把讀書當做信仰的民族:猶太民族 你一年讀幾本書? 讀書是一種信仰 讓你的書成爲你的伴侶 埋葬書 讀書同糧食和水一樣重要 猶太民族——一個酷愛學習的民族 具有良好的閱讀風氣和習慣



The No.1 book reader in the world each year is Jewish, with an average of 64 books per person each year. And China's 1.3 billion people, excluding textbooks, read less than one book a year on average.

What is the secret of the Jewish love of reading?


Reading is part of the Jewish faith


Jews are "people of the Bible.". It can be said that without the Bible, there would be no Jewish people and their history. Judaism is not only the cornerstone of a nation, but also the belief and way of life. It has not only simple precepts, but also rich knowledge of history, culture and philosophy. Biblical reading continues the strong national spirit and supports social morality and culture.


Jewish people are the nation with the most holidays. When the whole family gathers for dinner, they will first commemorate their ancestors. They will read hagada from the youngest in turn. Hagada was published in the 2nd century AD, and one third of Talmud came from hagada. In the 8th century, it became a traditional Jewish Culture Book and children's textbook. Its genres are Jewish Folktales, religious poems, fables and aphorisms, etc. Among them, the maxims of "frugal approach to God, luxury leads to punishment", "happiness comes from hard work, and enjoy sin", "fair and aboveboard, fair trade", "don't do to others what you don't want" and "faith lies in action" have become the life guides for children's growth.


There are many Jewish proverbs about reading, such as "Only after reading can we know how to revere knowledge", "One discovers his ignorance only through learning", "Humility comes from learning". This is very similar to the expression of ancient Chinese classics. However, after a long history of changes, we are far away from these fine traditions.


猶太哲學家塞繆爾·伊本·蒂本說:“讓你的書成爲你的伴侶。” 他把他的圖書館稱爲“最好的寶藏”、“最好的伴侶”,把書架稱爲“最美麗的歡樂花園”。

Jewish philosopher Samuel ibn Tibbon said, “ Make your books your companions.” He refers to his library as his "best treasure," his "best companion," and to his book-shelves as "the most beautiful pleasure gardens."


在猶太傳統中,書籍被埋葬而不是扔掉;這顯示了猶太人對書籍的高度尊重。Zig Ziglar在銷售方面取得了巨大成功,他說:“富人有小電視和大圖書館,窮人有小圖書館和大電視。”

In Jewish tradition, books are buried instead of being thrown away; this shows the depth of respect that Jews have for books. Zig Ziglar, who built a wildly successful career in sales, said, “Rich people have small TVs and big libraries, and poor people have small libraries and big TVs.”



Jews love reading, and they love reading since childhood. For them, reading is as important as food and water, and reading is an indispensable part of their life.


According to relevant statistics, the average Jewish reads 64 books a year, ranking first in the world. There are at least several reasons why Jews read so much every year.


Jewish people -- a nation that loves learning

Jewish people account for only 0.2% of the world's population, but in the past 100 years, they have won nearly 30% of the Nobel Prize.


They spread the Bible created by their ancestors all over the world. In 1948, less than a month after the founding of Israel, Israel was forced to declare war. However, they built the new Israel into a modern economic power in the midst of continuous war, in the harsh conditions of Gobi desert and lack of fresh water.


Jews don't think they are smarter than other people in the world, but they admit that they are more diligent than others. The bloody national history and the dangerous living environment make the Jews realize that they must rely on knowledge and wisdom if they want to stand in the world.


The Jewish people's great achievement is the result of paying attention to education and the rich reward of the people's love of reading and learning.


Good reading atmosphere and habits


The Jewish love of reading is handed down from generation to generation. Jewish children began to read Torah sentences when they were just beginning to speak. They learned the scriptures at the age of five. Jewish parents will use honey to encourage children to read. If children read well, they will taste the sweet taste of honey. In children's eyes, knowledge is sweet and happy.


Jewish children have been told since childhood that "life will have an end, but reading will never end.". Since ancient times, Jewish children have often been asked such a question: "if one day your house was burned down and your property was robbed, what would you take with you to escape?" If the child's answer is money or diamonds, the mother will further ask: "there is a kind of treasure without shape, color and smell. Do you know what it is?" If the child can't answer, the mother will say, "son, what you want to take away is not money or diamonds, but wisdom. Because no one can take away wisdom. As long as you live, wisdom will always follow you. Because money is in your pocket, but wisdom is in your head. "


The large amount of Jewish reading is inseparable from their living habits. Jews regard reading as a habit and virtue.


Israel implements a policy of cultural openness and mass culture. Newspapers and books from all over the world can be seen in Israel. They are translated into many languages and sold through various channels. According to statistics, Israel has the largest number of libraries and publishing houses per capita in the world. Moreover, the price of books is relatively low among the living expenses of the Israelites. Bookstores and libraries are all over the city. In Israel, about a quarter of the people in the country have library cards.


The fourth commandment of the ten commandments of the Bible stipulates that the sabbath day should be commemorated and kept as a holy day. The Sabbath is a weekly rest day in Judaism, symbolizing the seventh day after the creation of the sixth day of Genesis. Most of them are forbidden to go out to visit their families, hotels, friends and other places of entertainment. Only one thing is licensed, that is, reading and buying books. Bookstores, big and small, are open to business, and there are an endless stream of patrons here. The bookstore was full of people. No one was noisy. People were reading quietly.

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