

MED620122 生物医学工程进展

1 安装教程


  • FLIRT version 6.0
  • Ubuntu 16.04
  • FSLeyes version 0.31.0+build0(这里有个坑是,fsl本身也自带fsleyes,但是版本较低,有些功能使用会有问题,需要单独下载fsleyes然后替换

首先,去官网下载fslinstaller.py 选择 “Download FSL”

sudo python2 fslinstaller.py



. ${FSLDIR}/etc/fslconf/fsl.sh

然后如果配置成功,输入flirt -version可以返回软件的版本,例如:FLIRT version 6.0


按照教程,下载解压完成后,输入/usr/bin/time ./RUN all 即可进行评估



  • fsleyes的网站:https://users.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/~paulmc/fsleyes/userdoc/latest/install.html#
  • fsleyes安装教程(替换fsl内置版本):https://fsl.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl/fslwiki/FSLeyes
  • fsleyes UserGuide:https://users.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/~paulmc/fsleyes/userdoc/latest/

2 fsl Course

首先,进入fsl Course的官网下载示例数据,学习图像分割,http://fsl.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fslcourse/



wget -c http://fsl.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fslcourse/downloads/structural.tar.gz
wget -c http://fsl.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fslcourse/downloads/registration.tar.gz

2.1 bet去除颅骨


gunzip structural.nii.gz
bet structural.nii structural_brain 
gunzip structural_brain.nii.gz
fsleyes structural.nii structural_brain.nii &



2.2 fslroi选取感兴趣区域


fslroi structural_brain structural_brain_roi 0 175 0 185 100 5


2.3 FAST分割+偏置场校正

示例中还有输入Fast GUI命令,进行偏置场校正及分割,设置同官网,进行校正。

Use the GUI (Fast [or Fast_gui on a Mac]) and turn on the Estimated bias fieldbutton (which saves a copy of the bias field) and **Restored input button **(which corrects the original image with the calculated bias field). For both images also open the Advanced Options tab and change the Number of iterations for bias field removal to 10 to account for the strong bias fields in both cases.


Now choose the Number of classes to be segmented. Normally you will want 3 (Grey Matter, White Matter and CSF). However, if there is very poor grey/white contrast you may want to reduce this to 2; alternatively, if there are strong lesions showing up as a fourth class, you may want to increase this. Also, if you are segmenting T2-weighted images, you may need to select 4 classes so that dark non-brain matter is processed correctly (this is not a problem with T1-weighted as CSF and dark non-brain matter look similar).


Fast GUI偏置场校正

2.4 Partial Volume Segmentation 图像分割结果##

fsleyes structural_brain_roi_restore \
  structural_brain_roi_pve_0 -cm green -dr 0.5 1 \
  structural_brain_roi_pve_1 -cm blue-lightblue -dr 0.5 1 \
  structural_brain_roi_pve_2 -cm red-yellow -dr 0.5 1 &

下图就是图像分割结果,不同颜色分别代表GM, WM, CSF;灰质,白质,脑脊液。

  • 脑脊液(绿色pve0)
  • 灰质(蓝色pve1)
  • 白质(红黄pve2)

Partial Volume Segmentation


  • *pve_*文件表示每类的概率,没有进行二值化
  • *seg_*文件表示每类分割结果,进行过二值化
  • bias文件为偏置场。

2.5 fslstats 统计##



2.6 FIRST 皮层下结构分割及统计分析##


run_first_all -i con0047_brain -b -s L_Hipp,L_Amyg \
  -o con0047 -a con0047_brain_to_std_sub.mat


将图像con0047_brain_to_std_sub.nii.gz与“1mm标准空间模板图像”一起加载到FSLeyes中。查看皮层下结构的对齐方式,两者都是MNI152 space,所以非常接近。


