

The Meaning and Value of Life

When I was a young college student, there was “a gentle breeze” in the newspaper discussing the meaning and value of life. Some articles were written and a lot of comments were published. I read some articles, but I didn't participate myself. The reason is that some articles don't make sense and I can't understand them. More importantly, I think the discussion itself is pointless and worthless, and it is better to actually do a few things.

時光流逝,一轉眼,自己已經到了望九之年,活得遠遠超過了我的預算。有人認爲長壽是福,我看也不盡然。人活得太久了,對人生的種種相、衆生的種種相,看得透透徹徹,反而鼓舞時少,嘆息時多,遠不如早一點離開人世這個是非之地,落一個耳根清淨。Time passed.In a blink of an eye, I have lived to be near ninety and lived far more than my expectation. Some people think that longevity is a blessing, but I don't think so. He has  lived too long to see the various aspects of life and all living beings thoroughly. On the contrary, he has less encouragement and more sighs,so it is much better to leave the world as soon as possible and have a clear ear.

那麼,長壽就一點好處都沒有嗎?也不是的。這對了解人生的意義與價值,會有一些好處的。So there's no benefit to living a long life? Not really. It will do some good to understand the meaning and value of life.

根據我個人的觀察,對世界上絕大多數人來說,人生一無意義,二無價值。他們也從來不考慮這樣的哲學問題。走運時,手裏攥滿了鈔票,白天兩頓美食城,晚上一趟卡拉OK,玩一點小權術,耍一點小聰明,甚至恣睢驕橫,飛揚跋扈,昏昏沉沉,渾渾噩噩,等到鑽入了骨灰盒,也不明白自己爲什麼活過一生。According to my personal observation, for the vast majority of people in the world, life is meaningless and worthless. They never thought about such philosophical questions. When he is lucky, he has money in his hand ,and has two meals in the food city during the day, a trip to karaoke at night.He has a little petty politics, play a few tricks,and he is  even a little arrogant, lethargy and muddleheaded and don't know why he has lived his life until he gets into the urn.

其中不走運的則窮困潦倒,終日爲衣食奔波,愁眉苦臉,長吁短嘆。即使日子還能過得去的,不愁衣食,能夠溫飽,然而也終日忙忙碌碌,被困於名繮,被縛於利索。同樣是昏昏沉沉,渾渾噩噩,不知道爲什麼活過一生。 對這樣的芸芸衆生,人生的意義與價值從何處談起呢?The unlucky ones were impoverished, rushing about for food and clothing, sighing sadly . Even those who can get by, who doesn't have want for food and clothing and who has enough to eat and drink, are busy all day long, trapped by fame and fortune.They are the same  muddledheaded men, not knowing why they have lived their lives. Where does the meaning and value of life begin for such a multitude of people?

我自己也屬於芸芸衆生之列,也難免渾渾噩噩,並不比任何人高一絲一毫。如果想勉強找一點區別的話,那也是有的:我,當然還有一些別的人,對人生有一些想法,動過一點腦筋,而且自認這些想法是有點道理的。I, too, am one of the multitude, and not a bit higher than any other. It is true that I, and certainly others, have thought a little about life, and have thought they are right.

我有些什麼想法呢?話要說得遠一點。當今世界上戰火紛飛,人慾橫流,“黃鐘譭棄,瓦釜雷鳴”,是一個十分不安定的時代。但是,對於人類的前途,我始終是一個樂觀主義者。我相信,不管還要經過多少艱難曲折,不管還要經歷多少時間,人類總會越變越好的,人類大同之域絕不會僅僅是一個空洞的理想。但是,想要達到這個目的,必須經過無數代人的共同努力。有如接力賽,每一代人都有自己的一段路程要跑。又如一條鏈子,是由許多環組成的,每一環從本身來看,只不過是微不足道的一點東西;但是沒有這一點東西,鏈子就組不成。在人類社會發展的長河中,我們每一代人都有自己的任務,而且是絕非可有可無的。如果說人生有意義與價值的話,其意義與價值就在這裏。What do I have in mind? Go further than that. In today's world, wars are raging and desires are rampant.  The meritocratic are abandoned, while the mediocre without merit occupy  high positions.It is a time of great instability.But I have always been an optimist about the future of mankind. I believe that no matter how many twists and turns we still have to go through, no matter how much time we still have to go through, the human race will always get better and better. The great unity of mankind will never be just an empty ideal. However, if we want to achieve this goal, we must go through the joint efforts of countless generations. Like a relay race, each generation has its own way to run. Or like a chain, which is made up of rings, each ring by itself is but a trifle; But without this, the chain cannot be put together. In the long course of human social development, each generation has its own task, and it is by no means dispensable. If life has meaning and value, here it is.

但是,這個道理在人類社會中只有少數有識之士才能理解。魯迅先生所稱之“中國的脊樑”,指的就是這種人。對於那些肚子裏喫滿了肯德基、麥當勞、比薩餅,到頭來終不過是渾渾噩噩的人來說,有如夏蟲不足以與語冰,這些道理是沒法談的。他們無法理解自己對人類發展所應當承擔的責任。However,  only a few people of insigh to can understand this truth in human society. This is what Lu Xun called "the backbone of China". For those whose stomachs are filled with KFC, McDonald's and pizza, and who ends up in a muddle, It's like you can't talk about ice with a summer bug— there is no way to talk about this with them. They fail to understand their responsibility for human development.

話說到這裏,我想把上面說的意思簡短扼要地歸納一下:如果人生真有意義與價值的話,其意義與價值就在於對人類發展的承上啓下、承前啓後的責任感。Having said those words, I would like to summarize the meaning of the above briefly: if life is meaningful and valuable, its meaning and value lies in the sense of responsibility for human development.

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