RetinaNet 理論與代碼詳解

RetinaNet 是來自Facebook AI Research 團隊2018年的新作,在當前的目標檢測領域是最強的網絡(速度/精度/複雜度)。下面兩張是基於COCO 本地測試集的實驗數據:



在One stage中,detector直接在類別不平衡(負樣本很多,正樣本很少)中進行分類和迴歸,直接輸出bbox和類別,原有的交叉熵損失無法處理這種不平衡,導致訓練不充分,精度低,但是卻提升了檢測速度;

在Two stage中,FPN網絡已經過濾了一部分的背景bbox,因此在fast r-cnn中正負樣本比例較均衡,因此準確率較高。

爲解決one stage中類別不平衡問題,提出了:

Focal Loss


二分類誤差一般採用cross entropy(CE)交叉熵,它的計算公式如下:


focal loss就是CE(pt)的基礎上再加上一個權重:

設α=0.25 γ=2
CE(foreground) = -log(0.9) = 0.1053
CE(background) = -log(1–0.1) = 0.1053
FL(foreground) = -1 x 0.25 x (1–0.9)** 2 x log(0.9) = 0.00026
FL(background) = -1 x 0.25 x (1–(1–0.1))** 2 x log(1–0.1) = 0.00026
損失變成了原來的 1/384: 0.1/0.00026 = 384


CE(foreground) = -log(0.1) = 2.3025
CE(background) = -log(1–0.9) = 2.3025
我們這裏設a=0.25 γ=2
FL(foreground) = -1 x 0.25 x (1–0.1)** 2 x log(0.1) = 0.4667
FL(background) = -1 x 0.25 x (1–(1–0.9))** 2 x log(1–0.9) = 0.4667
損失變成了原來的 1/5: 2.3/0.4667 = 5



def retinanet(
    num_anchors             = None,
    create_pyramid_features = __create_pyramid_features,
    submodels               = None,
    name                    = 'retinanet'
    """ Construct a RetinaNet model on top of a backbone.

    This model is the minimum model necessary for training (with the unfortunate exception of anchors as output).

        inputs                  : keras.layers.Input (or list of) for the input to the model.
        num_classes             : Number of classes to classify.
        num_anchors             : Number of base anchors.
        create_pyramid_features : Functor for creating pyramid features given the features C3, C4, C5 from the backbone.
        submodels               : Submodels to run on each feature map (default is regression and classification submodels).
        name                    : Name of the model.

        A keras.models.Model which takes an image as input and outputs generated anchors and the result from each submodel on every pyramid level.

        The order of the outputs is as defined in submodels:
            regression, classification, other[0], other[1], ...

    if num_anchors is None:
        num_anchors = AnchorParameters.default.num_anchors()

    if submodels is None:
        submodels = default_submodels(num_classes, num_anchors)

    C3, C4, C5 = backbone_layers

    # compute pyramid features as per
    features = create_pyramid_features(C3, C4, C5)

    # for all pyramid levels, run available submodels
    pyramids = __build_pyramid(submodels, features)

    return keras.models.Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=pyramids, name=name)

keras.models.Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=pyramids, name=name)


以ResNet -50爲例:






def retinanet_bbox(

    model                 = None,

    nms                   = True,

    class_specific_filter = True,

    name                  = 'retinanet-bbox',

    anchor_params         = None,







1. Anchor的產生

anchors = [







        )(f) for i, f in enumerate(features)


    return keras.layers.Concatenate(axis=1, name='anchors')(anchors)


class Anchors(keras.layers.Layer):
    """ Keras layer for generating achors for a given shape.

    def __init__(self, size, stride, ratios=None, scales=None, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Initializer for an Anchors layer.