后面对于分割不满意,还可以Boundary corrected segmentation output,将边界重新进行调整。

Vertex Analysis


  1. 首先,使用concat_bvars把顶点信息文件bvars整合成一个,注意此时整合的顺序和后序design matrix的要保持一致
  2. 接着,打开Glm,按照教程上的进行配置:
  3. Create a design matrix (Don’t worry if you don’t fully understand this part, we will cover this in more detail later in the course).The subject order should match the order in which the .bvars were combined in the concat_bvars call. The design matrix is most easily created using FSL’s Glm tool (a single column file). To do this, start the Glm GUI (Glm_gui on mac). First, choose the Higher-level/non-timeseries design option from the top pull down menu in the small window. Next, set the # inputs option to be 8 (the number of subjects we have in this example).
  4. In the bigger window (of the Glm GUI) set the values of the EV (the numbers in the second column) to be -1 for the first five entries (our five controls) and +1 for the next three entries (our three patients). This will allow us probe the difference between groups. Leave the ‘group’ column as all ones. Once you’ve done this, go to the Contrasts and F-tests tab. Rename the t-contrast (C1) to ‘group difference’, but leave the value set for EV1 as 1. We also need to add an F-test. Change the number in the F-tests box to 1, and then highlight the button on the right hand side (under F1) to select an F-test that operates on the single t-contrast.This F-test will be the main contrast of interest for our vertex analysis as it allows us to test for differences in either direction.
  5. When this is all set up correctly, save everything using the Save button in the smaller Glm window. Choose the current directory and use the name design_con1_dis2 (as we will assume this is the name used below, although for your own studies you can use any name of your choice). Now exit the Glm GUI.
  6. 然后,使用randomise进行统计检验
  7. 最后,用fsleyes可视化。


concat_bvars all.bvars *L_Hipp*.bvars
# 我的理解是,该步骤把不同subject的bvars整合出来的文件,使用--useReconMNI参数,重构到MNI空间。Reconstructs the meshes in MNI space(native space of the model).
first_utils --usebvars --vertexAnalysis -i all.bvars -o diff_con1_dis2_L_Hipp_mni -d design_con1_dis2.mat --useReconMNI
# 在重构好的空间里,进行统计检验
randomise -i diff_con1_dis2_L_Hipp_mni.nii.gz \
  -m diff_con1_dis2_L_Hipp_mni_mask.nii.gz \
  -o con1_dis2_L_Hipp_rand -d design_con1_dis2.mat \
  -t design_con1_dis2.con -f design_con1_dis2.fts \
  --fonly -D -F 3
# 可视化有差异的地方(都在MNI152空间)
fsleyes -std1mm con1_dis2_L_Hipp_rand_clustere_corrp_fstat1 -cm red-yellow -dr 0.95 1 &





# 此处的不同之处在于,是在原来图像的空间进行重构
# --useReconNative : Reconstructs the meshes in the native space of the image. For vertex-wise stats need to also use --useRigidAlign.
# --useRigidAlign : Uses a 6 Degrees Of Freedom transformation to remove pose from the meshes (see --useScale if you wish to remove size as well). All meshes are aligned to the mean shape from the shape Model. Can be used with either ReconNative or ReconMNI.
first_utils --vertexAnalysis --surfaceout --usebvars -i con_to_dis_L_Hipp.bvars -d con1_dis2.mat -o shape_analysis/con1_dis2_L_Hipp --useReconNative --useRigidAlign -v >& shape_analysis/con1_dis2_L_Hipp_output.txt

# 生成一个有pvals的文件,与之前的vtk文件内容一致
surface_fdr con1_dis2_L_Hipp1.vtk


3 Homework data analysis

3.1 bet去除颅骨


bet CC0007_philips_15_62_M.nii CC0007_philips_15_62_M_brain
# fsl可视化
fsleyes *_brain.nii.gz &


