deep learning platform

Start Project

Project start-up phase

| | This stage aims to decide the main people who join this project.and explore some customers ’ demands. Because most of the projects accomplished by 3-4 people, the work needs to develop as a fast model. In this stage, I will expire a sample analysis. It includes those content.
| | As we all know deep learning is one of the most exciting areas in recent years. Many people studying it as a necessary skill, even they don’t make full work by it. It is powerful to help you make self-improve. For example, I learned the reason why my English is poor by studying deep learning, and I am trying to correct it. So It is a wonderful skill for us.

| | Some people want to design machine learning or deep learning project when they have little knowledge about deep learning and code. When I have joined deep learning part-time projects, I was very tired in this phase. It has taken much time to do vary demand. So I have an idea about developing a web system and algorithm calculation background server. It is pretty well if we integrate the two systems together. But it is expensive to deploy a algorithm could web server. So I need a local server to achieve computing. In a web cloud server, I develop a web system which only needs customers input dataset as a regular form and chose algorithm by visible patterns or options. It can automatic generate a clear code to achieve your project.

| | I asking many people whether this system can accomplish self-project. Most of the answer is yes. Here is a survey’s detail about using deep learning platform willing and suggestion.

Project demand analysis

In the above picture, we can see many people want *********.


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