Bootstrap - 當屏幕尺寸較小時刪除填充或邊距 - Bootstrap - Removing padding or margin when screen size is smaller


EDITED: Maybe I should ask which selector sets up the side padding when the screen is reduced to below 480px width?編輯:也許我應該問當屏幕寬度減小到 480 像素以下時哪個選擇器設置側邊距? I have been browsing bootstrap-responsiveness.css for a while to locate this but nothing seems to affect this.我一直在瀏覽 bootstrap-responsiveness.css 一段時間來找到它,但似乎沒有任何影響。

Original I basically want to remove any default padding or margin set for responsiveness on smaller device screens.原始我基本上想刪除任何默認填充或邊距設置以在較小的設備屏幕上響應。

I have a background color overridden on container-fluid selector and for larger screen they render perfectly 100% across the width but they the screen is reduced to smaller sizes, by default, Bootstrap seems to add a margin or padding on container-fluid or container .我在container-fluid選擇器上覆蓋了background color ,對於更大的屏幕,它們在整個寬度上完美呈現 100%,但屏幕縮小到更小的尺寸,默認情況下,Bootstrap 似乎在container-fluidcontainer上添加邊距或填充.

<div class="container-fluid">
    <div class="row-fluid">

If I use custom css to overwriting Bootstrap's default style, what media query or selector should I overwrite to for removing this padding on smaller screens?如果我使用自定義 css 覆蓋 Bootstrap 的默認樣式,我應該覆蓋哪些媒體查詢或選擇器以在較小的屏幕上刪除此填充?


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