            size: The base size of the anchors to generate.
            stride: The stride of the anchors to generate.
            ratios: The ratios of the anchors to generate (defaults to AnchorParameters.default.ratios).
            scales: The scales of the anchors to generate (defaults to AnchorParameters.default.scales).
        self.size   = size
        self.stride = stride
        self.ratios = ratios
        self.scales = scales

        if ratios is None:
            self.ratios  = utils_anchors.AnchorParameters.default.ratios
        elif isinstance(ratios, list):
            self.ratios  = np.array(ratios)
        if scales is None:
            self.scales  = utils_anchors.AnchorParameters.default.scales
        elif isinstance(scales, list):
            self.scales  = np.array(scales)

        self.num_anchors = len(ratios) * len(scales)
        self.anchors     = keras.backend.variable(utils_anchors.generate_anchors(

        super(Anchors, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def call(self, inputs, **kwargs):
        features = inputs
        features_shape = keras.backend.shape(features)

        # generate proposals from bbox deltas and shifted anchors
        if keras.backend.image_data_format() == 'channels_first':
            anchors = backend.shift(features_shape[2:4], self.stride, self.anchors)
            anchors = backend.shift(features_shape[1:3], self.stride, self.anchors)
        anchors = keras.backend.tile(keras.backend.expand_dims(anchors, axis=0), (features_shape[0], 1, 1))

        return anchors

    def compute_output_shape(self, input_shape):
        if None not in input_shape[1:]:
            if keras.backend.image_data_format() == 'channels_first':
                total =[2:4]) * self.num_anchors
                total =[1:3]) * self.num_anchors

            return (input_shape[0], total, 4)
            return (input_shape[0], None, 4)

    def get_config(self):
        config = super(Anchors, self).get_config()
            'size'   : self.size,
            'stride' : self.stride,
            'ratios' : self.ratios.tolist(),
            'scales' : self.scales.tolist(),

        return config

def compute_output_shape(self, input_shape):的輸出爲[?, w*h*9, 4]

def call(self, inputs, **kwargs):的輸出爲[?, 9*w*h, 4]


其中,核心函數爲:def generate_anchors(base_size=16, ratios=None, scales=None):

設: base_size = 16,ratio=[0.5,1,2],scale=[2^0, 2^1/3, 2^2/3]



def shift(shape, stride, anchors):
    """ Produce shifted anchors based on shape of the map and stride size.

        shape  : Shape to shift the anchors over.
        stride : Stride to shift the anchors with over the shape.
        anchors: The anchors to apply at each location.
    shift_x = (keras.backend.arange(0, shape[1], dtype=keras.backend.floatx()) + keras.backend.constant(0.5, dtype=keras.backend.floatx())) * stride
    shift_y = (keras.backend.arange(0, shape[0], dtype=keras.backend.floatx()) + keras.backend.constant(0.5, dtype=keras.backend.floatx())) * stride

    shift_x, shift_y = meshgrid(shift_x, shift_y)
    shift_x = keras.backend.reshape(shift_x, [-1])
    shift_y = keras.backend.reshape(shift_y, [-1])

    shifts = keras.backend.stack([
    ], axis=0)

    shifts            = keras.backend.transpose(shifts)
    number_of_anchors = keras.backend.shape(anchors)[0]

    k = keras.backend.shape(shifts)[0]  # number of base points = feat_h * feat_w

    shifted_anchors = keras.backend.reshape(anchors, [1, number_of_anchors, 4]) + keras.backend.cast(keras.backend.reshape(shifts, [k, 1, 4]), keras.backend.floatx())
    shifted_anchors = keras.backend.reshape(shifted_anchors, [k * number_of_anchors, 4])

    return shifted_anchors

2. Box預測

class RegressBoxes(keras.layers.Layer):
    """ Keras layer for applying regression values to boxes.

    def __init__(self, mean=None, std=None, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Initializer for the RegressBoxes layer.

