




nvcc -o knn_cuda_with_indexes.exe -lcuda -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE
#include <cuda.h>
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <cuda_runtime_api.h>
#include <device_launch_parameters.h>

 // If the code is used in Matlab, set MATLAB_CODE to 1. Otherwise, set MATLAB_CODE to 0.
#define MATLAB_CODE 0 

// Includes
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "cuda.h"
#if MATLAB_CODE == 1
#include "mex.h"
#include <time.h>

// Constants used by the program
#define MAX_PITCH_VALUE_IN_BYTES       262144
#define MAX_TEXTURE_WIDTH_IN_BYTES     65536
#define BLOCK_DIM                      16

// Texture containing the reference points (if it is possible)
texture<float, 2, cudaReadModeElementType> texA;

//                                            KERNELS                                            //

  * Computes the distance between two matrix A (reference points) and
  * B (query points) containing respectively wA and wB points.
  * The matrix A is a texture.
  * @param wA    width of the matrix A = number of points in A
  * @param B     pointer on the matrix B
  * @param wB    width of the matrix B = number of points in B
  * @param pB    pitch of matrix B given in number of columns
  * @param dim   dimension of points = height of matrices A and B
  * @param AB    pointer on the matrix containing the wA*wB distances computed
__global__ void cuComputeDistanceTexture(int wA, float * B, int wB, int pB, int dim, float* AB) {
	unsigned int xIndex = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
	unsigned int yIndex = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
	if (xIndex < wB && yIndex < wA) {
		float ssd = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
			float tmp = tex2D(texA, (float)yIndex, (float)i) - B[i * pB + xIndex];
			ssd += tmp * tmp;
		AB[yIndex * pB + xIndex] = ssd;

  * Computes the distance between two matrix A (reference points) and
  * B (query points) containing respectively wA and wB points.
  * @param A     pointer on the matrix A
  * @param wA    width of the matrix A = number of points in A
  * @param pA    pitch of matrix A given in number of columns
  * @param B     pointer on the matrix B
  * @param wB    width of the matrix B = number of points in B
  * @param pB    pitch of matrix B given in number of columns
  * @param dim   dimension of points = height of matrices A and B
  * @param AB    pointer on the matrix containing the wA*wB distances computed
__global__ void cuComputeDistanceGlobal(float* A, int wA, int pA, float* B, int wB, int pB, int dim, float* AB) {

	// Declaration of the shared memory arrays As and Bs used to store the sub-matrix of A and B
	__shared__ float shared_A[BLOCK_DIM][BLOCK_DIM];
	__shared__ float shared_B[BLOCK_DIM][BLOCK_DIM];

	// Sub-matrix of A (begin, step, end) and Sub-matrix of B (begin, step)
	__shared__ int begin_A;
	__shared__ int begin_B;
	__shared__ int step_A;
	__shared__ int step_B;
	__shared__ int end_A;

	// Thread index
	int tx = threadIdx.x;
	int ty = threadIdx.y;

	// Other variables
	float tmp;
	float ssd = 0;

	// Loop parameters
	begin_A = BLOCK_DIM * blockIdx.y;
	begin_B = BLOCK_DIM * blockIdx.x;
	step_A = BLOCK_DIM * pA;
	step_B = BLOCK_DIM * pB;
	end_A = begin_A + (dim - 1) * pA;

	// Conditions
	int cond0 = (begin_A + tx < wA); // used to write in shared memory
	int cond1 = (begin_B + tx < wB); // used to write in shared memory & to computations and to write in output matrix
	int cond2 = (begin_A + ty < wA); // used to computations and to write in output matrix

	// Loop over all the sub-matrices of A and B required to compute the block sub-matrix
	for (int a = begin_A, b = begin_B; a <= end_A; a += step_A, b += step_B) {

