LeetCode | 485. Max Consecutive Ones

Given a binary array, find the maximum number of consecutive 1s in this array.

Example 1:
Input: [1,1,0,1,1,1]
Output: 3
Explanation: The first two digits or the last three digits are consecutive 1s.
The maximum number of consecutive 1s is 3.
The input array will only contain 0 and 1.
The length of input array is a positive integer and will not exceed 10,000

老老实实按位算就行,性能较低,需要判断的条件较多,only beats 14%

public class Solution {
    public int findMaxConsecutiveOnes(int[] nums) {
        int max = 0;
        int count = 0;
        for(int i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) {
            if(nums[i] == 1) {
                if(i == nums.length - 1) {
                    max = count > max? count : max;
            } else {
                max = count > max? count : max;
                count = 0;
        return max;


public class Solution {
    public int findMaxConsecutiveOnes(int[] nums) {
        int max = 0;
        int count = 0;
        for(int n : nums)
            max = Math.max(max, count = n == 0?0 : ++count);
        return max;

下面提供另一种通过 String API 来解决的方法,就是将数组转换为字符串,再利用split方法转换为多个只含1序列的字符串,找出最长的即答案,不过LeetCode一直报超时,测试却没问题。晒出代码仅供参考。

public class Solution {
    public int findMaxConsecutiveOnes(int[] nums) {
        String str = "";
        int max = 0;
        for(int n : nums) str = str + n;
        String[] ones = str.split("0");
        for(String tmp : ones) max = Math.max(max, tmp.length());
        return max;
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