            mean: The mean value of the regression values which was used for normalization.
            std: The standard value of the regression values which was used for normalization.
        if mean is None:
            mean = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0])
        if std is None:
            std = np.array([0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2])

        if isinstance(mean, (list, tuple)):
            mean = np.array(mean)
        elif not isinstance(mean, np.ndarray):
            raise ValueError('Expected mean to be a np.ndarray, list or tuple. Received: {}'.format(type(mean)))

        if isinstance(std, (list, tuple)):
            std = np.array(std)
        elif not isinstance(std, np.ndarray):
            raise ValueError('Expected std to be a np.ndarray, list or tuple. Received: {}'.format(type(std)))

        self.mean = mean
        self.std  = std
        super(RegressBoxes, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def call(self, inputs, **kwargs):
        anchors, regression = inputs
        return backend.bbox_transform_inv(anchors, regression, mean=self.mean, std=self.std)

    def compute_output_shape(self, input_shape):
        return input_shape[0]

    def get_config(self):
        config = super(RegressBoxes, self).get_config()
            'mean': self.mean.tolist(),
            'std' : self.std.tolist(),

        return config

其中,核心函數def bbox_transform_inv(boxes, deltas, mean=None, std=None):

boxes : (B, N, 4),

  • B is the batch size
  • N the number of boxes
  • 4 values for (x1, y1, x2, y2).

deltas: (B, N, 4), 即迴歸head的輸出,

(d_x1, d_y1, d_x2, d_y2是寬高的係數.

mean  : (defaults to [0, 0, 0, 0]).

std   : (defaults to [0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2]).

def bbox_transform_inv(boxes, deltas, mean=None, std=None):
    """ Applies deltas (usually regression results) to boxes (usually anchors).

    Before applying the deltas to the boxes, the normalization that was previously applied (in the generator) has to be removed.
    The mean and std are the mean and std as applied in the generator. They are unnormalized in this function and then applied to the boxes.

        boxes : np.array of shape (B, N, 4), where B is the batch size, N the number of boxes and 4 values for (x1, y1, x2, y2).
        deltas: np.array of same shape as boxes. These deltas (d_x1, d_y1, d_x2, d_y2) are a factor of the width/height.
        mean  : The mean value used when computing deltas (defaults to [0, 0, 0, 0]).
        std   : The standard deviation used when computing deltas (defaults to [0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2]).

        A np.array of the same shape as boxes, but with deltas applied to each box.
        The mean and std are used during training to normalize the regression values (networks love normalization).
    if mean is None:
        mean = [0, 0, 0, 0]
    if std is None:
        std = [0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2]

    width  = boxes[:, :, 2] - boxes[:, :, 0]
    height = boxes[:, :, 3] - boxes[:, :, 1]

    x1 = boxes[:, :, 0] + (deltas[:, :, 0] * std[0] + mean[0]) * width
    y1 = boxes[:, :, 1] + (deltas[:, :, 1] * std[1] + mean[1]) * height
    x2 = boxes[:, :, 2] + (deltas[:, :, 2] * std[2] + mean[2]) * width
    y2 = boxes[:, :, 3] + (deltas[:, :, 3] * std[3] + mean[3]) * height

    pred_boxes = keras.backend.stack([x1, y1, x2, y2], axis=2)

    return pred_boxes


class ClipBoxes(keras.layers.Layer):
    """ Keras layer to clip box values to lie inside a given shape.
    def call(self, inputs, **kwargs):
        image, boxes = inputs
        shape = keras.backend.cast(keras.backend.shape(image), keras.backend.floatx())
        if keras.backend.image_data_format() == 'channels_first':
            _, _, height, width = backend.unstack(shape, axis=0)
            _, height, width, _ = backend.unstack(shape, axis=0)

        x1, y1, x2, y2 = backend.unstack(boxes, axis=-1)
        x1 = backend.clip_by_value(x1, 0, width  - 1)
        y1 = backend.clip_by_value(y1, 0, height - 1)
        x2 = backend.clip_by_value(x2, 0, width  - 1)
        y2 = backend.clip_by_value(y2, 0, height - 1)

        return keras.backend.stack([x1, y1, x2, y2], axis=2)

    def compute_output_shape(self, input_shape):
        return input_shape[1]

