IE7Pro 更新至0.9.5

ie7pro.png雖然早就裝上了IE7.0,但只會在Firefox下慘不忍睹的頁面時纔會想起它。即使IE的確有很大的改進,也提供了非常好用的Add-ons,例如我要說的IE7pro。它提供了“超級拖拽”和“雙擊關閉Tab標籤”功能,還添加了最近關閉標籤的管理、瀏覽器崩潰恢復、從地址欄打開新窗口、隱藏搜索欄、保存整個網頁爲 png圖像、移動菜單欄到頂部、選擇源代碼編輯器、代理(使用Ctrl+F9可以快速切換代理服務器)、廣告/Flash 過濾、選擇默認的搜索引擎、瀏覽器僞裝等等許多附加的功能。
從它的更新頻率也能看出來作者在不斷的改進,最新版更新至目前的IE7pro v0.9.5,就像Firefox如果沒有擴展也不會有今天的發展,同樣的道理沒有它的IE7也是殘缺的。
New Features in IE7pro v0.9.5 (2007-01-08):
1. Fix an bug when open unsupported URL schema
2. Support proxy setup exception list.
Features in IE7pro v0.9.4 (2007-01-05):
1. Fix an critical bug, disable unstable flash blocking fuction
2. Final solution of Super Drag&Drop done.
3. Using SHIFT + Drag&Drop to save image file quickly.
4. View page info(User can view all image/CSS/flash/video element of web page)
Features in IE7pro v0.9.3 (2006-12-28):
1. Add IE7Pro shortcut to IE status bar
2. Add Tab history manager
3. Support session crash recovery
4. Support block Flash
5. Support refresh Tab
6. Support save whole page to image
7. Support merge custom ad filter file
8. Fix Super Drag Drop refresh bug
9. Change the configure storage path to user own directory, to make it work with vista
Features in IE7pro v0.9.2 (2006-12-14):
1. Add super Drag Drop What is super Drag Drop(Demo)
2. Support open new tab from address bar
Features in IE7pro v0.9.1 (2006-11-22):
1. Set agent identification.
2. Close/Open tab when double left click.
3. Block ads.
4. Switch proxy.

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