Vagrant命令究竟做了什麼? - What exactly do the Vagrant commands do?


There is surprisingly no documentation on what the Vagrant commands do, other than references throughout the "getting started" tutorial. 令人驚訝的是,沒有關於Vagrant命令的文檔,除了“入門”教程中的參考文獻。

What I've worked out so far: 到目前爲止我已經解決了什麼:

  • box - manage " boxes " box - 管理“ 盒子
  • destroy - shut down the VM then delete its stored image? destroy - 關閉VM然後刪除其存儲的圖像?
  • gem
  • halt - shut down the VM halt - 關閉VM
  • init - prepare a directory with a new Vagrantfile init - 使用新的Vagrantfile準備一個目錄
  • package - shut down the VM, then convert it to a 'package' which can be turned into a box? package - 關閉VM,然後將其轉換爲'package',可以將其變成一個盒子? (Or something) (或者其他的東西)
  • provision - run just the provisioning (eg, Chef, Puppet...) stage provision - 只運行配置(例如,Chef,Puppet ......)階段
  • reload - modify the VM configuration (eg, reapply Vagrantfile), reboot the VM, reprovision reload - 修改VM配置(例如,重新應用Vagrantfile),重新啓動VM,重新配置
  • resume - un-suspend (ie, unhibernate) resume - un-suspend(即unhibernate)
  • ssh - open an SSH shell connection to the VM ssh - 打開與VM的SSH shell連接
  • ssh-config
  • status
  • suspend - hibernate the VM suspend - 休眠VM
  • up - some or all of: copy a VM image to create a new VM, apply configuration to it, boot it up - 部分或全部:複製VM映像以創建新VM,對其應用配置,引導它

Do I have these right? 我有這些權利嗎? What are the others? 還有什麼? I'm still a bit unclear on the exact difference between reload and destroy / up . 我仍然有點不清楚reloaddestroy / up之間的確切區別。


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