		// Load the matrices from device memory to shared memory; each thread loads one element of each matrix
		if (a / pA + ty < dim) {
			shared_A[ty][tx] = (cond0) ? A[a + pA * ty + tx] : 0;
			shared_B[ty][tx] = (cond1) ? B[b + pB * ty + tx] : 0;
		else {
			shared_A[ty][tx] = 0;
			shared_B[ty][tx] = 0;

		// Synchronize to make sure the matrices are loaded

		// Compute the difference between the two matrixes; each thread computes one element of the block sub-matrix
		if (cond2 && cond1) {
			for (int k = 0; k < BLOCK_DIM; ++k) {
				tmp = shared_A[k][ty] - shared_B[k][tx];
				ssd += tmp * tmp;

		// Synchronize to make sure that the preceding computation is done before loading two new sub-matrices of A and B in the next iteration

	// Write the block sub-matrix to device memory; each thread writes one element
	if (cond2 && cond1)
		AB[(begin_A + ty) * pB + begin_B + tx] = ssd;

  * Gathers k-th smallest distances for each column of the distance matrix in the top.
  * @param dist        distance matrix
  * @param dist_pitch  pitch of the distance matrix given in number of columns
  * @param ind         index matrix
  * @param ind_pitch   pitch of the index matrix given in number of columns
  * @param width       width of the distance matrix and of the index matrix
  * @param height      height of the distance matrix and of the index matrix
  * @param k           number of neighbors to consider
__global__ void cuInsertionSort(float *dist, int dist_pitch, int *ind, int ind_pitch, int width, int height, int k) {

	// Variables
	int l, i, j;
	float *p_dist;
	int   *p_ind;
	float curr_dist, max_dist;
	int   curr_row, max_row;
	unsigned int xIndex = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

	if (xIndex < width) {

		// Pointer shift, initialization, and max value
		p_dist = dist + xIndex;
		p_ind = ind + xIndex;
		max_dist = p_dist[0];
		p_ind[0] = 1;

		// Part 1 : sort kth firt elementZ
		for (l = 1; l < k; l++) {
			curr_row = l * dist_pitch;
			curr_dist = p_dist[curr_row];
			if (curr_dist < max_dist) {
				i = l - 1;
				for (int a = 0; a < l - 1; a++) {
					if (p_dist[a*dist_pitch] > curr_dist) {
						i = a;
				for (j = l; j > i; j--) {
					p_dist[j*dist_pitch] = p_dist[(j - 1)*dist_pitch];
					p_ind[j*ind_pitch] = p_ind[(j - 1)*ind_pitch];
				p_dist[i*dist_pitch] = curr_dist;
				p_ind[i*ind_pitch] = l + 1;
				p_ind[l*ind_pitch] = l + 1;
			max_dist = p_dist[curr_row];

		// Part 2 : insert element in the k-th first lines
		max_row = (k - 1)*dist_pitch;
		for (l = k; l < height; l++) {
			curr_dist = p_dist[l*dist_pitch];
			if (curr_dist < max_dist) {
				i = k - 1;
				for (int a = 0; a < k - 1; a++) {
					if (p_dist[a*dist_pitch] > curr_dist) {
						i = a;
				for (j = k - 1; j > i; j--) {
					p_dist[j*dist_pitch] = p_dist[(j - 1)*dist_pitch];
					p_ind[j*ind_pitch] = p_ind[(j - 1)*ind_pitch];
				p_dist[i*dist_pitch] = curr_dist;
				p_ind[i*ind_pitch] = l + 1;
				max_dist = p_dist[max_row];

  * Computes the square root of the first line (width-th first element)
  * of the distance matrix.
  * @param dist    distance matrix
  * @param width   width of the distance matrix
  * @param pitch   pitch of the distance matrix given in number of columns
  * @param k       number of neighbors to consider
__global__ void cuParallelSqrt(float *dist, int width, int pitch, int k) {
	unsigned int xIndex = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
	unsigned int yIndex = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
	if (xIndex < width && yIndex < k)
		dist[yIndex*pitch + xIndex] = sqrt(dist[yIndex*pitch + xIndex]);