3. Anchor過濾

  • nms                   : 是否nms.
  • class_specific_filter : 每個類別過濾,or只保留得分高的類別,其他過濾
  • nms_threshold         : iou閾值
  • score_threshold       : 得分閾值
  • max_detections        : 最大檢測個數
  • parallel_iterations   :  並行批次數
class FilterDetections(keras.layers.Layer):
    """ Keras layer for filtering detections using score threshold and NMS.

    def __init__(
        nms                   = True,
        class_specific_filter = True,
        nms_threshold         = 0.5,
        score_threshold       = 0.05,
        max_detections        = 300,
        parallel_iterations   = 32,
        """ Filters detections using score threshold, NMS and selecting the top-k detections.

            nms                   : Flag to enable/disable NMS.
            class_specific_filter : Whether to perform filtering per class, or take the best scoring class and filter those.
            nms_threshold         : Threshold for the IoU value to determine when a box should be suppressed.
            score_threshold       : Threshold used to prefilter the boxes with.
            max_detections        : Maximum number of detections to keep.
            parallel_iterations   : Number of batch items to process in parallel.
        self.nms                   = nms
        self.class_specific_filter = class_specific_filter
        self.nms_threshold         = nms_threshold
        self.score_threshold       = score_threshold
        self.max_detections        = max_detections
        self.parallel_iterations   = parallel_iterations
        super(FilterDetections, self).__init__(**kwargs)

    def call(self, inputs, **kwargs):
        """ Constructs the NMS graph.

            inputs : List of [boxes, classification, other[0], other[1], ...] tensors.
        boxes          = inputs[0]  '''(B, N, 4)'''
        classification = inputs[1]  '''(B, N, classes)'''
        other          = inputs[2:]

        # wrap nms with our parameters
        def _filter_detections(args):
            boxes          = args[0]
            classification = args[1]
            other          = args[2]

            return filter_detections(
                nms                   = self.nms,
                class_specific_filter = self.class_specific_filter,
                score_threshold       = self.score_threshold,
                max_detections        = self.max_detections,
                nms_threshold         = self.nms_threshold,

        # call filter_detections on each batch
        outputs = backend.map_fn(
            elems=[boxes, classification, other],
            dtype=[keras.backend.floatx(), keras.backend.floatx(), 'int32'] + [o.dtype for o in other],
        ) '''按照批次進行並行運算'''

        return outputs

    def compute_output_shape(self, input_shape):
        """ Computes the output shapes given the input shapes.

            input_shape : List of input shapes [boxes, classification, other[0], other[1], ...].

            List of tuples representing the output shapes:
            [filtered_boxes.shape, filtered_scores.shape, filtered_labels.shape, filtered_other[0].shape, filtered_other[1].shape, ...]
        return [
            (input_shape[0][0], self.max_detections, 4),
            (input_shape[1][0], self.max_detections),
            (input_shape[1][0], self.max_detections),
        ] + [
            tuple([input_shape[i][0], self.max_detections] + list(input_shape[i][2:])) for i in range(2, len(input_shape))

    def compute_mask(self, inputs, mask=None):
        """ This is required in Keras when there is more than 1 output.
        return (len(inputs) + 1) * [None]

    def get_config(self):
        """ Gets the configuration of this layer.