3.2 FAST分割+偏置场校正

使用如下命令进行FAST分割和偏置场校正,具体说明见上面,也是使用Fast GUI设置的


/usr/local/fsl/bin/fast -t 1 -n 3 -H 0.1 -I 10 -l 20.0 -g -B -b -o /home/wang/BME_Homework/CC0003_philips_15_63_F_brain /home/wang/BME_Homework/CC0003_philips_15_63_F_brain
/usr/local/fsl/bin/fast -t 1 -n 3 -H 0.1 -I 10 -l 20.0 -g -B -b -o /home/wang/BME_Homework/CC0004_philips_15_67_M_brain /home/wang/BME_Homework/CC0004_philips_15_67_M_brain
/usr/local/fsl/bin/fast -t 1 -n 3 -H 0.1 -I 10 -l 20.0 -g -B -b -o /home/wang/BME_Homework/CC0005_philips_15_62_M_brain /home/wang/BME_Homework/CC0005_philips_15_62_M_brain
/usr/local/fsl/bin/fast -t 1 -n 3 -H 0.1 -I 10 -l 20.0 -g -B -b -o /home/wang/BME_Homework/CC0006_philips_15_63_F_brain /home/wang/BME_Homework/CC0006_philips_15_63_F_brain
/usr/local/fsl/bin/fast -t 1 -n 3 -H 0.1 -I 10 -l 20.0 -g -B -b -o /home/wang/BME_Homework/CC0007_philips_15_62_M_brain /home/wang/BME_Homework/CC0007_philips_15_62_M_brain
/usr/local/fsl/bin/fast -t 1 -n 3 -H 0.1 -I 10 -l 20.0 -g -B -b -o /home/wang/BME_Homework/CC0008_philips_15_60_F_brain /home/wang/BME_Homework/CC0008_philips_15_60_F_brain

3.3 Partial Volume Segmentation 图像分割结果##

fsleyes CC0003_philips_15_63_F_brain \
  CC0003_philips_15_63_F_brain_pve_0 -cm green -dr 0.5 1 \
  CC0003_philips_15_63_F_brain_pve_1 -cm blue-lightblue -dr 0.5 1 \
  CC0003_philips_15_63_F_brain_pve_2 -cm red-yellow -dr 0.5 1 &
fsleyes CC0005_philips_15_62_M_brain \
  CC0005_philips_15_62_M_brain_pve_0 -cm green -dr 0.5 1 \
  CC0005_philips_15_62_M_brain_pve_1 -cm blue-lightblue -dr 0.5 1 \
  CC0005_philips_15_62_M_brain_pve_2 -cm red-yellow -dr 0.5 1 &


  • 脑脊液(绿色pve0)
  • 灰质(蓝色pve1)
  • 白质(红黄pve2)

3.3 fslstats 统计##

使用xargs命令批量拿出来脑脊液,灰质和白质的体积。(-I {} 大括号指定替换的符号)

ls *_pve_*|xargs -I {} $FSLDIR/bin/fslstats {} -M -V
  • 脑脊液(pve0)
  • 灰质(pve1)
  • 白质(pve2)


与使用matlab toolkit中CAT做出来的体积略有不同,差别最大的是CC0007,CAT做出来CC0007的灰质比白质略小,这里CC0007的灰质比白质略大

