CommonAPI C++(fidl)介紹


  • 第一部分是由CommonAPI代碼生成器生成的基於Franca的部分,也就是根據*.fidl文件生成的部分。那是接口的一部分,它是根據FrancaIDL文件中的規範生成的,指數據類型,數組,枚舉和接口等基礎知識,包含屬性,方法,回調,錯誤處理,廣播等方面。

  • 第二個固定部分,是基於CommonAPIRuntime的功能,且獨立於接口的規範。它們主要與基於中間件(someip/d-bus)提供的運行時環境有關。此外,此部分包含常見的類型定義和基類。也就是CommonAPI源代碼庫與所選中間件(someip/d-bus)的源代碼庫,供代碼生成器生成的代碼調用。


Franca 基礎部分


類別1 類別2 說明 舉例
package 限定包名,與命名空間(namespace)有關,必須包含 Package commonapi.examples
interface 接口,提供一個接口名稱,用於包含接口函數等,當定義接口時需要 Interface Methods
version 版本號,同命名空間(namespace)有關,必須包含 version{major 0 minor 1}
method 方法,定義供應用程序所調用的輸入輸出接口函數,具有in,out,error三種參數,這三種參數都是可選的,可以只有in和out,或只有in等多種組合。 method foo { in { Int32 x1 String x2 } out { Int32 y1 String y2} error{ stdErrorTypeEnum } }
broadcast 廣播,定義供應用程序調用的廣播類接口函數;只有out參數。 broadcast myStatus { out { Int32 myCurrentValue } }
attribute 屬性,對各種屬性進行定義,可用於獲取或設置屬性值 attribute Int32 x
typedef 定義類型別名 typedef MyType is Int32
array 數組 array myArray of UInt16
enumeration 枚舉類型 enumeration stdErrorTypeEnum { NO_FAULT MY_FAULT }
union 聯合類型 union MyUnion {UInt32 MyUIntString MyString}
struct 結構體 struct a2Struct { Int32 a Boolean b Double d}
map 一種STL關聯容器,以一種鍵值-對的機制存儲數據 map MyMap {UInt32 to String}
typeCollection 類型集合,用戶根據自己的需要添加的數據類型的集合,各種數據結構在同一個文件中進行擴展等 typeCollection CommonTypes
version 同interface::version 同interface::version
typedef 同interface::typedef 同interface::typedef
array 同interface::array 同interface::array
enumeration 同interface::enumeration 同interface::enumeration
union 同interface::union 同interface::union
struct 同interface::struct 同interface::struct
map 同interface::map 同interface::map


/* Copyright (C) 2015 Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft (BMW AG)
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at */

package commonapi.examples

interface E02Attributes {
    version { major 1 minor 0 }

    attribute Int32 x
    attribute CommonTypes.a1Struct a1

typeCollection CommonTypes {
    version { major 1 minor 0 }
    struct a1Struct {
        String s
        a2Struct a2

    struct a2Struct {
        Int32 a
        Boolean b
        Double d



Common API基本函數的名稱空間是Common API;

Common API應用程序的名稱空間取決於Franca IDL中定義接口規範和接口版本的限定包名。

Franca IDL文件中顯示:

生成的代碼中顯示(CommonAPI C++):

namespace 每個文件的開頭都有,代表這個文件所在的src-gen下面的路徑,每個namespace代表一層目錄;

如果接口沒有版本,則省略名稱空間中與版本有關的部分(例如圖中的namespace v0)。

Version {major 1 minor 0} -- namespace v1 { }
Version {major 0 minor 1} -- namespace v0 { }
Version {major 0 minor 0} -- 無與版本相關的namespce


Franca IDL文件中顯示:



類型集合Type Collection

在Franca中,可以將一組用戶定義的類型定義爲type collection。

類型集合的名稱稱爲typecollectionname,可以爲空。CommonAPI爲空類型集合使用默認名稱Anonymous。CommonAPI代碼生成器生成頭文件Anonymous.hpp,併爲類型集合創建C++ struct。


Franca IDL文件中顯示:




如果指定了附加標誌fireAndForget,則不允許使用out參數,它指示既不返回值也不表示調用狀態。沒有fireAndForget標誌的方可能返回error,可以在Franca IDL中將其指定爲枚舉。


Franca IDL文件中顯示:

在Franca IDL中,方法的異步或同步調用之間沒有區別。




Franca IDL文件中顯示:



