關於學習 AndEngine

這幾天在弄AndEngine, 也找了不少開源的遊戲, 謝謝cping1982的資源, 很快就找了的很多AndEngine的開源遊戲, 自己也看了下, 自己能力問題,進展較慢,

在看的過程中,發現, AndEngine和android一樣也是版本帝,從開始在google code上面的hg廢除, 到後面git上的版本, 改動相當大,

新的AndEngineExample說明還是相當完善的,但是沒有具體用新的版本做的開源遊戲, (找到的遊戲都是老版本的)

其實,對應的類名什麼的,還是沒有什麼變化, 只是類似 SimpleBaseGameActivity這樣的基礎類 的幾個回調 和一些相關的變化就讓很多東西連不起來。

現在決定還是用新的, 先理解下AndEngineExample ,

再就是 在作者的git (地址:https://github.com/nicolasgramlich) 上面的wiki(https://github.com/nicolasgramlich/AndEngine/wiki

指向了一個19歲男孩的blog, 肯定寫的比較細, 看具體看下, 再按照demo弄下。



最近就先努力弄這個吧, 其他的以後再說!



自己也說了, 劣勢是 幾乎沒有code的文檔, 幾個人給的都是一個較早的文檔。

很多東西只能依賴對應的社區了,自己悲劇的英文,還是看demo吧。o(︶︿︶)o 唉


. Benefits from using AndEngine:
Free and open source.
Most important aspects of every game are covered already by the engine.
You don't really need OpenGL experience (but it might be useful, obviously)
Fast, well designed and organized engine.
Relatively big, active and helpful community.
Great engine extensions.
Plenty of examples, showing off engine capabilities.


. Major drawbacks:
There is almost no code documentation.
Sometimes slower in comparison to other engines.
Lack of documentation is the main difficulty while starting (hard to understand every parameter etc)
But instead of documentation, this engine has great example projects, showing most  every engine capability, it's a great way to check and understand how it work, hopeful while developing your own application. Also as mentioned, the engine community is very helpful, so you can always expect help from different developers. Hopefully this website will also help newcomers (as well as more experienced people) to understand how it works and improve the quality of your games!




看下demo運行情況的時候,發現 GLES2 也分 GLES2 和 GLES2-AnchorCenter 








版本帝啊!!!開始看了下 GLES2的Example, 看來 Example也要重新down對應的GLES2-AchorCenter ,刪掉以前的.....



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