            Dictionary containing the parameters of this layer.
        config = super(FilterDetections, self).get_config()
            'nms'                   : self.nms,
            'class_specific_filter' : self.class_specific_filter,
            'nms_threshold'         : self.nms_threshold,
            'score_threshold'       : self.score_threshold,
            'max_detections'        : self.max_detections,
            'parallel_iterations'   : self.parallel_iterations,

        return config


def filter_detections(boxes,  classification,  other  = [],  class_specific_filter = True,  nms   = True, score_threshold       = 0.05,

    max_detections        = 300,    nms_threshold         = 0.5):

輸入:boxes                 : (num_boxes, 4)  格式:(x1, y1, x2, y2).

        classification        : (num_boxes, num_classes) 分類得分.

        other                 :  (num_boxes, ...) class_specific_filter : 每個類抑制or最大得分的類抑制。

        nms                   : 是否nms.

        score_threshold       : 得分閾值.

        max_detections        : 最大box個數.

        nms_threshold         : iou閾值.


       [boxes, scores, labels, other[0], other[1], ...].

        boxes (max_detections, 4) (x1, y1, x2, y2).

        scores (max_detections,) 預測到類別的得分.

        labels (max_detections,) 預測到類別的標籤

        other[i]  (max_detections, ...) 過濾後的 other[i].


def filter_detections(
    other                 = [],
    class_specific_filter = True,
    nms                   = True,
    score_threshold       = 0.05,
    max_detections        = 300,
    nms_threshold         = 0.5
    """ Filter detections using the boxes and classification values.

        boxes                 : Tensor of shape (num_boxes, 4) containing the boxes in (x1, y1, x2, y2) format.
        classification        : Tensor of shape (num_boxes, num_classes) containing the classification scores.
        other                 : List of tensors of shape (num_boxes, ...) to filter along with the boxes and classification scores.
        class_specific_filter : Whether to perform filtering per class, or take the best scoring class and filter those.
        nms                   : Flag to enable/disable non maximum suppression.
        score_threshold       : Threshold used to prefilter the boxes with.
        max_detections        : Maximum number of detections to keep.
        nms_threshold         : Threshold for the IoU value to determine when a box should be suppressed.

        A list of [boxes, scores, labels, other[0], other[1], ...].
        boxes is shaped (max_detections, 4) and contains the (x1, y1, x2, y2) of the non-suppressed boxes.
        scores is shaped (max_detections,) and contains the scores of the predicted class.
        labels is shaped (max_detections,) and contains the predicted label.
        other[i] is shaped (max_detections, ...) and contains the filtered other[i] data.
        In case there are less than max_detections detections, the tensors are padded with -1's.
    def _filter_detections(scores, labels):'''運行非極大抑制'''
        # threshold based on score
        indices = backend.where(keras.backend.greater(scores, score_threshold))

        if nms:
            filtered_boxes  = backend.gather_nd(boxes, indices)
            filtered_scores = keras.backend.gather(scores, indices)[:, 0]

            # perform NMS
            nms_indices = backend.non_max_suppression(filtered_boxes, filtered_scores, max_output_size=max_detections, iou_threshold=nms_threshold)

            # filter indices based on NMS
            indices = keras.backend.gather(indices, nms_indices)

        # add indices to list of all indices
        labels = backend.gather_nd(labels, indices)
        indices = keras.backend.stack([indices[:, 0], labels], axis=1)

        return indices

    if class_specific_filter:'''所有類別都抑制'''
        all_indices = []
        # perform per class filtering
        for c in range(int(classification.shape[1])):
            scores = classification[:, c]
            labels = c * backend.ones((keras.backend.shape(scores)[0],), dtype='int64')
            all_indices.append(_filter_detections(scores, labels))

        # concatenate indices to single tensor
        indices = keras.backend.concatenate(all_indices, axis=0)
        scores  = keras.backend.max(classification, axis    = 1)
        labels  = keras.backend.argmax(classification, axis = 1)
        indices = _filter_detections(scores, labels)

    # select top k'''選擇前K個得分高的'''
    scores              = backend.gather_nd(classification, indices)
    labels              = indices[:, 1]
    scores, top_indices = backend.top_k(scores, k=keras.backend.minimum(max_detections, keras.backend.shape(scores)[0]))

