = *temp;  

 int dog2 = 0x12345678;
 char *q = (char *)&dog2;
 b[0] = q[0];
 b[1] = q[1];
 b[2] = q[2];
 b[3] = q[3];

int main()
    const int arraySize = 5;
    char b[arraySize] = { 0 };
    int c[arraySize] = { 0 };

 printf("cpu : \n");
 char dog[4];
 c[0] = *(int *)dog;
 printf("a array dog of char type    : {%x,%x,%x,%x} \n",dog[0],dog[1],dog[2],dog[3]);
 printf("the address of it's element : {%x,%x,%x,%x} \n",&dog[0],&dog[1],&dog[2],&dog[3]);
 printf("we convert the array dog to a int data \n");
    printf("c : %x , address: %x \n",c[0],&c[0]);

 int p=0x12345678;//在內存中對應&p對應的地址比如0x04000000開始的12 34 56 78四個字節
    char *q;
    q=(char *)&p;//&p本來是int *類型,強制轉換爲類型char *。此時q的值爲0x04000000
 printf("a data of type int p = %x\n",p);
 printf("we convert the int data to a array of char type \n");
 printf("char p = {%x,%x,%x,%x} \n",q[0], q[1], q[2], q[3]);
 printf("address of p : %x,%x,%x,%x \n",&q[0], &q[1], &q[2], &q[3]);

 printf("gpu : \n");
 c[0] = 0;
    // Add vectors in parallel.
    cudaError_t cudaStatus = addWithCuda(c, b, arraySize);
    if (cudaStatus != cudaSuccess) {
        fprintf(stderr, "addWithCuda failed!");
        return 1;
 printf("array dog : {%x,%x,%x,%x} \n",dog[0],dog[1],dog[2],dog[3]);
    printf("c : %x , address: %x \n",c[0],&c[0]);

 printf(" int p : %x \n",0x12345678);
 printf("char p : {%x,%x,%x,%x}",b[0],b[1],b[2],b[3]);

    // cudaDeviceReset must be called before exiting in order for profiling and
    // tracing tools such as Nsight and Visual Profiler to show complete traces.
    cudaStatus = cudaDeviceReset();
    if (cudaStatus != cudaSuccess) {
        fprintf(stderr, "cudaDeviceReset failed!");
        return 1;
    return 0;

// Helper function for using CUDA to add vectors in parallel.
cudaError_t addWithCuda(int *c, char *b, unsigned int size)
    char *dev_b = 0;
    int *dev_c = 0;
    cudaError_t cudaStatus;

    // Choose which GPU to run on, change this on a multi-GPU system.
    cudaStatus = cudaSetDevice(0);
    if (cudaStatus != cudaSuccess) {
        fprintf(stderr, "cudaSetDevice failed!  Do you have a CUDA-capable GPU installed?");
        goto Error;

    // Allocate GPU buffers for three vectors (two input, one output)    .
    cudaStatus = cudaMalloc((void**)&dev_c, size * sizeof(int));
    if (cudaStatus != cudaSuccess) {
        fprintf(stderr, "cudaMalloc failed!");
        goto Error;

    cudaStatus = cudaMalloc((void**)&dev_b, size * sizeof(char));
    if (cudaStatus != cudaSuccess) {
        fprintf(stderr, "cudaMalloc failed!");
        goto Error;

    // Launch a kernel on the GPU with one thread for each element.
    addKernel<<<1, 1>>>(dev_c,dev_b);

    // Check for any errors launching the kernel
    cudaStatus = cudaGetLastError();
    if (cudaStatus != cudaSuccess) {
        fprintf(stderr, "addKernel launch failed: %s\n", cudaGetErrorString(cudaStatus));
        goto Error;
    // cudaDeviceSynchronize waits for the kernel to finish, and returns
    // any errors encountered during the launch.
    cudaStatus = cudaDeviceSynchronize();
    if (cudaStatus != cudaSuccess) {
        fprintf(stderr, "cudaDeviceSynchronize returned error code %d after launching addKernel!\n", cudaStatus);
        goto Error;

    // Copy output vector from GPU buffer to host memory.
    cudaStatus = cudaMemcpy(c, dev_c, size * sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
    if (cudaStatus != cudaSuccess) {
        fprintf(stderr, "cudaMemcpy failed!");
        goto Error;
     cudaStatus = cudaMemcpy(b, dev_b, size * sizeof(char), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
    if (cudaStatus != cudaSuccess) {
        fprintf(stderr, "cudaMemcpy failed!");
        goto Error;

    return cudaStatus;


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