Day151: Doing more

As time goes by, I realize that I am a good worker but not an excellent worker. Why would I say this?

Cus several days before, I had a discussion with my manager. We talked about more, mainly for some issues which I had for recently days. Since having a conversion last time with my leader, he shared me that I should do more for the development of new innovate products, that means except my normal job I should do more.

But until now almost one year passed, I still didn't make any positive results, which made my feel sorry about myself. I made some conclusions of this, there are did some reasons but I wouldn't like to write here.

Although, this made me think about something. In job career, If you want to be an better worker or want to get high salary or position, then you must do more things except some usually This is very critical to improve yourself and make much progress in job career.

Please remember it. I promise you will doing well in the future based on this point.

Wish you be lucky. Thx....Barry

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