//                                   K-th NEAREST NEIGHBORS                                      //

  * Prints the error message return during the memory allocation.
  * @param error        error value return by the memory allocation function
  * @param memorySize   size of memory tried to be allocated
void printErrorMessage(cudaError_t error, int memorySize) {
	printf("MEMORY ALLOCATION ERROR  : %s\n", cudaGetErrorString(error));
	printf("Whished allocated memory : %d\n", memorySize);
#if MATLAB_CODE == 1

  * K nearest neighbor algorithm
  * - Initialize CUDA
  * - Allocate device memory
  * - Copy point sets (reference and query points) from host to device memory
  * - Compute the distances + indexes to the k nearest neighbors for each query point
  * - Copy distances from device to host memory
  * @param ref_host      reference points ; pointer to linear matrix
  * @param ref_width     number of reference points ; width of the matrix
  * @param query_host    query points ; pointer to linear matrix
  * @param query_width   number of query points ; width of the matrix
  * @param height        dimension of points ; height of the matrices
  * @param k             number of neighbor to consider
  * @param dist_host     distances to k nearest neighbors ; pointer to linear matrix
  * @param dist_host     indexes of the k nearest neighbors ; pointer to linear matrix
void knn(float* ref_host, int ref_width, float* query_host, int query_width, int height, int k, float* dist_host, int* ind_host) {

	unsigned int size_of_float = sizeof(float);
	unsigned int size_of_int = sizeof(int);

	// Variables
	float        *query_dev;
	float        *ref_dev;
	float        *dist_dev;
	int          *ind_dev;
	cudaArray    *ref_array;
	cudaError_t  result;
	size_t       query_pitch;
	size_t	     query_pitch_in_bytes;
	size_t       ref_pitch;
	size_t       ref_pitch_in_bytes;
	size_t       ind_pitch;
	size_t       ind_pitch_in_bytes;
	size_t       max_nb_query_traited;
	size_t       actual_nb_query_width;
	size_t       memory_total;
	size_t       memory_free;

	// Check if we can use texture memory for reference points
	size_t use_texture = (ref_width*size_of_float <= MAX_TEXTURE_WIDTH_IN_BYTES && height*size_of_float <= MAX_TEXTURE_HEIGHT_IN_BYTES);

	// CUDA Initialisation

	// Check free memory using driver API ; only (MAX_PART_OF_FREE_MEMORY_USED*100)% of memory will be used
	CUcontext cuContext;
	CUdevice  cuDevice = 0;
	cuCtxCreate(&cuContext, 0, cuDevice);
	cuMemGetInfo(&memory_free, &memory_total);

	// Determine maximum number of query that can be treated
	max_nb_query_traited = (memory_free * MAX_PART_OF_FREE_MEMORY_USED - size_of_float * ref_width*height) / (size_of_float * (height + ref_width) + size_of_int * k);
	max_nb_query_traited = min((unsigned int)query_width, (unsigned int)(max_nb_query_traited / 16) * 16);

	// Allocation of global memory for query points and for distances
	result = cudaMallocPitch((void **)&query_dev, &query_pitch_in_bytes, max_nb_query_traited * size_of_float, height + ref_width);
	if (result) {
		printErrorMessage(result, max_nb_query_traited*size_of_float*(height + ref_width));
	query_pitch = query_pitch_in_bytes / size_of_float;
	dist_dev = query_dev + height * query_pitch;

	// Allocation of global memory for indexes	
	result = cudaMallocPitch((void **)&ind_dev, &ind_pitch_in_bytes, max_nb_query_traited * size_of_int, k);
	if (result) {
		printErrorMessage(result, max_nb_query_traited*size_of_int*k);
	ind_pitch = ind_pitch_in_bytes / size_of_int;