病人编号 组织类别 整张图体素数目 图像的总体积(立方毫米) 百分比 对应结构的体素数目 对应结构的体积(立方厘米)
CC0003 脑脊液 498338 393750.4688 0.699085 348380.6207 275.2650464
CC0003 灰质 978755 773341.125 0.718218 702959.4586 555.4275161
CC0003 白质 731029 577606 0.789414 577084.527 455.9702629
CC0004 脑脊液 664398 524961.8125 0.714634 474801.4003 375.1555599
CC0004 灰质 1209274 955485.5625 0.720517 871302.4747 688.443591
CC0004 白质 994846 786059.25 0.815883 811677.939 641.3323791
CC0005 脑脊液 600755 474675.2188 0.70273 422168.5612 333.5685165
CC0005 灰质 1201045 948983 0.730482 877341.7537 693.2149998
CC0005 白质 932851 737074.5625 0.79763 744069.9431 587.9127833
CC0006 脑脊液 490649 387674.8125 0.689181 338145.9685 267.178115
CC0006 灰质 1082499 855311.25 0.740182 801246.2748 633.0859916
CC0006 白质 845774 668268.5 0.807705 683135.8887 539.7638088
CC0007 脑脊液 638762 504700.125 0.720264 460077.2732 363.5173308
CC0007 灰质 1183335 934979.3125 0.729251 862948.2321 681.8345986
CC0007 白质 1025489 810261.8125 0.831084 852267.5001 673.3956282
CC0008 脑脊液 467768 369597.4063 0.685212 320520.2468 253.2525779
CC0008 灰质 1026966 811436.3125 0.741014 760996.1835 601.2856677
CC0008 白质 797140 629843.9375 0.805895 642411.1403 507.58808

3.4 FIRST 皮层下结构分割及统计分析##

  • 此处设置分割左右尾状核
  • 此处没有设定仿射变换矩阵(Course教程中有指定变换矩阵mat文件,是因为他配准过了,要节省时间)


run_first_all -i CC0003_philips_15_63_F_brain -b -s L_Caud,R_Caud -o CC0003
run_first_all -i CC0004_philips_15_67_M_brain -b -s L_Caud,R_Caud -o CC0004
run_first_all -i CC0005_philips_15_62_M_brain -b -s L_Caud,R_Caud -o CC0005
run_first_all -i CC0006_philips_15_63_F_brain -b -s L_Caud,R_Caud -o CC0006
run_first_all -i CC0007_philips_15_62_M_brain -b -s L_Caud,R_Caud -o CC0007
run_first_all -i CC0008_philips_15_60_F_brain -b -s L_Caud,R_Caud -o CC0008
  • -b specifies that the input image is brain extracted - important when calculating the registration.
  • -s allows a restricted set of structures (one or more) to be selected. For more than one structure the list must be comma separated with no spaces. The list of possible structures is: L_Accu L_Amyg L_Caud L_Hipp L_Pall L_Puta L_Thal R_Accu R_Amyg R_Caud R_Hipp R_Pall R_Puta R_Thal BrStem. 这个参数不指定的话,会把所有结构都分割出来,然后firstseg和origsegs文件里面就是有很多的结构,并且用不同的数值进行了标记


  • The corrected image (*_firstseg) is normally the one that you would use to define an ROI or mask for a particular subcortical structure.
  • For more details on the uncorrected image (*_origsegs) – see the optional practical at the end.


Make sure that you look at the axial, coronal and sagittal slices.

first_roi_slicesdir *nii *all_fast_firstseg.nii.gz

后续还可以自己再进行边界校正**“Boundary Correction”**,具体使用方法为:first_boundary_corr -s segmented_image -i intensity_image -b method -o output_name,此处我没有进行校正。



3.5 Vertex Analysis

这一部分的目的是:localised change in shape and/or size

For vertex analysis, we will be using the .bvars files as they contain the information about the sub-voxel mesh coordinates.

Combine all the mode parameters (.bvars file) into a single file. Each structure (model) that is fit with FIRST will generate a separate .bvars file. For a given structure (e.g. Caud尾状核) combine all the relevant .bvars files using the concat_bvars script.

