
1. throw away

throw away 扔掉;拋棄;錯過


It's wasteful to throw away glass,paper and metal.

I never throw anything away.


A: It's already 10 o'clock, why are you still playing computer games?

B: Come on, I have been playing it for less than 1 hour.

A: Don't throw away the best years of your life.

B: Fine

2. or /otherwise

or /otherwise 否則



Hurry up, or we'll be late.

Put on your jacket, or you'll catch a cold.


A: I'm very sorry, sir, my car has broken down.

B: Sorry to hear that. Can we do anything about it?

A: I'm afraid not.

B: Then I have to call another taxi, or I'll be late.

3. on the second thought

on the second thought 再三思索,仔細考慮


on the second thought, I'm going home on this vacation.

I'll do it, On the second thought.

On the second thought, I won't tell her the truth.


A: Would you care for a cup of coffee?

B: No, thank you.

A: I'm going to get one for myself, they make really good coffee here.

B: On the second thought, I will have a cup.

4. only to well

only to well, 這裏的only to表示很,非常,相當於very的意思


I know only to well how you fell.

I'm only to pleased to help you.

The holiday was only to short.


A: Harry is too down that won't talk to anyone.

B: I know only to well what's that like.

A: What do you mean?

B: I was very sad when I was laid off last year.

5. not really

not really 並不完全


Do you hate other's smoking in the office? Not really.

Do you think we can get to station on time? Not really, unless we take a taxi.


A: The road ahead is blocked, There might have been an accident.

B: Are there many accidents in the city every day?

A: Not really, but they are on the rise.

B: Please drive slowly, we're got lots of time, safety first.

6. look out

look out 小心


Look out! There's a car coming.

Look out! You could fall of the edge here.

Look out! Harry, that step's not safe.


A: Look out! A small boy is rushing out blindly.

B: Gee, how dangerous. I've almost knocked him down.

A: You stopped just in time, good for you.

B: I braked as hard as I could.

7. Let's split the difference

Let's split the difference 折中一下,一人讓一步


OK. Let's split the difference, I'll take it.

Let's split the difference, I'll give you 100.


A: This blouse is a special offer today, you can have it at 10% off the regular price.

B: It's nice ,but still too expensive, can you give me a 20% discount?

A: No, 10% is my last word.

B: Come on, Let's split the difference, 15%.

8. know better than

know better than 應該知道不該


You should know better than to go swimming right after eating.

You are old enough to know better than to spend all your money on clothes.


A: Harry, come here immediately!

B: What?

A: Don't take that one with me! I saw you hit your brouher.

B: No, He hit me first.

A: I don't care, You know better than to hit him, go sit on your bed for 10 minutes.

9. Let it be

Let it be 順其自然


I decide to just let it be.

Let him be, he's doing no harm.


A: Did you hear what he said to me?

B: I heard it.

A: What do you think I should do about it?

B: Just let it be. Her rudeness will come back to haunt her.

10. Let's make a bet

Let's make a bet 讓我們打個賭


If you don't believe me, let's make a bet.

Let's make a bet, but I'll surely win.

Let's make a bet on the election.


A: Do you think Tom will be elected president?

B: No, I think Harry will get it.

A: Let's make a bet on who gets it.

B: OK, loser buys pizza tomorrow night.

11. It makes sense

It makes sense 有道理,講得通,有意義。


It makes sense to take care of your health.

It doesn't make sense to read such a boring novel.


A:Harry,do you like the opera?

B:No,not really。

A:why?It is called real art.

B:Well,it's very expensive and they're usually singing in another language.That kind os gets on my nerves.

A:Yeah,that makes sense.

12. Just between you and me

Just between you and me我只告訴你。


Just between you and me,I think your brother is handsome

Just between you and me,I cheated on yesterday's exam.

Just between you and me,she wears too much make-up.


A:Do you think Mr.Johnson is a good worker?

B:Just between you and me,I think he is lazy.

13. throw away

Just between you and me我只告訴你。


Just between you and me,I think your brother is handsome

Just between you and me,I cheated on yesterday's exam.

Just between you and me,she wears too much make-up.


A:Do you think Mr.Johnson is a good worker?

B:Just between you and me,I think he is lazy.

14. It seems like

It seems like也可以說成“It seems that” 看起來怎麼樣,好像怎麼樣


It seems like nobody knew what had happened.

It seems that something is wrong.


A:Mary,do you remember when we met?

B:I won't ever forget it.I was sitting in the cafeteria all by myself

A:And I came by and asked to sit by you.

B:Oh,it seems like it was just yesterday.

15. It will do

It will do 行,可以


It will do to set the clothes tree in the corner.

Will it do?

It will do,you may leave.


A:How would you like your hair cut?

B:I want it short.

A:Then,I'll just trim it.

B:It will do

16. Just because

Just because只是因爲..


We didn't stay just because the weather was bad.

I bought the book just because I wanted to learn English.


A:Hey,Mary,nice to see you again.I heard you're going back home to the U.S

B:Yes,I'm leaving tomorrow.I came here just because I want to say good-bye to you.

A:You're so thoughtful.Wish you a good trip home.And we'll miss you.

B:I'll miss you too,my friends.

17. be supposed to

be supposed to 應該怎麼樣"相當於“should”


He is supposed to arrive on the 5 o'clock train.