	// Allocation of memory (global or texture) for reference points
	if (use_texture) {

		// Allocation of texture memory
		cudaChannelFormatDesc channelDescA = cudaCreateChannelDesc<float>();
		result = cudaMallocArray(&ref_array, &channelDescA, ref_width, height);
		if (result) {
			printErrorMessage(result, ref_width*height*size_of_float);
		cudaMemcpyToArray(ref_array, 0, 0, ref_host, ref_width * height * size_of_float, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);

		// Set texture parameters and bind texture to array
		texA.addressMode[0] = cudaAddressModeClamp;
		texA.addressMode[1] = cudaAddressModeClamp;
		texA.filterMode = cudaFilterModePoint;
		texA.normalized = 0;
		cudaBindTextureToArray(texA, ref_array);

	else {

		// Allocation of global memory
		result = cudaMallocPitch((void **)&ref_dev, &ref_pitch_in_bytes, ref_width * size_of_float, height);
		if (result) {
			printErrorMessage(result, ref_width*size_of_float*height);
		ref_pitch = ref_pitch_in_bytes / size_of_float;
		cudaMemcpy2D(ref_dev, ref_pitch_in_bytes, ref_host, ref_width*size_of_float, ref_width*size_of_float, height, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);

	// Split queries to fit in GPU memory
	for (int i = 0; i < query_width; i += max_nb_query_traited) {

		// Number of query points considered
		actual_nb_query_width = min((unsigned int)max_nb_query_traited, (unsigned int)query_width - i);

		// Copy of part of query actually being treated
		cudaMemcpy2D(query_dev, query_pitch_in_bytes, &query_host[i], query_width*size_of_float, actual_nb_query_width*size_of_float, height, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);

		// Grids ans threads
		dim3 g_16x16(actual_nb_query_width / 16, ref_width / 16, 1);
		dim3 t_16x16(16, 16, 1);
		if (actual_nb_query_width % 16 != 0) g_16x16.x += 1;
		if (ref_width % 16 != 0) g_16x16.y += 1;
		dim3 g_256x1(actual_nb_query_width / 256, 1, 1);
		dim3 t_256x1(256, 1, 1);
		if (actual_nb_query_width % 256 != 0) g_256x1.x += 1;
		dim3 g_k_16x16(actual_nb_query_width / 16, k / 16, 1);
		dim3 t_k_16x16(16, 16, 1);
		if (actual_nb_query_width % 16 != 0) g_k_16x16.x += 1;
		if (k % 16 != 0) g_k_16x16.y += 1;

		// Kernel 1: Compute all the distances
		if (use_texture)
			cuComputeDistanceTexture << <g_16x16, t_16x16 >> > (ref_width, query_dev, actual_nb_query_width, query_pitch, height, dist_dev);
			cuComputeDistanceGlobal << <g_16x16, t_16x16 >> > (ref_dev, ref_width, ref_pitch, query_dev, actual_nb_query_width, query_pitch, height, dist_dev);

		// Kernel 2: Sort each column
		cuInsertionSort << <g_256x1, t_256x1 >> > (dist_dev, query_pitch, ind_dev, ind_pitch, actual_nb_query_width, ref_width, k);

		// Kernel 3: Compute square root of k first elements
		cuParallelSqrt << <g_k_16x16, t_k_16x16 >> > (dist_dev, query_width, query_pitch, k);

		// Memory copy of output from device to host
		cudaMemcpy2D(&dist_host[i], query_width*size_of_float, dist_dev, query_pitch_in_bytes, actual_nb_query_width*size_of_float, k, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
		cudaMemcpy2D(&ind_host[i], query_width*size_of_int, ind_dev, ind_pitch_in_bytes, actual_nb_query_width*size_of_int, k, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);

	// Free memory
	if (use_texture)