Note that the order here is very important, as it must correspond to the order specified in the design matrix to be used later for statistical testing. For this example, combine the .bvars files (all of the left Caud 和 right Caud 分别左右尾状核) using the command:


concat_bvars all.L_Caud.bvars CC0003-L_Caud_first.bvars CC0006-L_Caud_first.bvars CC0008-L_Caud_first.bvars CC0004-L_Caud_first.bvars CC0005-L_Caud_first.bvars CC0007-L_Caud_first.bvars
concat_bvars all.R_Caud.bvars CC0003-R_Caud_first.bvars CC0006-R_Caud_first.bvars CC0008-R_Caud_first.bvars CC0004-R_Caud_first.bvars CC0005-R_Caud_first.bvars CC0007-R_Caud_first.bvars

接着,使用first_utils,选定矩阵,进行Vertex Analysis,然后使用randomise命令进行多重比较(with multiple comparison correction),找到有显著差异的部分,可视化可以直接用fsleyes中的3Dview功能进行,也可以使用first3Dview


# 我的理解是,该步骤把不同subject的bvars整合出来的文件,使用--useReconMNI参数,重构到MNI空间。Reconstructs the meshes in MNI space(native space of the model).
first_utils --usebvars --vertexAnalysis -i all.L_Caud.bvars -o design_F1_M2_L_Caud_mni -d design_F1_M2.mat --useReconMNI
# 在重构好的空间里,进行统计检验
randomise -i design_F1_M2_L_Caud_mni.nii.gz -m design_F1_M2_L_Caud_mni_mask.nii.gz -o F1_M2_L_Caud_rand -d design_F1_M2.mat -t design_F1_M2.con -f design_F1_M2.fts \
  --fonly -D -F 3
# 可视化有差异的地方(都在MNI152空间)
fsleyes -std1mm F1_M2_L_Caud_rand_clustere_corrp_fstat1 -cm red-yellow -dr 0.95 1 &

# 同样的,对于右尾状核也进行一样的操作,也没有看出来有差异
first_utils --usebvars --vertexAnalysis -i all.L_Caud.bvars -o design_F1_M2_L_Caud_mni -d design_F1_M2.mat --useReconMNI
randomise -i design_F1_M2_L_Caud_mni.nii.gz -m design_F1_M2_L_Caud_mni_mask.nii.gz -o F1_M2_L_Caud_rand -d design_F1_M2.mat -t design_F1_M2.con -f design_F1_M2.fts \
  --fonly -D -F 3
fsleyes -std1mm F1_M2_L_Caud_rand_clustere_corrp_fstat1 -cm red-yellow -dr 0.95 1 &



-dr LO HI, --displayRange LO HI 此处设置的范围是[0.95,1],图上无橘黄色,表示顶点分析无显著性的差异




此处“数字医学研究中心”的学生也只是试了UserGuide里的方法,没有尝试fsl course里的东西,同样也只是得出空文件,大概就是没法检验出有统计性的结果。


first_utils --vertexAnalysis --surfaceout --usebvars -i all.L_Caud.bvars -d design_F1_M2.mat -o shape_analysis/F1_M2_L_Caud_rigid --useReconNative --useRigidAlign -v >& shape_analysis/F1_M2_L_Caud_rigid_output.txt
surface_fdr F1_M2_L_Caud_rigid1.vtk

first_utils --vertexAnalysis --surfaceout --usebvars -i all.L_Caud.bvars -d design_F1_M2.mat -o shape_analysis/F1_M2_L_Caud_norigid --useReconNative -v >& shape_analysis/F1_M2_L_Caud_norigid_output.txt
surface_fdr F1_M2_L_Caud_norigid1.vtk


3.6 Volumetric Analysis

对尾状核进行体积分析,同样使用xargs命令批量得到尾状核的体积。(-I {} 大括号指定替换的符号)

# Left-Caudate
ls *_fast_firstseg.nii.gz |xargs -I {} $FSLDIR/bin/fslstats {} -l 10.5 -u 11.5 -V
# Right-Caudate
ls *_fast_firstseg.nii.gz |xargs -I {} $FSLDIR/bin/fslstats {} -l 49.5 -u 50.5 -V

