
1 介绍

This is a cross-platform library for interfacing with rs-232 serial like ports written in C++. It provides a modern C++ interface with a workflow designed to look and feel like PySerial, but with the speed and control provided by C++.

This library is in use in several robotics related projects and can be built and installed to the OS like most unix libraries with make and then sudo make install, but because it is a catkin project it can also be built along side other catkin projects in a catkin workspace.

Serial is a class that provides the basic interface common to serial libraries (open, close, read, write, etc…) and requires no extra dependencies. It also provides tight control over timeouts and control over handshaking lines.


  • Github:https://github.com/wjwwood/serial
  • 网站:http://wjwwood.github.com/serial/
  • API:http://wjwwood.github.com/serial/doc/1.1.0/index.html

2 安转serail

git clone https://github.com/wjwwood/serial.git
sudo make install


sudo cp -r /tmp/usr/local/* /usr/local
source ~/.bashrc

3 使用serial


  • 第一个是serial包中提供的例程
  • 第二个是网上的资料:使用serial和ROS读写编码器

3.1 serial中的例程

3.1.1 代码


 * This example expects the serial port has a loopback on it.
 * Alternatively, you could use an Arduino:
 * <pre>
 *  void setup() {
 *    Serial.begin(<insert your baudrate here>);
 *  }
 *  void loop() {
 *    if (Serial.available()) {
 *      Serial.write(Serial.read());
 *    }
 *  }
 * </pre>

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>

// OS Specific sleep
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <windows.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include "serial/serial.h"

using std::string;
using std::exception;
using std::cout;
using std::cerr;
using std::endl;
using std::vector;

void my_sleep(unsigned long milliseconds) {
#ifdef _WIN32
      Sleep(milliseconds); // 100 ms
      usleep(milliseconds*1000); // 100 ms

void enumerate_ports()
	vector<serial::PortInfo> devices_found = serial::list_ports();

	vector<serial::PortInfo>::iterator iter = devices_found.begin();

	while( iter != devices_found.end() )
		serial::PortInfo device = *iter++;

		printf( "(%s, %s, %s)\n", device.port.c_str(), device.description.c_str(),
     device.hardware_id.c_str() );

void print_usage()
	cerr << "Usage: test_serial {-e|<serial port address>} ";
    cerr << "<baudrate> [test string]" << endl;

int run(int argc, char **argv)
  if(argc < 2) {
    return 0;

  // Argument 1 is the serial port or enumerate flag
  string port(argv[1]);

  if( port == "-e" ) {
	  return 0;
  else if( argc < 3 ) {
	  return 1;

  // Argument 2 is the baudrate
  unsigned long baud = 0;
#if defined(WIN32) && !defined(__MINGW32__)
  sscanf_s(argv[2], "%lu", &baud);
  sscanf(argv[2], "%lu", &baud);

  // port, baudrate, timeout in milliseconds
  serial::Serial my_serial(port, baud, serial::Timeout::simpleTimeout(1000));

  cout << "Is the serial port open?";
    cout << " Yes." << endl;
    cout << " No." << endl;

  // Get the Test string
  int count = 0;
  string test_string;
  if (argc == 4) {
    test_string = argv[3];
  } else {
    test_string = "Testing.";

  // Test the timeout, there should be 1 second between prints
  cout << "Timeout == 1000ms, asking for 1 more byte than written." << endl;
  while (count < 10) {
    size_t bytes_wrote = my_serial.write(test_string);

    string result = my_serial.read(test_string.length()+1);

    cout << "Iteration: " << count << ", Bytes written: ";
    cout << bytes_wrote << ", Bytes read: ";
    cout << result.length() << ", String read: " << result << endl;

    count += 1;

  // Test the timeout at 250ms
  my_serial.setTimeout(serial::Timeout::max(), 250, 0, 250, 0);
  count = 0;
  cout << "Timeout == 250ms, asking for 1 more byte than written." << endl;
  while (count < 10) {
    size_t bytes_wrote = my_serial.write(test_string);

    string result = my_serial.read(test_string.length()+1);

    cout << "Iteration: " << count << ", Bytes written: ";
    cout << bytes_wrote << ", Bytes read: ";
    cout << result.length() << ", String read: " << result << endl;

    count += 1;

  // Test the timeout at 250ms, but asking exactly for what was written
  count = 0;
  cout << "Timeout == 250ms, asking for exactly what was written." << endl;
  while (count < 10) {
    size_t bytes_wrote = my_serial.write(test_string);

    string result = my_serial.read(test_string.length());

    cout << "Iteration: " << count << ", Bytes written: ";
    cout << bytes_wrote << ", Bytes read: ";
    cout << result.length() << ", String read: " << result << endl;

    count += 1;

  // Test the timeout at 250ms, but asking for 1 less than what was written
  count = 0;
  cout << "Timeout == 250ms, asking for 1 less than was written." << endl;
  while (count < 10) {
    size_t bytes_wrote = my_serial.write(test_string);

    string result = my_serial.read(test_string.length()-1);

    cout << "Iteration: " << count << ", Bytes written: ";
    cout << bytes_wrote << ", Bytes read: ";
    cout << result.length() << ", String read: " << result << endl;

    count += 1;

  return 0;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  try {
    return run(argc, argv);
  } catch (exception &e) {
    cerr << "Unhandled Exception: " << e.what() << endl;

