如何在類路徑中使用通配符添加多個jar? [重複] - How to use a wildcard in the classpath to add multiple jars? [duplicate]


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I have been using so many 3rd party libraries(jar files) that my CLASSPATH is completely messed up as i have to include the path for every single jar file that i use. 我一直在使用這麼多的第三方庫(jar文件),我的CLASSPATH完全搞砸了,因爲我必須包含我使用的每個jar文件的路徑。

I've been wondering if there is a way to include all the jar files in a folder using wildcard(*) operator (like *.jar). 我一直想知道是否有辦法使用通配符(*)運算符(如* .jar)將所有jar文件包含在文件夾中。 But it seems to be not working. 但似乎沒有用。 Is there any other way that can shorten the CLASSPATH that currently looks like an essay ;) on my PC?. 有沒有其他方法可以縮短當前看起來像文章的CLASSPATH;)在我的電腦上?


參考: https://stackoom.com/en/question/5Bp7
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