在 Android 中從內存中保存和讀取位圖/圖像 - Saving and Reading Bitmaps/Images from Internal memory in Android


What I want to do, is to save an image to the internal memory of the phone (Not The SD Card) .我想要做的是將圖像保存到手機的內部存儲器(不是 SD 卡)

How can I do it?我該怎麼做?

I have got the image directly from the camera to the image view in my app its all working fine.我已經將圖像直接從相機獲取到我的應用程序中的圖像視圖,一切正常。

Now what I want is to save this image from Image View to the Internal memory of my android device and also access it when required.現在我想要的是將此圖像從 Image View 保存到我的 android 設備的內部存儲器中,並在需要時訪問它。

Can anyone please guide me how to do this?誰能指導我如何做到這一點?

I am a little new to android so please, I would appreciate if I can have a detailed procedure.我對android有點陌生,所以如果我能有一個詳細的過程,我將不勝感激。


參考一: https://en.stackoom.com/question/1C9yk
參考二: https://stackoom.com/question/1C9yk
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