leetcode:208. 實現 Trie (前綴樹)

208. 實現 Trie (前綴樹)


  • 邊表示字符(其實邊和點都行)
  • 點的含義表示是否爲單詞結尾,也可另外再賦予其他含義


  • insert過程
    • 先進行遍歷,把前面所有的公共前綴遍歷完
    • 然後在後面把剩下的字符加上
    • 最後end=true,表示這裏是一個單詞的結尾
  • query過程
    • 先進行遍歷,把前面所有的公共前綴遍歷完
    • 遍歷完公共前綴,這時候end=true,說明前面有這個字符串insert
    • 否則,沒有
struct node{
        end = false;
    vector<pair<node*, char>> edge;
    bool end;

class Trie {

    node* root;
    /** Initialize your data structure here. */
    Trie() {
        root = new node;
    /** Inserts a word into the trie. */
    void insert(string word) {
        int k = 0;
        node* nod = root;
        for(int i = 0; i < nod->edge.size()&&k < word.size(); i ++){
            if(nod->edge[i].second == word[k]){
                nod = nod->edge[i].first;
                i = -1;
                k ++;
        while(k < word.size()){
            node* a = new node;
            nod->edge.push_back(make_pair(a, word[k++]));
            nod = a;
        nod->end = true;
    /** Returns if the word is in the trie. */
    bool search(string word) {
        int k = 0;
        node* nod = root;
        for(int i = 0; i < nod->edge.size()&&k < word.size(); i ++){
            if(nod->edge[i].second == word[k]){
                nod = nod->edge[i].first;
                i = -1;
                k ++;
        if(k == word.size()&&nod->end) return true;
        return false;
    /** Returns if there is any word in the trie that starts with the given prefix. */
    bool startsWith(string prefix) {
                int k = 0;
        node* nod = root;
        for(int i = 0; i < nod->edge.size()&&k < prefix.size(); i ++){
            if(nod->edge[i].second == prefix[k]){
                nod = nod->edge[i].first;
                i = -1;
                k ++;
        if(k == prefix.size()) return true;
        return false;

 * Your Trie object will be instantiated and called as such:
 * Trie* obj = new Trie();
 * obj->insert(word);
 * bool param_2 = obj->search(word);
 * bool param_3 = obj->startsWith(prefix);


也可以用數組來表示每個節點的後繼,數組只用26個空間。這樣在查找是否有相應後繼的時候速度加快,不用遍歷,但是犧牲了空間。這種寫法可以參考面試題 17.17. 多次搜索

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