Summer is supposed to come during May.

It was supoosed to be ready last week.


A:Hey,how was the show?

B:Not great.It's a kind of boring.

A:Really?I heard it was supposed to be great.

B:Yes,me too.But I'm disappointed.

18. It's up to

It's up to "由什麼什麼決定"“取決於什麼“


Do you want to eat a Western or Chinese meal?It's up to you.

It's up to us to help those in need.

It's not up to you to tell me how to do my job.


A:I'm looking forward to our son's graduation this weekend.

B:Yes,so am I.But what will he do after graduation?He really needs to go to college.

A:Well,dear,we can't force him to go to college.It's up to him.

B:I know that,but he has to learn to be independent.He can't just keep living at home.

19. It's worthy of

It's worthy of 它是值得.. 它和"It is worth”意思相同,都是表示“值得...”


I think the book is worthy of a lot more praise than It's getting.

But you know,I'm not really worthy of her.


A:I don't like the merry-go-round.

B:But,I want to ride it,Daddy.

A:Ok,I guess it's worthy of two yuan.

B:Great,Let's go.

20. I'd like to propose a toast

I'd like to propose a toast我提議敬一杯酒。


I'd like to propose a toast to all of you.

May I have your attention,please?I'd like to propose a toast to Harry.

I'd like to propose a toast to our new secretary.Mary,welcome on board.


A:Everybody,I'd like to propose a toast to Mary Johnson,Teacher of the year.she worked hard all year.she really deserved the the honor.

B:Yes,we're all proud of her.

A:Here's to you,Mary!


21. I don't blame him for

I don't blame him for...我不會爲了...責備他


I don't blame him for it.

You needn't say sorry.I don't blame you.

I don't blame you for losing my keys.


A: Aren't you staying for the party?

B:No,I'm tired and I've got to work.

A: I don't blame you for getting some rest.

B:Yeah,I need to

22. I have a feeling that

I have a feeling that...我有感覺


I have a feeling that your mother doesn't like me.

I have a feeling that this place is a little dangerous.

I have a feeling that this dress will be too formal for the party.


A:It's awfully quiet around here.

B:Yeah,There's nobody in sight.

A:I have a feeling that we're not supposed to be in here.

B:I think you are right,let's go.

23. I'm afraid

I'm afraid...我恐怕


I'm afraid i am late.

I'm afraid you don't see my point.

I'm afraid I've taken too much of your time.


A:Excuse me,I'm afraid you're in my seat. You've moved my books.


A:You must have realized somebody was here.

B:Oh,well,I looked around.There wasn't any other space.I waited a while and nobady came.I'm sorry If I've taken your place.

24. I‘ll...for a change

I‘ll...for a change.我想換換口味


Today,I'll go to the KFC for a change.

Let's eat out for a change.

This summer vacation,I'll find a part-time job.


A:Hi,waiting for the bus?where are you going?

B:China Hotel

A:Why don't you take a taxi?It'll get you there much faster.

B:Well,I think I'll take the bus this time just for a change.

25. I'm concerned about

I'm concerned about...我很擔心...


I'm really concerned about my parents' health.

I'm really concerned about her job.

I'm concerned about your final exam.


A:I'm concerned about your car.

B:It will be fine.

A:But I think I can help to fix it.

B:No,don't give it another thought.

26. I'm in the middle of.

I'm in the middle of...我正忙着....


I was in the middle of making a pie for dinner when the telephone rang.

They were in the middle of a party when the parents came back suddenly.


A:Marry,Mr Johnson wants these documents to be copied.

B:Oh,no,You see I'm in the middle of something,could he wait?

A:I'm afraid..

B:All right,all right,He'll get them as soon as possible.

27. I'm just in the mood for/to

I'm just in the mood for/to我想做某事。


I'm just in the mood for a change tonight.

I'm just in the mood for a movie right now.

I'm just in no mood for arguments.


A:You're acting weird tonight.

B:I'm just in the mood to act goofy.

A:What brought this on?

B:I guess I'm glad exams are over.

28. I'm just a little

I'm just a little...我只是有點...


Why the long face?I'm just a little sad.

I'm just a little afraid of you.

I'm just a little out of mind.


A: I've been just a little depressed lately.

B:What's wrong?

A:Nothing really.

B:Then just keep your chin up.

29. I‘m looking forward to

I‘m looking forward to...我期待着...


I’m looking forward to your visit.

I'm looking forward to your new book.

I'm looking forward to your friendship.


A:I couldn't wait to meet you in person.

B:Me too,I've heard so much about you.

A:Same here.

B:I was looking forward to your arrival.

30. I really go for

I really go for...我真喜歡...否定句式:I don't go much for.


I really go for this car.

I really go for this house,It's terrific.

I don't go much for modernism.


A:Hey,I'm hungry.How about you?

B:Yeah,I can really go for some chinese food right now.

A:That's a great idea.Let's go to a Chinese restaurant.

B:I know one,Let's go.

31. I'd strongly recommend that

I'd strongly recommend that...我強烈推薦...


I’d strongly recommend that you call before going to his office.

I'd strongly recommend that you see it,too


A:Let's go swimming.

B:But,we just finished eating lunch.

A:I know,but I'm really hot.

B:I'd strongly recommend that you wait for a while before going swimming.

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