3.1.2 使用


cd ~/serial/build/devel/lib/serial
./serial_example -e


(/dev/ttyS0, ttyS0, n/a)
(/dev/ttyS1, ttyS1, n/a)
(/dev/ttyS10, ttyS10, n/a)
(/dev/ttyS11, ttyS11, n/a)
(/dev/ttyS12, ttyS12, n/a)
(/dev/ttyS13, ttyS13, n/a)
(/dev/ttyS14, ttyS14, n/a)
(/dev/ttyS15, ttyS15, n/a)
(/dev/ttyS16, ttyS16, n/a)
(/dev/ttyS17, ttyS17, n/a)
(/dev/ttyS18, ttyS18, n/a)
(/dev/ttyS19, ttyS19, n/a)
(/dev/ttyS2, ttyS2, n/a)
(/dev/ttyS20, ttyS20, n/a)
(/dev/ttyS21, ttyS21, n/a)
(/dev/ttyS22, ttyS22, n/a)
(/dev/ttyS23, ttyS23, n/a)
(/dev/ttyS24, ttyS24, n/a)
(/dev/ttyS25, ttyS25, n/a)
(/dev/ttyS26, ttyS26, n/a)
(/dev/ttyS27, ttyS27, n/a)
(/dev/ttyS28, ttyS28, n/a)
(/dev/ttyS29, ttyS29, n/a)
(/dev/ttyS3, ttyS3, n/a)
(/dev/ttyS30, ttyS30, n/a)
(/dev/ttyS31, ttyS31, n/a)
(/dev/ttyS4, ttyS4, n/a)
(/dev/ttyS5, ttyS5, n/a)
(/dev/ttyS6, ttyS6, n/a)
(/dev/ttyS7, ttyS7, n/a)
(/dev/ttyS8, ttyS8, n/a)
(/dev/ttyS9, ttyS9, n/a)
(/dev/ttyUSB0, Silicon Labs CP2102N USB to UART Bridge Controller 0001, USB VID:PID=10c4:ea60 SNR=0001)




./serial_example /dev/ttyUSB0 115200


Is the serial port open? Yes.
Timeout == 1000ms, asking for 1 more byte than written.
Iteration: 0, Bytes written: 8, Bytes read: 9, String read: 05,-0.000
Iteration: 1, Bytes written: 8, Bytes read: 1, String read: 6
Iteration: 2, Bytes written: 8, Bytes read: 0, String read: 
Iteration: 3, Bytes written: 8, Bytes read: 0, String read: 
Iteration: 4, Bytes written: 8, Bytes read: 0, String read: 
Iteration: 5, Bytes written: 8, Bytes read: 0, String read: 
Iteration: 6, Bytes written: 8, Bytes read: 9, String read: $6.112709
Iteration: 7, Bytes written: 8, Bytes read: 9, String read: ,-7.33860
Iteration: 8, Bytes written: 8, Bytes read: 9, String read: 2,-1.2211
Iteration: 9, Bytes written: 8, Bytes read: 9, String read: 05,0.0014
Timeout == 250ms, asking for 1 more byte than written.
Iteration: 0, Bytes written: 8, Bytes read: 9, String read: 13,-0.000
Iteration: 1, Bytes written: 8, Bytes read: 9, String read: 220,-0.00
Iteration: 2, Bytes written: 8, Bytes read: 9, String read: 1162,-98.
Iteration: 3, Bytes written: 8, Bytes read: 9, String read: 086143,-3
Iteration: 4, Bytes written: 8, Bytes read: 9, String read: 9.784908,
Iteration: 5, Bytes written: 8, Bytes read: 9, String read: 224.96165
Iteration: 6, Bytes written: 8, Bytes read: 9, String read: 4*
Iteration: 7, Bytes written: 8, Bytes read: 9, String read: 3131,-7.3
Iteration: 8, Bytes written: 8, Bytes read: 9, String read: 19447,-1.
Iteration: 9, Bytes written: 8, Bytes read: 9, String read: 221105,0.
Timeout == 250ms, asking for exactly what was written.
Iteration: 0, Bytes written: 8, Bytes read: 8, String read: 000081,0
Iteration: 1, Bytes written: 8, Bytes read: 8, String read: .000047,
Iteration: 2, Bytes written: 8, Bytes read: 8, String read: 0.000169
Iteration: 3, Bytes written: 8, Bytes read: 8, String read: ,-98.093
Iteration: 4, Bytes written: 8, Bytes read: 8, String read: 002,-39.
Iteration: 5, Bytes written: 8, Bytes read: 8, String read: 782791,2
Iteration: 6, Bytes written: 8, Bytes read: 8, String read: 24.96600
Iteration: 7, Bytes written: 8, Bytes read: 8, String read: 3*
Iteration: 8, Bytes written: 8, Bytes read: 8, String read: 03131,-7
Iteration: 9, Bytes written: 8, Bytes read: 8, String read: .319447,
Timeout == 250ms, asking for 1 less than was written.
Iteration: 0, Bytes written: 8, Bytes read: 7, String read: -1.2211
Iteration: 1, Bytes written: 8, Bytes read: 7, String read: 05,0.00
Iteration: 2, Bytes written: 8, Bytes read: 7, String read: 0081,0.
Iteration: 3, Bytes written: 8, Bytes read: 7, String read: 000047,
Iteration: 4, Bytes written: 8, Bytes read: 7, String read: 0.00016
Iteration: 5, Bytes written: 8, Bytes read: 7, String read: 9,-98.1
Iteration: 6, Bytes written: 8, Bytes read: 7, String read: 00227,-
Iteration: 7, Bytes written: 8, Bytes read: 7, String read: 39.7808
Iteration: 8, Bytes written: 8, Bytes read: 7, String read: 95,224.
Iteration: 9, Bytes written: 8, Bytes read: 7, String read: 970626*


