FAERIE QVEENE《仙后》Canto 第2卷第4章第33-37节


Betwixt them both, they haue me doen to dye,           他们母子二人想置我于死地,

Through wounds, & strokes,& stubborne handeling,      无所不用其极,一直敲打击踢,

That death were better, then such agony,               我为这些屈辱痛苦哀伤悲戚,

As griefe and furie vnto me did bring;                 一腔怒火一直燃烧在我心里,

Of which in me yet stickes the mortall sting,          如果我活着就永远不能平息,

That during life will neuer be appeasd.                我想如果死了可能会更容易。

When he thus ended had his sorrowing,                  青年倒完苦水讲完不幸经历,

Said Guyon, Squire, sore haue ye beene diseasd;        谷阳说,年轻人,的确痛苦至极,

But all your hurts may soonethrough te[m]perance be easd.      但伤很快就会好,只要你克己。


Then gan the Palmer thus, most wretched man,             行者这样说到,最可怜的青年,

That to affections does the bridle lend;                 笼头向你放出所有疾病贷款;

In their beginning they are weake and wan,               开始的时候是虚弱无力黯然,

But soone through suff'rance grow to fearefullend;      但却很快通过苦难变得不安;

Whiles they are weake betimes with themcontend:         脆弱之时即开始和他们争辩;

For when they once to perfect strength do grow,          因为一旦熟练就会力大无边,

Strong warres they make, and cruell battry bend          它们制造出一场场生死之战,

Gainst fort of Reason, it to ouerthrow:                  用残忍战役冲垮理智的天险:

Wrath, gelosie, griefe, loue thisSquire haue layd thus low.     怒悲爱妒让你变成如此这般。


Wrath, gealosie, griefe, loue do thus expell:            怒悲爱妒一同向你射出子弹:

Wrath is a fire, and gealosie a weede,                   妒忌是杂草,而愤怒则是烈焰,

Griefe is a flood, and loue a monster fell;              爱情是猛兽,悲伤是洪水泛滥;

The fire of sparkes, the weede of little seede,          无种杂草使那星星之火燎原,

The flood of drops, the Monster filth didbreede:        滴水成洪而猛兽以污秽为天:

But sparks, seed, drops, and filth do thusdelay;        火星种子水滴污秽都可拖延,

The sparks soone quench, the springing seedoutweed,     火星很快熄灭发芽之种枯干,

The drops dry vp, and filth wipe cleane away:            水滴枯竭,污秽抹去不留一点,

So shall wrath, gealosie, griefe, loue dye anddecay.    因此怒悲爱妒都可死亡腐烂。


Vnlucky Squire (said Guyon) sith thou hast            (谷阳公说到)很倒霉的小青年,

Falne into mischiefe through intemperaunce,           你是因为无度而陷入了灾难,

Henceforth take heede of that thou now hastpast,     从今以后从教训中汲取经验,

And guide thy wayes with warie gouernaunce,           你要小心谨慎严加自理防范,

Least worse betide thee by some later chaunce.        至少以后的运气不会更凄惨。

But read how art thou nam'd, and of what kin.         但现在可否将您大名告诉俺?

Phedon I hight (quoth he) and do aduaunce             我叫菲东(那小青年又开言),

Mine auncestry from famous Coradin,                   著名的科拉丁就是我的祖先,

Who first to rayse our house to honour didbegin.     是他首先竖起我们家族大殿。


Thus as he spake, lo far away they spyde                 青年说话期间他们远远看见,

A varlet running towards hastily,                        急急忙忙正在赶来一个跟班,

Whose flying feet so fast their way applyde,             跟班的两只脚像是在飞一般,

That round about a cloud of dust did fly,                从脚底下扬起的尘土飞满天,

Which mingled all with sweate, did dim his eye.          尘汗混在一起遮挡他的视线。

He soone approched, panting, breathlesse, whot,          很快气喘吁吁来到他们面前,

And all so soyld, that none could him descry;            跟班灰头灰脸无人能够分辨;

His countenaunce was bold, and bashed not                看见谷阳一点也不怕很大胆,

For Guyons lookes, but scornefull eyglaunce at himshot. 反而是朝他傲慢地瞥了一眼。

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