Scala學習整理[第三十二章 GUI編程]

第三十二章 GUI編程

package SecondWithProgrammingInScala


import scala.swing.{TextField, _}
import scala.swing.event.{ButtonClicked, EditDone}

  * GUI 編程
  * 大致的使用和實際效果和JavaSwing沒啥區別
  * 之前使用過Swing和Vaadin(Java->Html/js) ,相比瀏覽器流派 ,Java客戶端適用性還是低一些的
  * 使用swing時候出現了版本問題
  * scala在2.10以後對模塊進行了比較大的劃分 ,不少包被拆分成了不同的模塊
  * 使用maven關聯要注意
  * 以scala-library爲核心 ,核心版本號2.12去關聯其他模塊包
  * 官方還提供了一個scala-lang-all ,包括了之前拆分出去的包
object ScalaSwingApp extends SimpleSwingApplication {
    * 和Java編寫方式不同 ,Java大多將參數通過構造函數傳遞進去
    * Button okBtn = new Button(text = ok)
    * scala而多是使用{}直接重載裏面的屬性(實質是匿名子類) ,更符合實際 ,不同功能的按鈕就是不同的類.
    * val okBtn = new Button{override text = ok}
    * :  new OkButton{override text = ok} extends Button
  override def top: Frame = new MainFrame {
    title = "Scala Swing App"
    val clickBtn = new Button {
      text = "Click me"
    val clickBlueBtn = new Button {
      background = java.awt.Color.BLUE
      text = "Click me"
    val tipL = new Label {
      text = "No button clicks registered"
    contents = new BoxPanel(Orientation.Vertical) {
      contents += clickBtn
      contents += clickBlueBtn
      contents += tipL
      border = Swing.EmptyBorder(30, 30, 10, 30)
    listenTo(clickBtn, clickBlueBtn)
    var nClicks = 0
    reactions += {
      case ButtonClicked(btn) => {
        nClicks += 1
        if (btn == clickBlueBtn) tipL.text = "You just Click the Blue Button:" + nClicks
        else tipL.text = "Number of button Clicks:" + nClicks

  * 簡單計算器
object Calculation extends SimpleSwingApplication {
  override def top: Frame = new MainFrame {
    title = "簡單計算器"

    object Elem1 extends TextField {
      columns = 5

    object Elem2 extends TextField {
      columns = 5

    object Func extends TextField {
      columns = 2

    object Result extends TextField {
      columns = 20

    val tips_defualt = "請輸入要計算的值[0-9]和運算符[+-*/]"
    val tipsL = new Label(tips_defualt)
    contents = new BoxPanel(Orientation.Vertical) {
      contents += tipsL
      contents += new BoxPanel(Orientation.Horizontal) {
        contents += Elem1
        contents += new Label("     ")
        contents += Func
        contents += new Label("     ")
        contents += Elem2
      contents += Result
      border = Swing.EmptyBorder(30, 30, 30, 30)
    var errors = 0
    listenTo(Elem1, Elem2, Func)

    reactions += {
      case EditDone(_) => calculate

    def calculate: Unit = {
      try {
        tipsL.text = tips_defualt
        Func.text match {
          case "+" => Result.text = (Elem1.text.toInt + Elem2.text.toInt).toString
          case "-" => Result.text = (Elem1.text.toInt - Elem2.text.toInt).toString
          case "*" => Result.text = (Elem1.text.toInt * Elem2.text.toInt).toString
          case "/" => Result.text = (Elem1.text.toInt / Elem2.text.toInt).toString
          case _ => tipsL.text_=("運算符輸入錯誤 ,請重新輸入")
      } catch {
        case e: NumberFormatException => tipsL.text_=("數值輸出錯誤 ,請重新輸入")
        case e => tipsL.text_=(e.getMessage)
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