Android模拟器无法访问互联网 - Android emulator not able to access the internet


I know that similar questions have been asked before, but my problem is new only after installing Android Studio 2.3, the latest version in March 2017. I have several years experience developing Android applications, and I have never encountered this problem before.我知道之前也有人问过类似的问题,但是我的问题是在安装了2017年3月的最新版本Android Studio 2.3后才出现的。我有几年的Android应用程序开发经验,以前从未遇到过这个问题。 After upgrading to version 2.3 of Android Studio, my emulator is no longer able to access the internet.升级到 Android Studio 2.3 版本后,我的模拟器无法再访问 Internet。 I even uninstalled/reinstalled Android Studio 2.3 from scratch and created a new emulator, and I am still getting the same error.我什至从头开始卸载/重新安装 Android Studio 2.3 并创建了一个新的模拟器,但我仍然遇到相同的错误。 This is not an app problem.这不是应用程序问题。 I can't even access the internet from Chrome, and I wasn't having this problem last week.我什至无法从 Chrome 访问互联网,上周我没有遇到这个问题。 The message that I get says that the server DNS address could not be found -- DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_BAD_CONFIG.我收到的消息说找不到服务器 DNS 地址——DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_BAD_CONFIG。 The only thing that has changed on my computer in the last week is the new version of Android plus possibly updates to Windows 10. And yes, my computer has access to the internet.上周我电脑上唯一改变的是新版本的 Android 以及可能更新到 Windows 10。是的,我的电脑可以访问互联网。 Below is an image of my emulator when I try to use Chrome to search for "Google".下面是我尝试使用 Chrome 搜索“Google”时的模拟器图像。 带有错误消息的模拟器


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