MyISAM 和 InnoDB 有什麼區別? [複製] - What's the difference between MyISAM and InnoDB? [duplicate]


This question already has answers here : 這個問題在這裏已經有了答案
Closed 8 years ago . 8 年前關閉。

I understand that this question has been asked before, but most of the time it is asked in relation to a specific database or table.我知道之前有人問過這個問題,但大多數時候是針對特定的數據庫或表提出的。 I cannot find an answer on this site that describes the two engines and their differences without respect to someones specific database.我無法在此站點上找到描述兩種引擎及其差異的答案,而不考慮某人的特定數據庫。

I want to be able to make more informed decisions in the future with respect to designing a table or database, so am looking for a comprehensive answer on the differences between the two storage engines.我希望將來能夠在設計表或數據庫方面做出更明智的決定,因此我正在尋找有關兩種存儲引擎之間差異的全面答案。

What's the difference between MyISAM and InnoDB , and what should I be looking for when trying to decide between one or the other? MyISAMInnoDB之間有什麼區別,在嘗試決定一個或另一個時我應該尋找什麼?


參考二: What's the difference between MyISAM and InnoDB? [duplicate]
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