//                                MATLAB INTERFACE & C EXAMPLE                                   //

#if MATLAB_CODE == 1

  * Interface to use CUDA code in Matlab (gateway routine).
  * @param nlhs  	Number of expected mxArrays (Left Hand Side)
  * @param plhs 	Array of pointers to expected outputs
  * @param nrhs 	Number of inputs (Right Hand Side)
  * @param prhs 	Array of pointers to input data. The input data is read-only and should not be altered by your mexFunction .
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) {

	// Variables
	float* ref;
	int    ref_width;
	int    ref_height;
	float* query;
	int    query_width;
	int    query_height;
	float* dist;
	int*   ind;
	int    k;

	// Reference points
	ref = (float *)mxGetData(prhs[0]);
	ref_width = mxGetM(prhs[0]);
	ref_height = mxGetN(prhs[0]);

	// Query points
	query = (float *)mxGetData(prhs[1]);
	query_width = mxGetM(prhs[1]);
	query_height = mxGetN(prhs[1]);

	// Number of neighbors to consider
	k = (int)mxGetScalar(prhs[2]);

	// Verification of the reference point and query point sizes
	if (ref_height != query_height)
		mexErrMsgTxt("Data must have the same dimension");
	if (ref_width * sizeof(float) > MAX_PITCH_VALUE_IN_BYTES)
		mexErrMsgTxt("Reference number is too large for CUDA (Max=65536)");
	if (query_width * sizeof(float) > MAX_PITCH_VALUE_IN_BYTES)
		mexErrMsgTxt("Query number is too large for CUDA (Max=65536)");

	// Allocation of output arrays
	dist = (float *)mxGetPr(plhs[0] = mxCreateNumericMatrix(query_width, k, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL));
	ind = (int *)mxGetPr(plhs[1] = mxCreateNumericMatrix(query_width, k, mxINT32_CLASS, mxREAL));

	// Call KNN CUDA
	knn(ref, ref_width, query, query_width, ref_height, k, dist, ind);

#else // C code

  * Example of use of kNN search CUDA.
int main(void) {

	// Variables and parameters
	float* ref;                 // Pointer to reference point array
	float* query;               // Pointer to query point array
	float* dist;                // Pointer to distance array
	int*   ind;                 // Pointer to index array
	int    ref_nb = 4096;   // Reference point number, max=65535
	int    query_nb = 4096;   // Query point number,     max=65535
	int    dim = 32;     // Dimension of points
	int    k = 20;     // Nearest neighbors to consider
	int    iterations = 100;
	int    i;

	// Memory allocation
	ref = (float *)malloc(ref_nb   * dim * sizeof(float));
	query = (float *)malloc(query_nb * dim * sizeof(float));
	dist = (float *)malloc(query_nb * k * sizeof(float));
	ind = (int *)malloc(query_nb * k * sizeof(float));

	// Init 
	for (i = 0; i < ref_nb * dim; i++) ref[i] = (float)rand() / (float)RAND_MAX;
	for (i = 0; i < query_nb * dim; i++) query[i] = (float)rand() / (float)RAND_MAX;

	// Variables for duration evaluation
	cudaEvent_t start, stop;
	float elapsed_time;

	// Display informations
	printf("Number of reference points      : %6d\n", ref_nb);
	printf("Number of query points          : %6d\n", query_nb);
	printf("Dimension of points             : %4d\n", dim);
	printf("Number of neighbors to consider : %4d\n", k);
	printf("Processing kNN search           :");

	// Call kNN search CUDA
	cudaEventRecord(start, 0);
	for (i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
		knn(ref, ref_nb, query, query_nb, dim, k, dist, ind);
	cudaEventRecord(stop, 0);
	cudaEventElapsedTime(&elapsed_time, start, stop);
	printf(" done in %f s for %d iterations (%f s by iteration)\n", elapsed_time / 1000, iterations, elapsed_time / (iterations * 1000));

	// Destroy cuda event object and free memory




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