    # filter input using the final set of indices
    indices             = keras.backend.gather(indices[:, 0], top_indices)
    boxes               = keras.backend.gather(boxes, indices)
    labels              = keras.backend.gather(labels, top_indices)
    other_              = [keras.backend.gather(o, indices) for o in other]

    # zero pad the outputs'''不夠max_detections的-1填充'''
    pad_size = keras.backend.maximum(0, max_detections - keras.backend.shape(scores)[0])
    boxes    = backend.pad(boxes, [[0, pad_size], [0, 0]], constant_values=-1)
    scores   = backend.pad(scores, [[0, pad_size]], constant_values=-1)
    labels   = backend.pad(labels, [[0, pad_size]], constant_values=-1)
    labels   = keras.backend.cast(labels, 'int32')
    other_   = [backend.pad(o, [[0, pad_size]] + [[0, 0] for _ in range(1, len(o.shape))], constant_values=-1) for o in other_]

    # set shapes, since we know what they are
    boxes.set_shape([max_detections, 4])
    for o, s in zip(other_, [list(keras.backend.int_shape(o)) for o in other]):
        o.set_shape([max_detections] + s[1:])

    return [boxes, scores, labels] + other_




            'regression'    : losses.smooth_l1(),

            'classification': losses.focal()


        optimizer=keras.optimizers.adam(lr=lr, clipnorm=0.001)



每一項損失函數形參必須爲(y_true, y_pred, **args),不能直接使用tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits等函數,因爲其參數格式爲(labels=None,logits=None),需要指定labels=、logits=這兩個參數

1. Smooth-L1損失


  • Sigma:默認3
  • Y_true: [B, N, 5],最後一個值爲Anchor的狀態,(ignore:-1, negative:0, positive:1
  • Y_pred: [B, N, 4]

def smooth_l1(sigma=3.0):
    sigma_squared = sigma ** 2

    def _smooth_l1(y_true, y_pred):
        regression        = y_pred                '''[B, N, 4]'''
        regression_target = y_true[:, :, :-1] '''[B, N, 4]'''
        anchor_state      = y_true[:, :, -1]    '''[B, N]'''

        ''' Anchor狀態爲1的篩選positve, indices[M, 2], regression[M, 4]'''
        indices           = backend.where(keras.backend.equal(anchor_state, 1))
        regression        = backend.gather_nd(regression, indices)
        regression_target = backend.gather_nd(regression_target, indices)

        # compute smooth L1 loss
        # f(x) = 0.5 * (sigma * x)^2          if |x| < 1 / sigma / sigma
        #        |x| - 0.5 / sigma / sigma    otherwise
        regression_diff = regression - regression_target
        regression_diff = keras.backend.abs(regression_diff)
        regression_loss = backend.where(
            keras.backend.less(regression_diff, 1.0 / sigma_squared),
            0.5 * sigma_squared * keras.backend.pow(regression_diff, 2),
            regression_diff - 0.5 / sigma_squared

        # compute the normalizer: the number of positive anchors正Anchor的個數
        normalizer = keras.backend.maximum(1, keras.backend.shape(indices)[0])
        normalizer = keras.backend.cast(normalizer, dtype=keras.backend.floatx())
        return keras.backend.sum(regression_loss) / normalizer

    return _smooth_l1

2. FOCAL損失




Y_true: [B, N, n_class + 1]

Y_pred: [B, N, n_class]

def focal(alpha=0.25, gamma=2.0):
    def _focal(y_true, y_pred):
        labels         = y_true[:, :, :-1]
        anchor_state   = y_true[:, :, -1]  # -1 for ignore, 0 for background, 1 for object
        classification = y_pred

        # filter out "ignore" anchors 
        ''' Anchor狀態爲-1的篩選ignore, indices[M, 2], labels[M, n_class]''' 
        indices        = backend.where(keras.backend.not_equal(anchor_state, -1))
        labels         = backend.gather_nd(labels, indices)
        classification = backend.gather_nd(classification, indices)

