
   ①As an old saying goes: one ant-hole may cause the collapse of a huge Dam. ②For us college students, it has an increasingly important significance: the details play an important role on the whole. ③The following reasons can account for this issue.

    ①First and foremost, there is no doubt that people will treat you differently if you neglect(ignore,miss ) the details. ②Based on a most recent survey, most social elites admitted that they hate to work with people who neglect the details.③Furthermore, no one can deny that the opportunity comes from the details.④Where there are details, there are innovations. ⑤Last but not least, it is obvious that success or failure is decided by the details. Although the details are small, they can be key to the whole issue.

   In a word,① it is of great necessity for us to pay attention to the details.②If we try our utmost to complete the small details, the future of our life will be both promising and hopeful.


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