標誌 說明
none 沒有附加任何標誌的標準屬性,默認允許所有內容
readonly 只讀屬性
noSubscriptions 不可觀察的屬性
readonly onSubscriptions 不可觀察和不可寫的屬性


 * \brief Class representing a read only attribute
 * Class representing a read only attribute
template <typename ValueType_>
class ReadonlyAttribute {
    typedef ValueType_ ValueType;

    typedef std::function<void(const CallStatus &, ValueType_)> AttributeAsyncCallback;

    virtual ~ReadonlyAttribute() { }

     * \brief Get value of attribute, usually from remote. Synchronous call.
     * Get value of attribute, usually from remote. Synchronous call.
     * @param value Reference to be filled with value.
     * @param callStatus call status reference will be filled with status of the operation
    virtual void getValue(CallStatus &_status,
                          ValueType_ &_value,
                          const CallInfo *_info = nullptr) const = 0;

     * \brief Get value of attribute, usually from remote. Asynchronous call.
     * Get value of attribute, usually from remote. Asynchronous call.
     * @param attributeAsyncCallback std::function object for the callback to be invoked.
     * @return std::future containing the call status of the operation.
    virtual std::future<CallStatus> getValueAsync(AttributeAsyncCallback attributeAsyncCallback,
                                                  const CallInfo *_info = nullptr) = 0;

 * \brief Class representing a read and writable attribute
 * Class representing a read and writable attribute
template <typename ValueType_>
class Attribute: public ReadonlyAttribute<ValueType_> {
    typedef typename ReadonlyAttribute<ValueType_>::ValueType ValueType;
    typedef typename ReadonlyAttribute<ValueType_>::AttributeAsyncCallback AttributeAsyncCallback;

    virtual ~Attribute() { }

     * \brief Set value of attribute, usually to remote. Synchronous call.
     * Set value of attribute, usually to remote. Synchronous call.
     * @param requestValue Value to be set
     * @param callStatus call status reference will be filled with status of the operation
     * @param responseValue Reference which will contain the actuall value set by the remote.
    virtual void setValue(const ValueType_& requestValue,
                          CallStatus& callStatus,
                          ValueType_& responseValue,
                          const CallInfo *_info = nullptr) = 0;

     * \brief Set value of attribute, usually to remote. Asynchronous call.
     * Set value of attribute, usually to remote. Asynchronous call.
     * @param requestValue Value to be set
     * @param attributeAsyncCallback std::function object for the callback to be invoked.
     * @return std::future containing the call status of the operation.
    virtual std::future<CallStatus> setValueAsync(const ValueType_& requestValue,
                                                  AttributeAsyncCallback attributeAsyncCallback,
                                                  const CallInfo *_info = nullptr) = 0;

 * \brief Class representing an observable attribute
 * Class representing an observable attribute
template <typename AttributeBaseClass_>
class ObservableAttributeImpl: public AttributeBaseClass_ {
    typedef typename AttributeBaseClass_::ValueType ValueType;
    typedef typename AttributeBaseClass_::AttributeAsyncCallback AttributeAsyncCallback;
    typedef Event<ValueType> ChangedEvent;

    virtual ~ObservableAttributeImpl() { }

     * \brief Returns the event handler for the remote change notification event
     * Returns the event handler for the remote change notification event
     * @return The event handler object
    virtual ChangedEvent& getChangedEvent() = 0;

template <typename ValueType_>
struct ObservableReadonlyAttribute: ObservableAttributeImpl< ReadonlyAttribute<ValueType_> > {

template <typename ValueType_>
struct ObservableAttribute: ObservableAttributeImpl< Attribute<ValueType_> > {

Franca IDL文件中顯示:







Franca Type Name CommonAPI C++ Type Notes
UInt8 uint8_t unsigned 8-bit integer(range 0…255)
Int8 int8_t signed 8-bit integer(range -128…127)
UInt16 uint16_t unsigned 16-bit integer(range 0…65535)
Int16 int16_t signed 16-bit integer(range -32768…32767)
UInt32 uint32_t unsigned 32-bit integer(range 0…4294967295)
Int32 int32_t signed 32-bit integer(range -2147483648…2147473647)
UInt64 uint64_t unsigned 64-bit integer
Int64 int64_t signed 64-bit integer
Boolean bool boolean value, which can take one of two values: false or true
Float float Floating point number(4 bytes, range +/3.4e+/-38, ~7 digits).
Double double double precision floating point number(8 bytes, range+/-1.7e+/-308, ~15 digits).
String std::string character string.
ByteBuffer std::vector<uint8_t> buffer of bytes(aka BLOB).
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