        # compute the focal loss
        alpha_factor = keras.backend.ones_like(labels) * alpha
        alpha_factor = backend.where(keras.backend.equal(labels, 1), alpha_factor, 1 - alpha_factor)
        focal_weight = backend.where(keras.backend.equal(labels, 1), 1 - classification, classification)
        focal_weight = alpha_factor * focal_weight ** gamma

        cls_loss = focal_weight * keras.backend.binary_crossentropy(labels, classification)

        ''' 規範化,僅計算正樣本的個數''' 
        normalizer = backend.where(keras.backend.equal(anchor_state, 1))
        normalizer = keras.backend.cast(keras.backend.shape(normalizer)[0], keras.backend.floatx())
        normalizer = keras.backend.maximum(keras.backend.cast_to_floatx(1.0), normalizer)

        return keras.backend.sum(cls_loss) / normalizer

    return _focal



def anchors_for_shape(







image_shape :圖像維度

pyramid_levels :默認【34567】

anchor_params: 參數



(N, 4)

def anchors_for_shape(
    if pyramid_levels is None:
        pyramid_levels = [3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

    if anchor_params is None:
        anchor_params = AnchorParameters.default

    if shapes_callback is None:
        shapes_callback = guess_shapes
    image_shapes = shapes_callback(image_shape, pyramid_levels)

    # compute anchors over all pyramid levels
    all_anchors = np.zeros((0, 4))
    for idx, p in enumerate(pyramid_levels):
        anchors = generate_anchors(
        shifted_anchors = shift(image_shapes[idx], anchor_params.strides[idx], anchors)
        all_anchors     = np.append(all_anchors, shifted_anchors, axis=0)

    return all_anchors
def guess_shapes(image_shape, pyramid_levels):
    """Guess shapes based on pyramid levels.
         image_shape: The shape of the image.
         pyramid_levels: A list of what pyramid levels are used.

        A list of image shapes at each pyramid level.
    image_shape = np.array(image_shape[:2])
    image_shapes = [(image_shape + 2 ** x - 1) // (2 ** x) for x in pyramid_levels]
    return image_shapes


其次,def anchor_targets_bbox(anchors,image_group, annotations_group, num_classes, negative_overlap=0.4, positive_overlap=0.5):


  • Anchors: [N, 4]
  • Image_group: 圖像列表
  • annotations_group: [annotations] annotations{bboxes’:[x1, y1, x2, y2]   lables’:[]}
  • num_classes:類別數
  • mask_shape:圖像0填充邊緣後,實際圖像的mask
  • negative_overlapIOU<值,爲樣本
  • positive_overlapIOU>該值,爲正樣本


  • labels_batch[B, N, num_class+1]Nanchor個數,最後列爲Anchor屬性,-1Ignore0Neg1Pos
  • regression_batch[B, n, 4+1]
def anchor_targets_bbox(anchors,image_group, annotations_group, num_classes, negative_overlap=0.4, positive_overlap=0.5):
    assert(len(image_group) == len(annotations_group)), "The length of the images and annotations need to be equal."
    assert(len(annotations_group) > 0), "No data received to compute anchor targets for."
    for annotations in annotations_group:
        assert('bboxes' in annotations), "Annotations should contain bboxes."
        assert('labels' in annotations), "Annotations should contain labels."

    batch_size = len(image_group)

    regression_batch  = np.zeros((batch_size, anchors.shape[0], 4 + 1), dtype=keras.backend.floatx())
    labels_batch      = np.zeros((batch_size, anchors.shape[0], num_classes + 1), dtype=keras.backend.floatx())