./serial_example /dev/ttyUSB0 115200  haha
Is the serial port open? Yes.
Timeout == 1000ms, asking for 1 more byte than written.
Iteration: 0, Bytes written: 4, Bytes read: 5, String read: 0097,
Iteration: 1, Bytes written: 4, Bytes read: 4, String read: -99�
Iteration: 2, Bytes written: 4, Bytes read: 0, String read: 
Iteration: 3, Bytes written: 4, Bytes read: 0, String read: 
Iteration: 4, Bytes written: 4, Bytes read: 0, String read: 
Iteration: 5, Bytes written: 4, Bytes read: 0, String read: 
Iteration: 6, Bytes written: 4, Bytes read: 5, String read: $6.10
Iteration: 7, Bytes written: 4, Bytes read: 5, String read: 3131,
Iteration: 8, Bytes written: 4, Bytes read: 5, String read: -7.35
Iteration: 9, Bytes written: 4, Bytes read: 5, String read: 2968,
Timeout == 250ms, asking for 1 more byte than written.
Iteration: 0, Bytes written: 4, Bytes read: 5, String read: -1.27
Iteration: 1, Bytes written: 4, Bytes read: 5, String read: 1386,
Iteration: 2, Bytes written: 4, Bytes read: 5, String read: 0.000
Iteration: 3, Bytes written: 4, Bytes read: 5, String read: 087,0
Iteration: 4, Bytes written: 4, Bytes read: 5, String read: .0000
Iteration: 5, Bytes written: 4, Bytes read: 5, String read: 07,0.
Iteration: 6, Bytes written: 4, Bytes read: 5, String read: 00032
Iteration: 7, Bytes written: 4, Bytes read: 5, String read: 1,-98
Iteration: 8, Bytes written: 4, Bytes read: 5, String read: .1223
Iteration: 9, Bytes written: 4, Bytes read: 5, String read: 29,-3
Timeout == 250ms, asking for exactly what was written.
Iteration: 0, Bytes written: 4, Bytes read: 4, String read: 9.37
Iteration: 1, Bytes written: 4, Bytes read: 4, String read: 4092
Iteration: 2, Bytes written: 4, Bytes read: 4, String read: ,224
Iteration: 3, Bytes written: 4, Bytes read: 4, String read: .914
Iteration: 4, Bytes written: 4, Bytes read: 4, String read: 001*
Iteration: 5, Bytes written: 4, Bytes read: 4, String read: 
Iteration: 6, Bytes written: 4, Bytes read: 4, String read: .098
Iteration: 7, Bytes written: 4, Bytes read: 4, String read: 342,
Iteration: 8, Bytes written: 4, Bytes read: 4, String read: -7.3
Iteration: 9, Bytes written: 4, Bytes read: 4, String read: 4817
Timeout == 250ms, asking for 1 less than was written.
Iteration: 0, Bytes written: 4, Bytes read: 3, String read: 9,-
Iteration: 1, Bytes written: 4, Bytes read: 3, String read: 1.2
Iteration: 2, Bytes written: 4, Bytes read: 3, String read: 258
Iteration: 3, Bytes written: 4, Bytes read: 3, String read: 94,
Iteration: 4, Bytes written: 4, Bytes read: 3, String read: 0.0
Iteration: 5, Bytes written: 4, Bytes read: 3, String read: 008
Iteration: 6, Bytes written: 4, Bytes read: 3, String read: 86,
Iteration: 7, Bytes written: 4, Bytes read: 3, String read: -0.
Iteration: 8, Bytes written: 4, Bytes read: 3, String read: 000
Iteration: 9, Bytes written: 4, Bytes read: 3, String read: 260

4 使用serial和ROS读写编码器


  • 博客:https://blog.csdn.net/SimileciWH/article/details/84975951
  • Github:https://github.com/SimileciWH/get_odomData_usbSerial




安装ROS serial package

sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-serial


set(serial_DIR /usr/local)



// port, baudrate, timeout in milliseconds
serial::Serial my_serial(port, baud, serial::Timeout::simpleTimeout(1000));
serial::Serial ros_ser;
serial::Timeout to = serial::Timeout::simpleTimeout(1000);
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