与使用matlab toolkit中CAT做出来的体积略有不同

病人编号 组织类别 像素数目 体积(立方毫米) 体积(立方厘米)
CC0003 左尾状核 3463 2736.210945 2.736210945
CC0003 右尾状核 3494 2760.704892 2.760704892
CC0004 左尾状核 4586 3623.543375 3.623543375
CC0004 右尾状核 4374 3456.035482 3.456035482
CC0005 左尾状核 4461 3524.774828 3.524774828
CC0005 右尾状核 4629 3657.516852 3.657516852
CC0006 左尾状核 4029 3183.419978 3.183419978
CC0006 右尾状核 3980 3144.703776 3.144703776
CC0007 左尾状核 4612 3644.044224 3.644044224
CC0007 右尾状核 4602 3636.143001 3.636143001
CC0008 左尾状核 4214 3329.606493 3.329606493
CC0008 右尾状核 4699 3712.81939 3.71281939

4 总结

4.1 信息汇总


Data <- read.table("C:/Users/83918/Desktop/BME_Homework/Volume.txt", head=T)
Data$TissueType <- factor(Data$TissueType, levels = c("CSF","GM","WM","Left_Caudate","Right_Caudate"))

Data[which(Data$PatientID=="CC0003"),"gender"] <- "Female"
Data[which(Data$PatientID=="CC0004"),"gender"] <- "Male"
Data[which(Data$PatientID=="CC0005"),"gender"] <- "Male"
Data[which(Data$PatientID=="CC0006"),"gender"] <- "Female"
Data[which(Data$PatientID=="CC0007"),"gender"] <- "Male"
Data[which(Data$PatientID=="CC0008"),"gender"] <- "Female"

ggplot(data=Data, aes(x=gender,y=Volume))+
  facet_wrap(~ TissueType,nrow = 1, ncol = 5, scales="free")
ggsave("volume.pdf",width = 8,height = 5)


PatientID TissueType Volume
CC0003 CSF 275.2650464
CC0003 GM 555.4275161
CC0003 WM 455.9702629
CC0004 CSF 375.1555599
CC0004 GM 688.443591
CC0004 WM 641.3323791
CC0005 CSF 333.5685165
CC0005 GM 693.2149998
CC0005 WM 587.9127833
CC0006 CSF 267.178115
CC0006 GM 633.0859916
CC0006 WM 539.7638088
CC0007 CSF 363.5173308
CC0007 GM 681.8345986
CC0007 WM 673.3956282
CC0008 CSF 253.2525779
CC0008 GM 601.2856677
CC0008 WM 507.58808
CC0003 Left_Caudate 2.736210945
CC0003 Right_Caudate 2.760704892
CC0004 Left_Caudate 3.623543375
CC0004 Right_Caudate 3.456035482
CC0005 Left_Caudate 3.524774828
CC0005 Right_Caudate 3.657516852
CC0006 Left_Caudate 3.183419978
CC0006 Right_Caudate 3.144703776
CC0007 Left_Caudate 3.644044224
CC0007 Right_Caudate 3.636143001
CC0008 Left_Caudate 3.329606493
CC0008 Right_Caudate 3.71281939



4.1 结论


5 相关参考资料

  • fsl UserGuide: https://fsl.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl/fslwiki
  • fsl课程ppt及练习数据: http://fsl.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fslcourse/
  • 注意看fsl课程practice相应html网页的时候,对照着网站上的ppt


  • 10 Left-Thalamus-Proper 40
  • 11 Left-Caudate 30
  • 12 Left-Putamen 40
  • 13 Left-Pallidum 40
  • 16 Brain-Stem /4th Ventricle 40
  • 17 Left-Hippocampus 30
  • 18 Left-Amygdala 50
  • 26 Left-Accumbens-area 50
  • 49 Right-Thalamus-Proper 40
  • 50 Right-Caudate 30
  • 51 Right-Putamen 40
  • 52 Right-Pallidum 40
  • 53 Right-Hippocampus 30
  • 54 Right-Amygdala 50
  • 58 Right-Accumbens-area 50
還沒有人評論,想成為第一個評論的人麼? 請在上方評論欄輸入並且點擊發布.