    # compute labels and regression targets
    for index, (image, annotations) in enumerate(zip(image_group, annotations_group)):
        if annotations['bboxes'].shape[0]:
            # obtain indices of gt annotations with the greatest overlap
            positive_indices, ignore_indices, argmax_overlaps_inds = compute_gt_annotations(anchors, annotations['bboxes'], negative_overlap, positive_overlap)

            labels_batch[index, ignore_indices, -1]       = -1
            labels_batch[index, positive_indices, -1]     = 1

            regression_batch[index, ignore_indices, -1]   = -1
            regression_batch[index, positive_indices, -1] = 1

            # compute target class labels
            labels_batch[index, positive_indices, annotations['labels'][argmax_overlaps_inds[positive_indices]].astype(int)] = 1

            regression_batch[index, :, :-1] = bbox_transform(anchors, annotations['bboxes'][argmax_overlaps_inds, :])

        # ignore annotations outside of image
        if image.shape:
            anchors_centers = np.vstack([(anchors[:, 0] + anchors[:, 2]) / 2, (anchors[:, 1] + anchors[:, 3]) / 2]).T
            indices = np.logical_or(anchors_centers[:, 0] >= image.shape[1], anchors_centers[:, 1] >= image.shape[0])

            labels_batch[index, indices, -1]     = -1
            regression_batch[index, indices, -1] = -1

    return regression_batch, labels_batch

其中,def compute_gt_annotations(

def compute_overlap(
    np.ndarray[double, ndim=2] boxes,
    np.ndarray[double, ndim=2] query_boxes


def compute_gt_annotations(
    """ Obtain indices of gt annotations with the greatest overlap.

        anchors: np.array of annotations of shape (N, 4) for (x1, y1, x2, y2).
        annotations: np.array of shape (N, 5) for (x1, y1, x2, y2, label).
        negative_overlap: IoU overlap for negative anchors (all anchors with overlap < negative_overlap are negative).
        positive_overlap: IoU overlap or positive anchors (all anchors with overlap > positive_overlap are positive).

        positive_indices: indices of positive anchors
        ignore_indices: indices of ignored anchors
        argmax_overlaps_inds: ordered overlaps indices

    overlaps = compute_overlap(anchors.astype(np.float64), annotations.astype(np.float64))
    argmax_overlaps_inds = np.argmax(overlaps, axis=1)
    max_overlaps = overlaps[np.arange(overlaps.shape[0]), argmax_overlaps_inds]

    # assign "dont care" labels
    positive_indices = max_overlaps >= positive_overlap
    ignore_indices = (max_overlaps > negative_overlap) & ~positive_indices

    return positive_indices, ignore_indices, argmax_overlaps_inds
def compute_overlap(
    np.ndarray[double, ndim=2] boxes,
    np.ndarray[double, ndim=2] query_boxes
        a: (N, 4) ndarray of float
        b: (K, 4) ndarray of float

        overlaps: (N, K) ndarray of overlap between boxes and query_boxes
    cdef unsigned int N = boxes.shape[0]
    cdef unsigned int K = query_boxes.shape[0]
    cdef np.ndarray[double, ndim=2] overlaps = np.zeros((N, K), dtype=np.float64)
    cdef double iw, ih, box_area
    cdef double ua
    cdef unsigned int k, n
    for k in range(K):
        box_area = (
            (query_boxes[k, 2] - query_boxes[k, 0] + 1) *
            (query_boxes[k, 3] - query_boxes[k, 1] + 1)
        for n in range(N):
            iw = (
                min(boxes[n, 2], query_boxes[k, 2]) -
                max(boxes[n, 0], query_boxes[k, 0]) + 1
            if iw > 0:
                ih = (
                    min(boxes[n, 3], query_boxes[k, 3]) -
                    max(boxes[n, 1], query_boxes[k, 1]) + 1
                if ih > 0:
                    ua = np.float64(
                        (boxes[n, 2] - boxes[n, 0] + 1) *
                        (boxes[n, 3] - boxes[n, 1] + 1) +
                        box_area - iw * ih
                    overlaps[n, k] = iw * ih / ua
    return overlaps




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